Torus Palatinus Cancer


Torus palatinus cancer – Torus palatinus is a harmless and painless bone growth located on the roof of the mouth (the Hard Palace). The mass appears in the center of the hard ceiling and may vary depending on size and shape. About 20-30% of the population has a torus palatinus. This happens most often in women and people of Asian origin.

What are the symptoms? While torus palatinus usually do not cause pain or physical symptoms, may have the following characteristics: (1) is located in the middle of the roof of the mouth. (2) This varies according to size, from less than 2 millimeters to more than 6 millimeters. (3) It may take different flatforms, nodules, shaped shafts or appear as a connected growth group. (4) Slow growth. It usually starts at puberty, but it can’t be seen until middle age. As you age, Torus palatinus stop and, in some cases, can shrink, due to the natural resorption of the bones, as we age.

How to diagnose the cancer of the torus palatinus? If torus palatinus is big enough, you’ll feel it. But if it’s small and you don’t have symptoms, it’s something that your dentist will find during a routine oral exam.

Torus Palatinus Cancer

What causes and who is in danger? Researchers do not really know what causes the torus of the Palatine, but they are very suspicious that they may have a genetic component so that people with torus Palatinos can continue this condition for their children. Other possible causes include:

  1. Diet. Researchers studying torus palatinus Note that this is the most widespread in countries where people consume large quantities of saltwater fish, countries such as Japan, Croatia, Indonesia, and Norway, for example. Fish in saline contains large amounts of polyunsaturated and vitamin D fats, two important nutrients for bone growth. 
  2. Tighten/eat teeth. Some researchers believe there is a relationship between the pressure exerted on the bone structure of the mouth when eating and tightening the teeth. However, others disagree. 
  3. Bone density increased. While additional studies are needed, researchers have discovered that women in post-menopausal white with torus palatinus moderate to high were more likely than others to also have a normal density-to-high of bones. 
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Is this cancer? You must have a development in your body investigated, but oral cancer is rare, only 0.11% of men and 0.07% of women appear. When oral cancer occurs, it is usually observed in soft tissues of the mouth, such as cheeks and tongue. However, your doctor may want to use a CT scan to describe torus palatinus to get rid of cancer.

What Are The Treatment Options for Torus Palatinus?

The treatment for torus palatinus is usually not recommended unless it affects your life in several ways. Surgery is the most commonly treated. But, the operation will also see some suggestions that are sure to perform this treatment, for example, make it difficult to adapt to dentures. Then as much as disturbing eats, drink, talk, or good dental hygiene. And the shape comes out in such a way that you scratch it when you chew hard food, like chips. There are no blood vessels in torus palatinus, so when it is scratched and cut, it can be slow to heal.

Surgery can be done under local anesthesia. Your surgeon. It will typically be a maxillo-facial surgeon (someone who specializes in the surgery of the neck, face, and jaw). They will make an incision in the middle of the hard palate and remove excess bone before closing the opening with sutures.

The risk of complications with this operation is low, but problems may occur. These include: cracking nasal cavity; Infection, which may occur when you expose a network; Swelling excessive bleeding; Reaction to anesthesia (rare); Recovery usually takes 3 to 4 weeks. To help minimize discomfort and speed healing, the surgeon may suggest: take prescription medication pain, eating soft foods to help avoid opening the seam, and/or gargle with salt water or oral antiseptic, to Reduces the risk of infection.

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Hint: Every time you see a piece in any part of your body, try to check it. It’s important to rule out something serious, like cancer. But generally, torus palatinus is a relatively common, painless, benign condition. Many people lead a healthy and normal life, despite the growth of torus palatinus. However, if the masses interfere with life in any way, surgical removal is a complicated and uncomplicated treatment option.

Although several studies suggest Tori palatinus in a dominant autosomal trait, it is generally believed that the Tori palatinus is caused by several factors. They are more common in early adult life and can increase size. In some elderly people, the size of Tori may fall due to bone resorption. It is believed that the lower jaw is the result of local pressure and not only on genetic influences.

Sometimes tori are classified according to their appearance. As a large base and the surface is smooth, the plane is located in the median line of the ceiling and extends symmetrically to one side. Tori’s fingerprints have a ridge located in the Central line. Tori nodules have a double growth of the bone, each with its own base. Lobular Tori has a lot of bone growth with a common base.

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