Symptoms Of Liver Cancer In Child

Symptoms Of Liver Cancer In Child

Symptoms of liver cancer in child – Cancer is a group of diseases that usually affect adults and are rarely associated with childhood and adolescence. Children very rare diseases (only 1-2% of human cancer cases), but it is the most common cause of death due to this disease after the first year of life and the second cause of death, where the accident included (accidents are responsible for 44% of deaths and Cancer for 10% of deaths during childhood. Now, CancerOz will discuss liver cancer in children under the title “Symptoms of liver cancer in children”, read this article to learn more.

What is known is that in most children it is not a hereditary disease that is not transferred by parents (or grandparents) to children, it is not contagious, not transmitted from a patient to the child. However, in rare cases (less than 10%), obvious hereditary factors have been highlighted.

Diagnosis of cancer in children causes serious disturbances of balance and data from the rest of the family, called upon to gather back power, to overcome threats to children’s lives, to change parents and to understand problems. The health club, on the other hand, faces the whole family from day one and regardless of the prognosis of children, while when the child is sick, the whole family suffers. See also: liver cancer symptoms in females.

The specificity of cancer in children and differences in cancer in adults, among others, the emergence of a moving object as biological, and psychosocial, histology (e.g. type of leukemia, type of lymphoma and solid tumors), specific location (localization is Rare in areas such as lung, breast, prostate, etc.) and certain forecasts (good).

What is The Form of Cancer in Children?

Symptoms of liver cancer in child – The forms of cancer in a child is leukemia, lymphoma and other forms of tumors, called “Solid Tumors”. The most common type of cancer in children is leukemia and, in particular, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. These include tumors of the central nervous system, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and lymphoma, kidney and adrenal tumors, bone and soft tumors, as well as other rare tumors, such as liver cancer. See also: breast ultrasound cancer vs benign.

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Children with cancer should be referred to the department and Pediatric Oncology Clinic has a special expertise and clinics where the experience, knowledge, and infrastructure available to treat the disease.

What are the symptoms of cancer in children? Symptoms may include, such as fever without an outbreak of infection are evident, symptoms of the nervous system (such as headaches, morning vomiting, convulsions, and balance while walking unstable), bleeding in the skin without injury ( such as red spots, nosebleed, urine, gum, and stomach, etc. More the symptoms and findings of the eye can lead to early diagnosis of some forms of cancer. These symptoms are swelling or deformation of the eyelids, designed the eyeball before, bright yellowish color to girls, bruising on the eyelids, sudden changes in visual acuity, pain etc. in the body (head, abdomen, extremities), especially pain in the legs and waist levels should be investigated. and a variety of other symptoms such as anorexia, malaise, pallor, fatigue, weight, etc. alone or in combination with one of the above requires child investigation.

However, all the symptoms mentioned above, it should confirm whether the symptoms of cancer were true to the child or not, it must be done by a diagnosis by the doctor or the oncologist at the hospital trust you.

Obesity in Children Causes Liver Cancer?

Symptoms of liver cancer in child – Childhood injuries due to the accumulation of fat, which is more and more common in our time, the attention of doctors and public health authorities are competent. This is a non-alcoholic fatty liver due to the accumulation of fat in the liver. May cause fatty hepatitis in children and adolescents. This pathological condition can cause liver cirrhosis and cancer.

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Doctors at the University of California inspect 742 post-mortem examination in children and adolescents who died from traumatic injuries, homicide or suicide. Their age is between 2 and 19 years, and their deaths occurred between 1993 and 2003. The study of specimens of the autopsy showed that 13% of children and adolescents have a non-alcoholic fatty liver. Based on their results, they have a fatty liver, 9.6% of children and adolescents in their area. Their conclusions include:

  • The fatty liver disease has become very common, was not given importance, and the diagnosis is not performed in so far as it should be. 
  • Fatty liver is much more common in boys than in girls 
  • The fatty liver is present at a frequency of 0.7% in children aged between 2 and 4 years and at a rate of 17.3% in children aged between 15 and 19 years. This shows that with age increases, the incidence of this pathology increases. 
  • And, 81% of all cases of fatty liver are overweight and obese children.

Obesity in children has become a global scourge. Apart from other obezități caused by obesity in children, it is also recognized an increased risk of the non-alcoholic and fatty liver. Fatty liver is a chronic condition that can take various forms, from simple steatosis (over fat in hepatocytes) to inflammatory steatohepatitis. In the United States, it is estimated that 30 million adults and 1.6 million children present a non-alcoholic fatty liver. Of this quantity, up to 30% suffer from fatty hepatitis.

Non-alcoholic hepatitis can be a progressive disease that leads to fibrosis and hepatic cirrhosis in about 20% of cases. Progression to fatty liver cirrhosis is rare during childhood due to slow progression of the disease. However, due to the increase in the number of fatty liver diseases, the need for liver transplantation in young adults shows a rapid increase.

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Important Review! Unfortunately, patients with fatty liver remain symptomatic until the disease develops seriously. The most common anomaly recognized in the diagnosis of the disease is the increase in liver transaminases in the patient’s blood. This disorder can be found randomly at the opportunity for analysis for patients for other reasons. In other cases, the disease is recognized when a child has an ultrasound or CT scan due to stomach aches. Symptoms in children with fatty liver or fatty hepatitis may be a pain in the upper abdomen, around the navel or generally vague abdominal pain.

Due to the lack of prevention of childhood cancer than adult cancer, it is proposed to assess the suspected symptoms and findings leading to early diagnosis of cancer in children and full healing for most children who are sick. However, children should also be taught health education (proper diet, smoking avoidance, exercise) to avoid cancer in adulthood.

Symptoms of liver cancer in child – After diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to inform both parents and children. The information must be made by a doctor who has experience with both parents, and the information must be as clear and as short as possible. The child was told about his age and maturity, but also about the fact that “we cannot just listen to what the child says, but also what he is afraid to say.” Creating a climate of trust is very important.

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