What Is Carcinoid Syndrome Symptoms?

What is Carcinoid Syndrome Symptoms? (Diagnosis, Treatment)

What is carcinoid syndrome symptoms diagnosis? The Carcinoid syndrome is a group of symptoms caused by Carcinoid tumors. Cancer cells are part of the endocrine system, and tumors Secrets too many hormones, serotonin (causing symptoms) Carcinoid syndrome. The carcinoid syndrome occurs when the tumor is rare cancer known as the carcinoid tumor secretes some chemicals into the blood, causing a variety of signs and symptoms. Carcinoid tumors usually occur most in the gastrointestinal tract or lungs. 90% of these tumors are located in the digestive tract, especially in appendicitis, the end of the colon, rectum. Besides, the carcinoid tumor is located in the gas, bronchial, bile duct, pancreas, ovary, testis, and uterus, carcinoid tumors, although it is in the body, also has the same nature. Causing the carcinoid syndrome. The carcinoid tumors are characterized by slow growth and distant metastasis. If the early stages of the disease are found, the chances of successful treatment are very high. But when the carcinoid syndrome appears, metastasis is common.

The carcinoid syndrome occurs only at about 10% of people with carcinoid cancers. Because hormone tumors secreting indirectly into the circulatory system are not causing symptoms, hormone-secreting from the gastrointestinal tract invades into the vein system into the liver and is altered to effect before entering the artery, go to agencies. But when the tumor comes to the liver, hormones will inundate the circulatory system and cause the symptoms of carcinoid syndrome. Symptoms of carcinoid syndrome include diarrhea, hot ran, heart palpitations (rapid heart rate), drumming breasts, breathing fast and wheezing.

In particular, it is possible to see the hottest light and hot flashes usually start after tension, after ingestion, after physical activity or after feeding. For example, snacks, meat is jammed, salted meat, tyramine. In life, alcohol and stress are often hot. Stress and feeding any foods that cause diarrhea are common, so the facial redness diagnosis is caused by the difficult carcinoid syndrome. That explains why many diagnoses of carcinoid syndrome are very late, usually when the tumor has spread to the liver. Actually clinical, carcinoid syndrome is often diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

Carcinoid syndrome usually occurs in people with advanced carcinoid tumors. Treatment of carcinoid syndrome is often associated with cancer treatment. Carcinoid syndrome symptoms. However, since most carcinoid tumors do not cause carcinoid syndrome until they evolve, the cure is impossible. In these cases, the medication can relieve the symptoms of your carcinoid syndrome and make you feel more comfortable.

Currently, the digestive tract is also considered a hormonal body because there are a lot of hormonal neurons located along the digestive tract. Other positions of the digestive tract may be colon, stomach, and molecule. The most common carcinoid syndrome in scarlet lupus patients is a typical disease, while the main tumors and the end are typically atypical. These cells can become cancerous that causes nerve endocrine tumors; The most common is the carcinoid tumor. The incidence of these tumors is not much but the diagnosis is difficult, the prognosis is conservative, the main clinical manifestations are irrigated by digestive disorders. The disease was first described in 1838, but by 1907, Oberdorfer used the term carcinoid to refer to this disease.

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Most carcinoid tumors are found inadvertently through surgery, autopsy, or occasionally through endoscopic. In the early carcinoid stages often only symptoms are unclear to this disease often overlooked.

Symptoms such as redness, liquid fertilizers, abdominal pain only appear in the final stages when the tumor has spread to the liver, the hanging ganglion, or other organs. The primary common symptom of carcinoid tumors is the manifestation of the carcinoid syndrome which includes:

1. Blushing, neck, chest: skin on the face and chest on feel hot and change the color from pink to purple. The flushing period can last a few minutes to a few hours or so. These symptoms are usually developed during stress, after drinking, and/or after eating or while taking medication like epinephrine. However, this expression varies according to the location of the tumor. With bronchial carcinoid, clinical symptoms are often hardened, facial redness is usually severe and prolonged with face marks, anxiety thrill, tremor and irritation, watery tears , sweat, saliva melt the nose, nausea, vomiting, fever and severe diarrhea. Carcinoid tumor from the stomach only has slightly red symptoms with pink plaque, sometimes crowded.

2. The second common symptom is diarrhea, caused by increased secretion, absorption of poor and increased diarrhea. Diarrhea can only be combined with red hides. Other symptoms may include cramps in the leg, abdominal pain can be accompanied by partial bowel rule, cardiac valve fibrosis, duodenal stomach ulcers and PPE.

3. The appearance of clinical symptoms may not work in chronic, facial redness symptoms may appear to have or without diarrhea symptoms. But if diarrhea, often it is sometimes accompanied by gastric spasms that can occur in people with carcinoid syndrome.

4. Facial redness may occur for no apparent reason, although it can sometimes be triggered by stress, exercise or drinking. Another symptom is a fast heart rate, fast heart rate can be a sign of the carcinoid syndrome.

5. Face skin damage. The purple areas such as the spider vein can appear on your nose and upper lip. And then the symptoms may include difficulty breathing. Signs and symptoms such as asthma, wheezing and shortness of breath, may occur at the same time as you wash the skin.

Carcinoid Syndrome Symptoms Diagnosis

Carcinoid syndrome symptoms. Often diagnosed late after years because of clinical manifestations very carefully. Diagnosis is recommended only if accompanied by red, accompanied by diarrhea, accompanied by respiratory symptoms. A positive diagnosis must be based on a specific test in the presence of a sign of carcinoid tumors associated with tumor images through pairing.

