Testicular Cancer Treatment Success Rate

Testicular Cancer Treatment Success Rate

Testicular cancer treatment success rate – The survival rate of patients with testicular cancer is very high. Treatments are extremely effective. Testicular cancer mainly affects young men aged between 20 and 39 years. The number of new incidents occurring each year is increasing. Despite this, more than 95% of patients can currently recover.

How much does testicular cancer treatment cost? This time the timeline for testicular cancer treatment will be our discussion, with a recovery time. Treatment options will run smoothly especially for stage 1, and then a question from one of my readers about how long can you live with testicular cancer without treatment will also we discussed, happy reading.

Modern therapies for treating testicular cancer offer high success rates. But doctors are worried about the long-term complications that they may cause to patients. The fact that young patients with testicular cancer are young is in great need of treatments that offer them cure, be as toxic as possible, with less long-lasting negative effects so as not to affect the quality of life of survivors.

One of the physicians basic concerns is to offer treatments that have a few short-term and long-term side effects and complications as possible. Their goal is to cure their patients but, to the extent possible, do not harm or affect the quality of their lives.

Recently Norwegian physicians from Oslo University have thoroughly examined the long-term problems of men recovering from testicular cancer. Testicular cancer treatment success rate. In their extensive review, they found that men who survive face more problems than doctors usually believe. Doctors usually focus on events that threaten patients lives or those that require immediate medical intervention. However, it is important to increase everyone’s awareness of the long-term problems faced by surviving patients.

Norwegian doctors analyzed 40 investigations that took place between 1990 and 2008 on the issue. They found that up to 25% of surviving patients develop long-term neurological, acoustic and circulatory problems. They also have a double risk of having second cancer. But a pleasant finding is that up to 80% of men who survive treatment for testicular cancer who try to father a child after treatment, manage to become fathers.

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Men may suffer great distress and psychological distress due to the removal of one of their testicles due to cancer. Gradually, however, with the progression of treatment, this unpleasant mental state subsidies. Testicular cancer treatment success rate. Gastrointestinal problems are very common during both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In addition, chemotherapy can cause additional dangerous side effects such as infections and thrombosis.

The long-term problems that have been documented include secondary cancers (cancers caused by previous therapies administered, chemotherapy or radiation therapy), heart disease and disorders associated with inadequate hormone levels. Norwegian doctors believe that the best way to improve the short and long term health of survivors of testicular cancer is to avoid smoking, to maintain normal body weight, to regularly exercise, and to regularly monitor patients who may experience toxicity that could threaten their lives.

The main findings of this very interesting bibliographic review of the last 18 years are:

  • Approximately 80% of the men from whom one testicle was removed continue to produce semen, often in reduced quantities. Although it is recommended for men with testicular cancer to collect semen for freezing and long-term preservation prior to treatments, however only 10% use frozen specimens. 
  • Complications in the lungs occur in men taking the chemotherapy drug bleomycin (bleomycin) before major surgery, especially if they are over 40 years of age. 
  • Radiation therapy can cause short-term nausea, vomiting, lethargy. However, these side effects tend to decrease to 2 to 4 weeks after treatment. 
  • Chemotherapy with cisplatin can cause sensory nerve damage in 10% to 30% of patients. Of the survivors, 20% complain that their hearing is not good and that they have humming in the ears (tinnitus). 
  • Most direct, acute toxic side effects of drugs tend to fall completely or decrease in the first year. However, long-term problems pose more risks. Despite this, most patients are monitored by their doctor only for the first 5 to 10 years. They may then be followed up by primary care physicians. 
  • Cancer survivors in the testis are 1.8 times more likely to develop secondary cancer, particularly solid tumors beneath the diaphragm. The introduction of cisplatin therapies and the gradual reduction of radiation therapy do not appear to have reduced the risk of secondary cancer. However, it seems that they have reduced the risk of developing cancer in the remaining tests. 
  • Preventing radiotherapy in the middle ear has reduced the risk of chronic complications in the heart. However, the rate of death is still slightly increased due to radiotherapy was given in the areas below the diaphragm. In addition, the chemotherapy drug cisplatin can cause inflammation of endothelial cells leading to premature coronary artery problems. 
  • Approximately 20% of survivors already have an irreversible hypogonadism where testicles produce little or no sex hormone and reduced fertility before their cancer is diagnosed. 
  • Removing lymph nodes in the abdomen can lead to ejaculation problems in some patients. Radiotherapy administered under the septum and chemotherapy can cause a temporary decrease in fertility. 
  • Survivors reported a quality of life similar to that of their peers. However, life quality assessment metrics do not include body image, masculinity, which is not properly investigated. It is suggested that survivors adapt to their new situation and take cancer into account when assessing their quality of life. 
  • The degree of agony increases and is significantly associated with young age, peripheral neuropathy, economic problems, relapsing fear, alcoholism problems, sexual problems and history of treatment for mental disorders. The findings for depression were contradictory. However, the relationship between higher levels of depression and unhealthy lifestyles, particularly smoking, is urgently needed. 
  • Approximately 17% of survivors suffer from chronic fatigue, almost twice as high as in the normal population. This is associated with a wide range of factors such as advanced age, more problems of economic or sexual nature and worse physical and mental health. 
  • Sexual function is analogous to that of their peers probably because survivors adapt to their lives after cancer. Testicular cancer treatment success rate. However, survivors who have been removed from the lymph nodes in the abdomen may experience more ejaculation problems. 
  • Occupational employment is important for the quality of life of survivors of testicular cancer and at least in Norway they have been found to have the same standard of living, work-related stress and labor participation as their peers despite having a poorer working capacity.

Testicular cancer treatment success rate – Patients who are now suffering from testicular cancer should be briefed on the short term and in particular on the long-term problems that can be caused by the high-efficiency therapies they are undergoing. In addition, it is important that efforts focus on reducing risks through healthy lifestyle choices and that great attention is paid to important issues such as the preservation of their fertility. In addition, guidelines should be put in place to ensure that the long-term complications caused by testicular cancer and the highly effective treatment given so that their diagnosis and treatment can be as early as possible are ensured.

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