Testicular Cancer Prevention Tips

Testicular Cancer Prevention Tips

Testicular cancer prevention tips – Can you prevent testicular cancer? Many have asked this, but this is where we will share primary prevention of testicular cancer, Let’s refer to this article to learn more. Many men with testicular cancer do not know risk factors. And some known risk factors, such as the undiscovered testicles, the white race and the family history of the disease, cannot be changed. For this reason, it is not possible to prevent the majority of cases of this disease at this time. Experts recommend correction of Criptorchidismului to boys for several reasons (such as maintaining fertility and body image), but it is not clear how much this changes the child’s risk for testicular cancer.

Testicular cancer is an extremely curable cancer that develops in the male reproductive system known as the testicle. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in American men aged between 15 and 35 years, but can also occur in older men. For decades, the incidence rate of this cancer has increased in the United States and many other countries. This year, approximately 8800 men from the United States will be diagnosed with this disease.

Testicular cancer varies according to type: Seminomul is a slow growing form of testicular cancer, which is usually found in men in the 1930s and 40 and is usually limited only to testicles. Non-seminoma (such as Teratomii, carcinomas embryonic and choriocarcinoma) often consist of more than one type of cell and tend to grow faster and spread. Almost all the testicular cancers begin in the germination cells, the cells in the testicles that produce immature sperm. What makes germ cells become abnormal and develop into cancer is not clear.

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Early Detection Of Testicular Cancer

For all cancers, early detection is essential. Testicular cancer prevention tips – Aside from going for a routine medical exam, the testicle of self-test can help in early detection of the disease when it is very durable. Doctors recommend that men perform examinations during or immediately after a warm bath or a shower that relaxes the scrotum. It is normal for a testicle to be a bit larger or hangs a little smaller than the other, but other signs may be abnormal, and I know it can help facilitate early detection. Men should pay attention to the following signs: (1) swelling and/or a lump in one or both testicles (note that not all Lumpys are cancer of the testicles). (2) pain in the testicles or scrotum (there are many other conditions that might be painful cancer, but not). (3) pain or feeling of depression in the scrotum, lower abdomen or inguinal.

When detected early, testicular cancer has one of the highest healing rates of all cancers, in fact, the average survival of five years can be as high as 99% depending on how early the cancer is detecting.

Risk factors for testicular cancer: Early detection, of course, is not the same as true prevention. It is not clear what causes testicular cancer, but certain known factors that may increase the risk of testicular cancer include:

  • Undiscovered Testicles (cryptorchidism). men whose testicles do not move down into the scrotum before childbirth poses a higher risk than men whose testicles are normally down.
  • The family history of testicular cancer. especially those with identical twins with testicular cancer
  • Age. although testicular cancer can occur at any age, it tends to affect teenagers and younger men. Most cases occur between the ages of 15 and 40 years, and testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in males between the ages of 20 and 34 years.
  • Race. Testicular cancer is more common in white males than black men. Caucasian males have 5 to 10 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than men from other races.
  • Klinefelter syndrome. sexual chromosome disorder characterized by low levels of male hormones, infertility, breast enlargement and small testicles
  • Viral infection of the testicles, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Aids
  • Injuries to the scrotum, and Activities that regularly make pressure on the scrotum (such as cycling or riding)
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How Can Men Prevent Testicular Cancer? Because there are little or nothing that can be done to change most people above risk factors, it is often assumed that it is impossible to prevent testicular cancer. However, as with all cancers, there are defined steps that can be taken to help prevent testicular cancer. These steps include:

Reduce exposure to chemical toxins. A possible cause of testicular cancer is phthalates and endocrine compounds disturb other chemicals (mimicking hormones), which are currently used in many miscellaneous household items like carpet, plastic, toiletries, Pesticides, pharmaceutical medicines, and upholstery of the machine. Testicular cancer prevention tips – This chemical is considered very dangerous for male reproductive health, leading to infertility, penis deformation, undescended testicles, and testicular cancer.

Pregnant women should be very careful because scientists are convinced that exposure to environmental chemicals while in the uterus is causing the increased rate of testicular cancer. Abnormal changes leading to testicular cancer occurs in the first few months of fetal growth, and phthalates probably the most common ubiquitous chemicals known to affect the human germ cells of the fetus. Experts believe that this exposure can explain why this rate of cancer has doubled over the last 35 years.

Another way to prevent testicular cancer include general healthy measures such as: build the immune system, use the fight against cancer diet, administer nutritional supplements such as turmeric, Boswellia, and medicinal mushrooms. Engage in regular exercise, reduce stress, DetoxifiaČ›i and protect your liver, the most important organ against cancer. Testicular cancer prevention tips – In short, we recommend a healthy lifestyle approach to help build up the nutritional and immunological organism and to make it favorable to cancer. For guides in these areas, men can organize free phone consultations with one of our advisors.

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