The somatostatin receptors can also be used to help find the carcinoid tumors. This is a new technique, sensitivity, and precision, but this test requires highly experienced technicians and is quite expensive. For carcinoid tumors of diameter > 2 cm, especially in the small intestine, often have metastasis. The location of the metastasis is very common including: lung suspension, liver, peritoneal cavity, and metastasis sometimes as far as lungs, bones, skin, ovaries, brain, middle and spleen.

Your doctor will evaluate your signs and symptoms to exclude other causes of flushing and diarrhea. If not found any other reason, your doctor may suspect the carcinoid syndrome. To determine the diagnosis, your doctor may recommend further tests, including:

  • Urine test. Your urine can contain substances that are generated when your body breaks serotonin. Too many of these substances can point out that your body is more serotonin, a chemical type usually excreted by the carcinoid tumors.
  • Blood tests. Your blood may contain some substance, including chromogranin a protein, which was released by some carcinoid tumors.
  • Experimental images. Experimental images can also be used to search the main carcinoid tumors and determine whether they are spread or not. Your doctor can start with a computer tomography (CT) scan of your belly, because most carcinoid tumors are found in the digestive tract. Other scanning times, such as MRI or nuclear scanning, can help in certain circumstances.
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What is carcinoid syndrome causes? Carcinoid syndrome is caused by Carcinoid tumors secrets serotonin or other chemicals into your bloodstream. The carcinoid tumors occur most commonly in the lungs or in the digestive tract, including the stomach, the immature intestine, the appendix, the colon and the rectum.

Only a fraction of the carcinoid tumors secreciated the chemicals that cause carcinoid syndrome. When these tumors Secrese chemicals, the liver is often neutralize chemicals before they have the chance of passing through your body and causing the symptoms. However, when an advanced stage tumor spreads (metastasis) to the liver itself, it can release chemicals that are not neutralize before it reaches the blood stream. Most of the people with carcinoid syndrome have evolved cancers to the liver.

Some carcinoid tumors are not evolving to cause the carcinoid syndrome. For example, the carcinoid lung tumor secrets out chemicals into the deeper blood upstream of the liver, which then cannot handle and remove chemicals. The carcinoid tumors in the gut, on the other hand, secrets out chemicals into the bloodstream that must first go through the liver before it reaches the rest of the body. The liver is often neutralize chemicals before they can affect the entire body. What caused the carcinoid tumors was unclear.

Carcinoid Syndrome Treatment

How to treat it? The primary treatment method is that surgical removal of tumors, tumor blockages to tumors, treatment of radiation focal point, chemotherapy tumors and excretion excreted primarily using steroids. In addition, it depends on the various manifestations using additional medicines to treat symptoms:

If there are signs of diarrhea: take medication to stop and reduce the diarrhea. If there is mild heat, it may not require treatment; It is possible to use the coordination of drug resistance histamine antibodies of H1 histamine and H2. And chemotherapy is only used in cases where the symptoms or tumors do not improve with okreotide therapy, or in case the heart function is affected by carcinogens. Or you can read more fully in the treatment section below.

Treatment of carcinoid syndrome involves the treatment of your cancer and may also involve the use of medications to control your specific signs and symptoms. Treatment may include:

1. Operation. Surgery to remove cancer or most of your cancer can be an option. And the next treatment, Medications to prevent cancer cells secreted from chemicals. Octreotide injections (sandostatine) and Lanreotide (Somatuline Depot) can reduce the signs and symptoms of carcinoid syndrome, including skin washes and diarrhea. Octreotide can also slow the development of carcinoid tumors. The side effects of octreotide and lanreotide include diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence, which can be descending over time.

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2. A new drug called telotristate (Xermelo) can be combined with these medications to control diarrhea due to the carcinoid syndrome caused. The side effects include nausea and depression.

3. Biological therapy. These injections are called interferon alfa, stimulating the immune system which works better, sometimes used to slow the development of carcinoid tumors and relieve symptoms. Interferon Alpha can cause significant side effects, including fatigue-like symptoms and flu.

4. Stop supplying blood to the liver tumor. In a procedure called embolization of the hepatic artery, a doctor inserts a tube through a needle near the bottom of your pants and inserts it into the main artery carrying blood to your liver (hepatic artery). Doctor injectable particles are designed to block the liver artery, cut blood supply to the cancer cells that have spread to the liver. Healthy liver cells exist by relying on blood from other blood vessels. The conversion of liver artery can be dangerous, and this procedure is usually only performed in specialty medical centers. (Carcinoid syndrome symptoms) Discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor.

5. Destroy cancer cells in the liver with heat or cold. Removal of radio frequency sends heat over needles to cancer cells in the liver, making dead cells. Similar treatments, but it works by freezing tumors. The burning of radio frequencies and cold therapies are usually safe, though there is a small risk of loss of blood and infection.

6. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs can reduce the carcinoid tumor. Any side effects you undergo will depend on the type of chemotherapy medication you receive. Discuss your particular chemotherapy outline with your doctor.

Talking to your doctor about self-care measures can improve your signs and symptoms. The self-care measures cannot replace the treatment, but they can complete it. Ask your doctor if you should: avoid things that cause the skin to flush. Some substances or situations, such as alcohol or large food, can trigger water discharge. Some people are red when they feel stressed or upset. Keep track of what causes discharge of your water, and try to avoid activation. Consider using vitamin synthesis. Chronic diarrhea makes the body difficult to handle the vitamins and nutrients in the food you eat. Ask your doctor whether to use a synthetic vitamin may be a good idea for you.

You may feel relieved when finally finding the answers to the cause of your signs and symptoms, but diagnosing rare diseases, such as the carcinoid syndrome, can cause tension. When you develop a way to deal with cancer diagnosis, talk to your health care team about how you feel and consider finding enough about the carcinoid syndrome to make a decision about your treatment. Carcinoid syndrome symptoms. Also, talk to other people about this carcinoid syndrome.

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