How Does Cancer Start In The Body?

How Does Cancer Start In The Body

How does cancer start? Your body consists of 100 million or 200 million different types of cells in your body. Cancer can start when one starts to grow and multiply too much. The result is growth called volume. Benign tumors are found in growth, cause only problems if they exert pressure on nearby tissues, such as in the brain. Much more serious is a malignant tumor, which infects the surrounding tissues of the body. Some malignant tumors spread throughout the body through the bloodstream: a process called metastasis.

What causes cancer? Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells, which is the result of damage to the mutation of certain important genes, the cells command to make the proteins needed to survive, grow and reproduce. Many factors can affect the likelihood of damage to genes that may eventually lead to cancer, including cigarette smoke and other chemicals, poor diet, ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn, as well as and some infections. The chemicals that cause cancer are called carcinogenic agents.

What’s wrong with cancer? As mentioned in the first paragraph, you have up to 200 different types of cells in the body, which usually live, grow and multiply harmoniously. For example, you always have the number of liver cells and white blood cells that just because there are many different signals that control how much and how often your cells separate. If one of these signals is wrong or missing, the cell may start to grow and multiply too early in cancer. This can occur in almost all types of cells, anywhere in your body.

How to detect cancer? Routine control is already detecting some cancers at an early stage, for example, cervical cancer tests and mammograms for breast cancer. In the future, a simple blood or urine test can identify earlier many other cancers. Lifestyle changes or medications can help prevent serious problems later. Couples who have a history of cancer already inherited infiltration of potential embryos to ensure they have children without high-risk genes.

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How to cure cancer? At present, there are three main ways of treating cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Surgery, where surgeons cut the patient tissue, is the most effective treatment in the early stages of many types of cancer. Radiotherapy uses radiation rays to kill cancer cells. Doctors can do this by increasing accuracy when imaging techniques are improved. Chemotherapy uses drugs that kill cells that multiply rapidly. Cancer cells do this but also other body cells such as hair cells, which are also killed, resulting in hair loss during treatment.

Cancer has certain types, of which type also has stadium types. What types of cancer can we call what we know like bladder cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer, cervix cancer, stomach cancer, mouth, kidney cancer, bowel cancer, and many more. But from so many types of cancer, it also has different and different ways to start in your body.  the many, we have explained briefly how cancer can grow, but you must also know how cancer can spread to the body and human cells. Let’s read slowly to find out this.

How Does Cancer Start and Spread?

How can cancer spread to other areas of the body? Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the circulation of the blood or lymphatic system. There they can begin to grow in new tumors. The cancer is called depending on where it began to develop for the first time. For example, if you have colon cancer that has spread to the liver, it is called colon cancer with liver or secondary metastases. This is not called liver cancer. This is due to the fact that cancer cells in the liver are actually cancerous intestinal cells. They’re not liver cells that have become cancerous.

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To spread, some cells from primary cancer must escape, travel to other parts of the body and begin to grow there. Cancer cells are not welded like normal cells. They can also produce substances that encourage them to move. Some cells may break and enter into small lymph vessels or blood vessels called capillaries in the area.

1. Spread blood circulation. When cancer cells enter the small blood vessels they can enter the bloodstream. They are called circulating cancer cells (or CTCs). Researchers currently intend to use circulating tumor cells to diagnose cancer and avoid the need for tests such as biopsies. They also see if they can try circulating cancer cells to predict which treatments will work best. The circulating blood scans the tumor cells until they are trapped somewhere. They are usually trapped in very small blood vessels such as capillaries.

Then, the tumor cells must move through the capillary wall and enter the tissue of the nearby organs. Cells can multiply to form new tumors if conditions are correct for growth and have the necessary nutrients.

It is a complicated process and most cancer cells can not survive. Perhaps, of the thousands of cancer cells that reach the blood, only a few will survive to form secondary cancers. Some cancer cells can be killed by white blood cells in our immune system. Other cancer cells may die because they are destroyed by fast blood. Circulating cancer cells may try to stick platelets to form clusters to give them protection. Platelets are blood cells that help the blood clot. It can also help cancer cells to move around the surrounding tissue.

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2. Spread it to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of tubes and glands in the body that filters the fluids of the body and fights infections. This also traps cells that are damaged or dangerous, such as cancer cells.

Cancer cells can enter the small lymphatic vessels located near the primary tumor and walk to nearby lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, cancer cells can be destroyed, but some can survive and grow to form tumors in one or more lymph nodes. The doctors are calling this spread of lymph nodes.

3. Micrometastasis. The Mikrometastoli is a cancer spread area (metastasis) that is too small to be seen. Some cancer areas are too small to appear in all types of scanning. For certain types of cancer, blood tests can detect certain proteins that are released from cancer cells. This may signal that there are metastases in the body that are too small to appear in the scan. But for most cancers, there is no blood test that can tell if cancer has spread or not.

Can cancer be prevented? There are many ways in which the risk of cancer can be reduced either by prevention or by detecting it at an early stage. You can reduce the risk of cancer by smoking, cut off alcohol consumption, be a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet, exercise and protect you from the sun.

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