Top 5 Causes Of Cancer


Top 5 causes of cancer – What causes cancer? Cancer is a group of complex diseases with many possible causes. In this section, you can learn more about the known causes of cancer, and perhaps you know the most common causes of cancer in general.

It is often impossible to know why a person is developing cancer and why others do not fully understand it. However, research has shown that some risk factors can increase the chances of a person getting cancer. (There are also factors associated with a lower cancer risk. This is sometimes called a protective risk factor or just a protective factor.)

The risk factors of cancer include exposure to chemicals or other substances and specific behaviors. It also includes things that people like age and family history can’t control. The family history of certain cancers can be a sign of a possible hereditary cancer syndrome. In epidemiological studies, most cancers (and preservatives) have been identified as risk factors. In this study, scientists looked at large groups of people and compared them to those who did not develop cancer. These studies may indicate that people who have been caught in cancer tend to behave in certain ways, or that they are subjected to certain substances according to the cancer development.

Such studies cannot prove that their own behavior or substance causes cancer. For example, the finding may be the result of coincidence or a real risk factor may be something other than a suspected risk factor. However, such findings sometimes draw attention to the media, which could lead to the wrong idea of how cancer began and spread. When many studies show similar relationships between potential risk factors and increased cancer risk, and there are possible mechanisms that can explain the risk factors that may actually cause cancer, scientists, the relationship between the two They can be more confident.

Top 5 Causes Of Cancer

Top 5 Causes of Cancer

5 causes of cancer – The following list contains risk factors known as the most known or suspected causes of cancer. Limiting exposure to risk factors that should be avoided can reduce the risk of certain cancers. However, what is the most common cause of this cancer? These are the first 5 lists that cause cancer:

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1. Tobacco and cancer. About half the Americans who continue to smoke will die of habit. Every year, more than 480.000 people die from diseases related to tobacco use. Top 5 causes of cancer – This means that smoking every year leads to 1 in approximately 5 deaths in the United States.

However, the smoke that corresponds to about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States contains about 80% of all lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women and is one of the hardest to treat. Only smoke is also a risk factor for cancers, which increases the risk of lung cancer: mouth, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), esophageal, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder, pancreas, stomach, colon/rectum, and myeloid leukemia.

2. Diet and physical activity. What is the relationship with cancer? How do your daily habits such as nutrition and exercise affect your risk of getting cancer? It’s more than you think. Research has shown that a weak diet and inactivity are two key factors that can increase the risk of a person’s cancer. The proof is strong. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20% of all cancers can be prevented from diagnosing in the United States and about the body obesity, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, and/or malnutrition. Therefore, avoid the risk of cancer and check your weight for healthy foods.

3. Sun (Solar) and other types of radiation. Most skin cancers are a direct result of UV exposure in the sun. Both basal cells and squamous cell cancers (the most common types of skin cancer) tend to be found in the body parts exposed to sunlight, and its occurrence is often associated with exposure to sunlight. It may not be strong but the risk of melanoma is more serious, but less common is that a type of skin cancer is also associated with exposure to sunlight. Skin cancer is also linked to exposure to various artificial UV light sources.

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In addition, this type of radiation is also the most common cause of cancer. For example, X-rays and gamma rays (which are caused by cancer matter) are also known as a human carcinogenic. In the study of the survivors of the atomic bomb in Japan exposed to high levels of radiation in the evidence of this, people who were exposed during the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and people treated with high dose radiation for cancer and other conditions Work that comes from various sources to be included. Like uranium miners.

Top 5 causes of cancer – Most studies on radiation and cancer risk have shown that people in the above environments are exposed to high doses of radiation. The increase in the risk of cancer is much smaller than the measure that could cause more difficult radiation exposure levels. Most studies have not identified the increased risk of cancer in people exposed to low-level radiation. For example, people who live at sea level do not have a higher cancer rate than people living in the mountainous, which are exposed to a more natural background than radiation to cosmic rays.

4. Viruses and infections that can cause cancer. Could the infection cause cancer? Since the beginning of the 20th century, some infections have been known to play a role in cancer in animals. Recently, infections with some viruses, bacteria, and parasites have been regarded as risk factors for various types of cancer in humans.

Worldwide infections are associated with about 15% to 20% of cancers. This percentage is higher in developing countries but lower than in the US and other developed countries. One reason for this is that some infections are more prevalent in developing countries, and in part, some other risk factors for cancer, such as obesity, are more prevalent in developed countries.

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Very small organisms and most of them can’t even be seen with ordinary microscopes, it’s a virus. They contain a small number of genes in the form of DNA or RNA that is surrounded by a protein layer. In order to reproduce viruses and generate more virus, they need to enter live cells and  “Hijack” the cell machines. Some viruses do this by adding their own DNA (or their RNA) to the host cell. When DNA or RNA affects the host cell gene, it can put cells in cancer.

Top 5 causes of cancer – In general, each type of virus tends to infect only certain types of cells in the body. (for example, viruses that cause ordinary flu only infect cells that cover the nose and throat.) Some viruses are associated with cancer in humans. Our growing knowledge of the role of viruses as a cause of cancer has led to the development of vaccines to help prevent certain human cancers. However, this vaccine can only protect against infection if the person is given a cancer-causing virus, for example, before being exposed to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

5. Alcohol. Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx (voice box), liver and breast cancer. The more you drink, the greater the risk. Cancer risk is much higher in alcohol and tobacco use. Doctors advise the drinkers to do it moderately. The Federal government’s Diet Guidelines for America defines moderate alcohol consumption as a drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Some substances found in red wine, such as resveratrol, have been suggested to have anticancer properties. However, there is no evidence that drinking red wine reduces the risk of cancer.

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