Dog Dewormer For Cancer Treatment


Dog dewormer for cancer – In January 2017, it was discovered that aggressive cancer had spread throughout the body, including the liver, pancreas, bladder, stomach, neck, and bones, and he was only three months old. But then veterinarians made a very conventional suggestion of taking fenbendazole, an anti-worm medicine used to treat hookworm and roundworms and other intestinal parasites in animals, especially dogs.

This suggestion is very controversial because it contradicts the medical advice of cancer specialists. Dog dewormer for cancer – Doctors at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas have put Joe in clinical trials, saying it won’t save his life, but it can prolong him by giving him about a year or so to live.

With nothing to lose, Joe offered to participate and, while on trial, saw a post on the Oklahoma state university online forum, where he had studied earlier, asking people with cancer to get in touch.

The person who turned out to be a poster was a veterinarian who said scientists accidentally discovered that treating dog worms seemed to fight various forms of cancer in rats.

Dog Dewormer For Cancer Treatment

Veterinarians claim that the scientists who conducted the study had stage 4 brain cancer, a prognosis similar to that provided by Joe. He has already started taking pills for dogs and in six weeks the cancer of scientists disappeared, the veterinarian said. See also: Cancer Infusion Therapy.

When he ordered fenbendazole, he described himself as “a skeleton with his skin hanging” and had lost half of his previous weight. Joe later said that while his insurance company has spent $1.2 million on traditional medicine, dog remedies cost only $5 a week.

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They say drugs for dogs starve and kill cancer cells, according to a study published in Nature. Dog dewormer for cancer – Although there are reports, nothing is proven and contrary to conventional medical advice.

While he was in clinical trials, although he had not revealed what therapy he received, he was taking dog medications, but did not reveal it to the doctor. In addition, he also consumed vitamin E, CBD (cannabidiol) and bioavailable curcumin. Joe later became a grandfather in May and more than two weeks later he had another CT scan.

He wrote on his website: “Three months before. There’s cancer in my body from head to toe. And it’s a very dangerous metastasis that causes almost 100% of its victims to die within 3 months. I’m here three months later and the PET CT scan is really dark, no light everywhere. “According to Joe, the oncologist was surprised.

He stated that his doctor told him, “We don’t know what to do, because you’re the only patient in a clinical trial with that kind of response.”

He underwent another scan in September 2017 and was again found without cancer. That’s when he revealed to the doctor what he was drinking. Although there was no way to prove that worm treatment had an impact on his cancer, the doctor said he was “excluded”” from the trial. Joe did a final scan in January 2018 and a follow-up consultation in April when his oncologist withdrew him because he had no cancer to treat.

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