Testicular Cancer Prognosis

Testicular Cancer Prognosis

Testicular cancer prognosis – Testicular cancer is most common in males between 20 and 39 years and is a form of the most common solid tumor in males aged between 15 and 34 years old. It can also occur in boys, but only about 3% of all testicles. Cancer found in this group. The tumor usually occurs in a testicle, but 2-3% of the tumors in both testicles may occur, either at the same time or at a later date. Tumors can also spread to lymph nodes, lungs or other organs. This is more common in Caucasians than in men of African and Asian descent.

On this page you will at least find articles on testicular cancer prognosis, stage 4 testicular cancer survival rate and treatment of success rate, treatment options and cost, recovery time, stage 1 testicular cancer treatment, and symptoms nhs. However, we will tend to discuss the prognosis associated with testicular cancer, may be useful.

What causes testicular cancer? Although the exact cause of testicular cancer is unknown, several factors seem to increase the risk. This includes medical history before testicular high (s), testicular development of abnormal, Klinefelter syndrome (a disorder of the sex chromosome, which can be characterized by small amounts of male hormones, sterility, breast development, and Small testicles), men whose mothers diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy or men who had testicular cancer before. There is no correlation between vasectomy and an increased risk of testicular cancer.

What are the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer? The first is usually a testicle mass is hard, painless and smooth, which is sometimes accompanied by a heavy feeling in the testicles. Other symptoms of testicular cancer include: a feeling of swelling in the scrotum, discomfort or pain in the scrotum, lower back pain, pelvic or groin area, accumulation of fluid in the scrotum, gynecomastia, and pain of the nipples. In advanced stages, symptoms are: Ureter obstruction, abdominal mass, cough, breathlessness, weight loss, fatigue, pale and listless.

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How does the treatment cure? Testicular carcinoma can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, monitoring or a combination of these treatments. Testicular cancer can be more difficult to treat when it has spread to the liver, bone, or brain, but also in cases where men can often be cured. If the cancer is earlier a recurrence of the tumor, the treatment usually consists of chemotherapy a combination of different drugs, such as ifosfamide, Cisplatin, etoposide, vinblastine or, sometimes followed by autologous bone marrow or peripheral Stem cell transplantation.

Although in some cases it may be possible to remove testicular cancer tumors of the testicle, during the testicular function, this is almost never done because more than 95% of testicular tumors is malignant. Testicular cancer prognosis – Normally the scrotum is not removed so that the prosthesis can be mounted. A hormone replacement therapy may be required after bilateral orchiectomy (removal of both testicles). The treatment of these conditions usually does not affect sexuality, masculinity or erectile function.

Testicular Cancer Treatment Options

What is the prognosis of testicular cancer? Testicular cancer has one of the highest healing rates of all types of cancer: more than 90%; Basically 100% if not metastases. Less than five percent of those who have testicular cancer will have it back in the remaining testicles.

Testicular cancer prognosis – In a treated testicular cancer, the course is usually favorable especially if it has managed to detect testicular cancer in good time: Hardly any other cancer has a better prognosis than testicular cancer. In the early stages, when the malignant testicular tumor is still confined to the testicles, a permanent cure almost always succeeds.

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Testicular Cancer Prognosis

Even if daughter tumors ( metastases ) have already formed, testicular cancer has good chances of recovery: The clear majority of the men affected get well again and can continue to live normally.

A common “measure” for the prognosis of cancer is the so-called five year survival rate. In testicular cancer, more than 95 out of 100 people will survive the course of the next five years or more after completing treatment. In most cases, this is equivalent to a permanent cure, so that an early treated testicular cancer usually does not affect the life expectancy. Testicular tumors are only fatal in very rare cases: In Germany, the disease is responsible only for every 500th cancer-related death in men.

However, advanced testicular cancer requires a more massive treatment, which may result in more side effects. Testicular cancer prognosis – The possible consequences of a testicular cancer treatment include impaired semen production and disturbed semen ejection (ejaculation), which can lead to infertility or to the fact that the person concerned can no longer naturally produce children.

However, men and women with testicular cancer generally do not have to fear permanent impairment of their sexuality and potency neither through chemotherapy and radiotherapy nor through surgical lymph node removal. This is true even in the rare case that testicular cancer in the further course on the opposite side forms a testicular tumor.

Testicular cancer prognosis – In the tissue sample, which is routinely removed from the other testicle during the removal of one testis-affected testis, about 5 out of 100 cases have a testicular cancer precursor (so-called testicular intraepithelial neoplasia, TIN). In these cases, the remaining tests are irradiated, in the course of which, however, the germ cells disappear that is, no more sperm cells are formed and the man is infertile. As for the formation of the sex hormone Testosterone responsible cells are more resistant than the sperm, hormone replacement therapy is usually not necessary. The sex life is not affected.

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