Multiple Myeloma Prognosis Stage 3


Multiple myeloma prognosis stage 3 – A reasoned decision about the treatment begins with the stage or progression of the disease. Stage of multiple myeloma is one of the most important factors in evaluating treatment options.

Our doctors-cancer use various diagnostic tests to evaluate for multiple myeloma and develop an individualized treatment plan. If you have been recently diagnosed, we will review your pathology to confirm that you have received the correct diagnosis and information about the production, and develop an individual treatment plan. Multiple myeloma forum – If you have repetition, we will conduct comprehensive testing and identify a treatment approach that is suitable for your needs.

Multiple Myeloma Prognosis Stage 3

In stage III multiple myeloma the number of myeloma cells is considered high. The most advanced stage of multiple myeloma characterized by a high level of beta-2 microglobulin and low albumin levels.

Multiple myeloma: prognosis – Doctors often use survival rates as a standard for discussing prognosis multiple myeloma. Survival rates based on previous outcomes of the disease large number of patients. It is important to note that the prognosis of each patient is highly individual and depends on the specific clinical picture and medical history. The forecast may be influenced by many factors, including age, General health, quality of treatment and response of disease to therapy.

It is important to remember that the forecast is a rough estimate. Treatment options and prognosis of multiple myeloma in a particular human depend on many factors, one of which is the stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis. The sooner diagnosed multiple myeloma, the better the prognosis. Another factor influencing the forecast is the age of the patient. Young people tend to have higher chances of stable remission than older.

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In some patients, myeloma may be asymptomatic and progress slowly. With the timely application of modern methods of treatment of cancer of the blood and the occurrence of complete remission, the prognosis of multiple myeloma in these patients, as a rule, very favorable. In case of bad functioning of the kidneys and the presence of rapidly growing cancer cells, on the contrary, the prognosis will be unfavorable.

There are so-called “median survival”, indicating the survival time of most patients with the diagnosed disease. The time is determined from the start of treatment time. The international median survival contains the following data regarding the duration of life of patients at different stages of the detection and treatment of disease: Stage I, survival of 62 months; Stage II, survival of approximately 44 months. Stage III, the survival is 29 months.

Multiple Myeloma Prognosis Stage 3

But by definition, half of the patients live longer than indicated in the median survival. It should also be noted that methods of therapy are constantly improving, therefore, the forecast of multiple myeloma is improving from day to day. In General, the prognosis of multiple myeloma is similar to the following: About 77% of the patients diagnosed with myeloma live for at least a year after diagnosis. About 47% live at least 5 years. About 33% of patients live for at least 10 years.

Multiple Myeloma Prognosis Stage 3

As with other types of cancer, the prognosis of multiple myeloma depends on the stage at which it was detected. At an early stage, the disease has no typical symptoms of blood cancer or bone injuries. The first stage is characterized by a small number of tumor cells and the bone damage is relatively small. In the second stage, the tumor damages the bone tissue. The third stage of the disease is characterized by a large number of pathogenic cells and multiple areas of bone destruction.

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Remember that multiple myeloma may develop and have different diagnoses, such as myeloma Bence-Jones so the prognosis for different patients may vary. In some people, the disease develops very slowly, so the forecast will be better, but such issues should be discussed with your doctor. Before you can make an educated guess as to predict the probability of cure, the physician should perform a number of factors.

In addition to the stage of cancer, there are additional factors affecting prognosis. Such factors include the General health of the patient and whether he needs nursing care. Overall health is related to survival because it determines how people will be able to withstand intensive treatment, contributing to a complete cure or control myeloma longer time. Doctors and researchers are continually looking for new ways to predict the development of myeloma and the effect on prognosis factors.

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