Testicular Cancer Spread To Lymph Nodes

Testicular Cancer Spread To Lymph Nodes

Testicular cancer spread to lymph nodes symptoms – Testicular cancer is cancer that comes from one or both testicles or from a testicle. The testicles are the male reproductive glands present in the scrotum, which is a bag of leather under the penis. Your testicles are responsible for producing sperm hormones and testosterone hormones. Testicular cancer often starts with changes in germination cells, which are the testicle cells that produce sperm. Testicular cancer is sometimes referred to as a stem cell tumor.

The two main types of testicular cancer are seminoma and nonseminoma. Snakes are a slow-growing testicular cancer. Testicular cancer spread to lymph nodes. They are usually limited to testicles, but may be involved and lymph nodes. Nonseminoma is the most common form of testicular cancer. This type grows faster and can spread to other parts of the body.

Almost all types of testicular cancer begin in the germ cells that form the sperm cells. This can be distinguished between seminoma and non-seminoma. The first is a fairly slow growth tumor that is even more sensitive to radiation. Non-Seminoma, on the other hand, shows rapid growth and much less tend to proliferate rapidly. Testicular cancer spread to lymph nodes. Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor of malignant cells that occurs in male testicular tissue. He attacks the testicles, rarely both. Because this cancer can spread rapidly throughout the body, its journey is fatal without treatment.

The testicle of cancer is most commonly diagnosed in men aged between 15 and 35 years but may occur at any age. It is also one of the therapeutic cancers, although it has spread to other areas as well. According to the American Cancer Society, for those with early testicular cancer, the five-year survival rate is higher than 95%. The lower survival rate for those with advanced testicular cancer.

See also  Testicular Cancer Statistics By Age

Although testicular cancer is curable cancer, it can spread to other parts of the body and can destroy healthy testicular tissue without treatment and it can spread rapidly in all body organs. If one or both testicles are removed, your fertility may also be affected. Without treatment, testicular cancer is always lethal. With early treatment, however, testicular cancer can be permanently cured to most people. Before starting treatment, ask your doctor about your options to maintain your fertility.

Testicular cancer is usually aged between 20 and 40 years and is the most common male cancer in this age group. About 7 out of every 100,000 men are affected each year. However, rarely young people or elderly people can get sick. The cause of testicular cancer development is blurred. However, it is known that men with groin or pendulum testicles have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. The doctors speak in this situation with Maldescensus testicles. In 95% of the men affected, testicular cancer occurs only in one testicle.

Testicular cancer spread to lymph nodes. If the testicles are not affected and the disease occurs from the testicular tissue scattered outside the testicles, it is called an extragonadal tumor of the seed cells. Depending on the type of tumor tissue, testicular cancer is divided into several groups: Seminoma, non-seminoma, sweeping teratoma and mixed tumors from all three groups. This difference is important because testicular cancer treatment differs depending on the type of tumor tissue.

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