How Does Breast Cancer Affect The Body


How does breast cancer affect the body? Breast Cancer is a disease that affects the body and mind. In addition to the stress that is clearly diagnosed and requires different treatments, you may experience physical changes that you do not expect. At first, breast cancer only affects the breast area. You may notice changes in your breasts. Other symptoms are not very clear until you detect them during self-examination. The Following are more about how breast cancer affects the body and how to handle these changes.

Sometimes your doctor can see a breast cancer tumor on a mammogram or other imaging machine before you see the symptoms. How does breast cancer affect the body – Like other cancers, breast cancer is divided into several stages. Stage 0 is the oldest stage with the least noticeable symptoms. Stage 4 shows that cancer has spread to other parts of the body. If breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it can also cause symptoms in certain areas. The affected area may include: liver, lungs, muscles, bones, and brain. The initial Effects of breast cancer may depend on the type of breast cancer you have.

What Are The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?

You may not have any symptoms or show signs in the early stages of breast cancer. When cancer develops, some physical changes may be observed, including lumps in the chest or stimulation of the breast tissue, and include changes in the size or shape of the breasts, unusual or bloody discharge from the nipple and changes in the skin on or Around the breasts.

Early Detection is the key to early care and a better survival rate. It Is recommended that women over 50 years of age have a mammogram each year. In addition, you should check your breasts for any of the above changes. You can perform a simple check by following these steps: (1) I stood without my head or bra in front of the mirror, first with my hands at my side, and then with my hands up. (2) Look for changes in the shape, size or texture of the breast appearance. (3) Then lie down and use the sanitation (not the tip) of your fingers to feel a bulge in your chest. (4) Repeat this step when you show off. Soap and water will help you feel more closely. (5) To check if there is a liquid or liquid, press the lighter on the nipples.

How Does Breast Cancer Affect The Body

How Does Breast Cancer Affect The Body

1. Breast Changes. Breast Cancer usually starts at a single breast. According to the American Cancer Society, the most common sign of breast cancer is a mass or a new piece formed in the breast.
How does breast cancer affect the body? The Mass or the piece is usually irregular and painless. However, some forms of cancer can be painful and round. Therefore, each piece or meal should be tested for cancer. Invasive ductal Carcinoma causes lumps and lumps in the breast. This is a type of breast cancer that is formed in the milk channels. See also: Breast cancer treatment.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer. This represents about 80% of all diagnoses. It Is also more likely to spread to other areas of the body. Invasive lobular Carcinoma can cause breast thicker. This type of breast cancer begins in the glands that produce milk. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that up to 15% of all breast cancer cases are invasive lobular carcinoma.
You might notice that your breasts Changed color or size. They can also be red or swollen due to a cancerous tumor. Although cancer itself is not usually painful, the swelling that occurs can cause breast pain. However, cancerous pieces may still be painful in some cases.
In the case of breast cancer, your nipples may also exhibit some real changes. You may see the discharge from the nipple, even if you are not currently breastfeeding. How does breast cancer affect the body – Sometimes the discharge also has a small amount of blood in it. The Mothers themselves can rotate inside.
2. Integrated System (skin). In addition to the changes in the breast itself, the skin around the breast can also have breast cancer. This can be very itchy and can become dry and cracked. Some women also have skin curves along their breasts that look like orange peel. Thiculation of breast tissue is also common in breast cancer.
3. The Immune System and excretion. In the advanced stages of breast cancer, the tumor has spread to other lymph nodes. The Fittings are some of the first areas affected. This is due to the fact that I’m close to the breast. You can feel the sensitivity and swell under your arms.
Other lymphatic glands may be affected because of the lymphatic system. Although This system is usually responsible for transmitting healthy lymph (fluid) into the body, this system can also spread cancerous tumors. Tumors can spread through the lymphatic system to the lungs and to the liver. If the lungs are affected, you may have a chronic cough, shortness of breath or other shortness of breath.
4. Nervous system. Breast cancer can also spread to the brain. This can result in a variety of neurological effects, which include: double or blurred vision, confusion, headaches, memory loss, mobility problems, difficulty speaking and seizures.
5. Skeletal and Muscular System. It is also possible for breast cancer to spread to the muscles and bones. You may have pain in these areas and limited movement. Your Joints Can be painful, especially after you wake up or get up for a long time.
Such effects may also increase the risk of injury due to lack of mobility. Broken Bones are also risky. How does breast cancer affect the body – It is important to take a mammogram and other types of breast examinations recommended by your doctor. Imaging Tests can detect breast cancer before even having symptoms. This can accelerate treatment and create more positive results.

How Does The Body Change After Certain Procedures?

How does breast cancer affect the body – Apart from non-surgical treatments available for patients with breast cancer, there are several surgeries that can also affect the body. Although surgery has the risk of bleeding and infection, it is usually necessary to remove cancerous tumors and lymph nodes.
1. Mastectomy. Surgeons often do mastectomy in larger tumors. The Whole breast is eliminated in this procedure. This includes removal: lobules, canals, tissues, skin, nipples, and areola. You Can explore a mastectomy  “Skin rescue”, which is when your doctor tries to keep your skin and sometimes nipples for subsequent reconstruction.
2. Lumpectomy. Lumpectomy is sometimes referred to as “breast preservation surgery “. This is because it can raise smaller tumors locally without removing the entire breast. The Surgeon removes the tumor, as well as the edge of the tissue around the tumor. This can cause some scars or other physical changes or asymmetry of the breast.
Some women choose to remove both breasts, called contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. It can be a good choice if you have a strong family history of breast cancer, known genetic mutations, such as BRCA, or if you have an increased risk of cancer in other breasts. Many women suffering from cancer in one breast do not develop to another breast.
3. Removal of lymph nodes. Regardless of the breast cancer surgery you choose, your surgeon Will most likely eliminate one or more lymph nodes under the arm. If There is no clinical evidence or suspicion that cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, you may undergo a biopsy of the sentinel gland. Only one or two nodes are deleted Here. If you have a biopsy of the lymph nodes that show cancer before surgery, you may need an axillary dissection of the lymph nodes. During The axillary dissection, the doctor can remove between 15 and 20 knots in an effort to eliminate all the nodes of cancer. This will leave a scar on the site of the incision outside the chest, near the armpit.
How does breast cancer affect the body – How do I adapt to changes in my body due to breast cancer? Before surgery, you can contact a plastic surgeon to find out the options at your disposal. The reconstruction can be done by storing your own breast tissue or using a silicone implant or water content. These procedures are usually carried out in conjunction with your operations or later.
The alternative to reconstruction is prosthetics. If you do not want to rebuild the breast, but you still need a breast form, you may choose to use a prosthesis. It’s also called a breast prosthetic. The prosthetic can be inserted into a bra or swimsuit to fill the space where your breasts are. These forms of breast cancer depending on your needs found in many different shapes, sizes, and materials.
See also  Breast Cancer Screening Tests

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