How Does Cancer Spread From One Person To Another

How Does Cancer Spread From One Person To Another

How does cancer spread from one person to another – Is it contagious cancer? Cancer is not contagious! It never turned out in close contact with someone who is suffering from cancer, having sex with them, kissing them, touching them, sharing meals with them, or breathing the same air can spread cancer from one person to another. Usually, cancer cells from one person generally cannot live in the body of another healthy person. The immune system of a healthy person to recognize and destroy foreign cells, including cancer cells by another person through the host’s immune system.

Can tumor cells pass to other people through contact with blood? How does cancer spread from one person to another – When cancer in one part of the body spreads to other parts of the body, the view of patients is rarely positive. Considering how often this happens, it can be amazing to learn that cancer spread from one person to another is actually very rare.

This proof is consistent with what we know about how the immune system responds to foreign material. In the case of blood transfusion, the blood type (such as a, B, AB, and O) carefully matched between donor and recipient, so that the immune system of the receptor does not see the red blood cells as foreign and destroys the red blood cells. If there are cancer cells in the blood, there are other unique proteins on the surface of the cells in the majority of cases, mark it as a foreign object. Therefore, the recipient’s immune system recognizes them and destroys them before they can be installed in the body.

The blood bank also attracts carefully the donors to get rid of anyone who suffers from cancer, in any case. But if the recipient’s immune system is not functioning properly, for example, if the immune system is suppressed by disease or because they have an organ transplant recipients who need immunosuppression to prevent rejection of The donor’s organ then tend to be protected through this mechanism.

However, there are many things that can arise that cancer can be transferred to other people’s bodies. But remember, this is not a  “contagious” of cancer. Very rarely does this process occur due to prior detection by a specialist. Examples of some of the things we mean are the following:

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1. Transfer of cancer during organ transplantation. There are some cases where organ transplants by people with cancer can cause cancer in people taking organs. But there is one important factor that allows this, people who take organ transplants take drugs that weaken their immune system. This must be done so that their immune system does not attack and destroy the transplanted organs. This can happen, although rare, that an organ from a donor that has cancer causes cancer to the recipient of the organ. This seems to be the main reason why cancer can occur in transplanted organs, in rare cases, to give cancer to people taking organs. However, this weakening of the immune defense prevents the destruction of transplanted organs, but on the other hand, promotes the survival of cancer cells by donors. Organ donors are carefully examined to reduce this risk.

However, recent research suggests that cancer is more common in people receiving solid organ transplants than in people who do not, even when donors do not have cancer. This also appears to be caused by medicines administered to reduce the risk of graft rejection. Research has shown that the bigger and stronger the immune system is suppressed after transplant, the greater the risk of cancer. The drugs that allow the body to accept organs make the immune system impossible to identify and attack precancerous cells and viruses that can cause cancer.

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2. Transfer of cancer during pregnancy. Cancer may occur in pregnant women, although in rare cases cancer can be transmitted from the mother to her unborn baby. But then again, this is very rare for cancer to directly affect the fetus. Some cancers can spread from the mother to the placenta (the organ that connects the mother to the fetus), but most cancers cannot affect the fetus itself. In some very rare cases, melanoma (a form of skin cancer) has been found to spread to the placenta and the fetus.

The transmission between the mother and the fetus may be due to unusual immunological relationships between the two during pregnancy, in which one of the embryonic immune systems is still relatively immature and can tolerate foreign Cells. However, the transmission of maternal cancer to the fetus is very unlikely, because this requires cancer cells to travel in native circulation and, in addition, to cross the placental barrier in the fetus. In most pregnancies, unless the placental barrier is violated, such as accidental trauma, fetal circulation remains completely separate from the mother’s blood supply.

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3. Viruses and bacteria. Cancer itself is not contagious, but some bacteria and viruses can increase the risk of cancer. These bacteria and viruses can be transmitted through sexual contact, kissing, touching or handing out food. We know that certain types of cancer are more commonly found in people infected with specific viruses. For example:

  • Some types of human papillomaviruses (HPV) virus are related to cervical cancers, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, and some cancers of the mouth, pharynx, head, and Throat. But smoking, drinking, and other factors increase the risk of this cancer.
  • Epstein-Barr (EBV) virus associated with nose and throat cancer (nasopharynx), gastric lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and Burkitt lymphoma. Many people are infected with Epstein-Barr virus which is often asymptomatic but generally causes mononucleosis.
  • The hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection of the liver associated with long-term (chronic), that may increase the risk of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
  • Human Herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8), also called the herpes virus of Kaposi sarcoma (or KSHV), is associated with a type of cancer called Kaposi sarcoma. Most people with HHV-8 do not develop Kaposi Sarcoma unless they are also infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. Some may take the sarcoma of Kaposi if they take drugs that weaken their immune system (as used after organ transplants).
  • Human T-Lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1), also called T-type lymphoma virus type 1 is an adult-related type of lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma Non-Hodgkin (NHL). It is estimated that about 1-5% of infected people develop cancer as a result of infection with HTLV-I during their lifetime.
  • Invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi sarcoma, and some lymphomas are much more common in people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a virus that weakens the immune system and causes AIDS. In many cases of HIV-related cancers, other viruses (such as HHV-8 or HPV) also play an important role in the development and development of cancer.
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria are common bacteria that are now known to be associated with certain types of stomach cancer (stomach cancer). Long-term contamination with these bacteria can damage the inner lining of the stomach and increase the risk of stomach cancer.
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These viruses and bacteria of Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted from person to person (usually with blood or sex), but viral infections usually do not cause cancer. A weakened immune system, other infections, other risk factors (such as smoking) and other health problems allow cancer to grow faster.

4. Parasites. Some parasitic worms that can live in the human body can also increase the risk of developing various types of cancer. Parasites that can cause cancer are rarely found in the United States or other developed countries but are associated with bladder cancer and bile ducts and possibly other cancers.

5. The family history of cancer. Most cancers do not appear to be caused or affected by infectious agents. There are families where there are more cases of cancer. That doesn’t mean that this family member has died of cancer. Specifically, they share genes associated with increased risk of cancer and share risk factors for cancer (poor diet, obesity, alcohol consumption, etc.).

Cancer development is due to mutations occurring in a person’s DNA in each cell. This change can be inherited or developed during life. Some changes occur for no known reason, while others are caused by exposure to the environment, such as damage from the sun (UV) or cigarette smoke. Some viruses are known to cause instant mutations in DNA that can evolve into cancer. Other germs promote cancer indirectly causing chronic (long-term) inflammation or weakening the individual’s immune system.

How does cancer spread from one person to another – Maybe right now, family, friends, and partners from people with cancer sometimes stay away when they discover the disease. As a result, cancer sufferers often say they feel isolated and alone. You do not have to stay away from someone who has cancer, you can not  “Get infected ” from them. Don’t be afraid to visit people who have cancer. They need your visit and continue to support them in the fight against disease (COz/adapted from several sources).

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