What is Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer Definition


What is castrate resistant prostate cancer definition and non metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer? Prostate cancer continues to grow even when the amount of testosterone in the body is reduced to a very low level. Many forms of prostate cancer in the early stage require normal growth of testosterone levels, but prostate cancer that is resistant to disintegration is not. It is also called CRPC (Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer).

Advanced castration resistant to prostate cancer (CRPC) defined by progression of the disease, despite the treatment of androgenic deprivation (ADT) and may be present one or a combination of a constant increase in serum levels of the specific prostatic antigen (PSA) , the development of pre-existing diseases, or the emergence of new metastases.

What is castration resistant prostate cancer – Advanced a prostate cancer has been known by several names over the years, including resistant to prostate cancer (HRPC) and prostate cancer, which is insensitive to androgen O. More recently, the term “castration resistant” or cancer The advanced prostate “castration-recurrent” was introduced with the realization that the intracrine and production of androgens paracrine play an important role in the resistance of prostate cancer cells to androgen-suppression.

What is Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer Definition

In their second publication, the Prostate Cancer Working Group (PCWG) defines CRPC as a continuous process based on whether it is detected by metastases (clinical or imaging) and whether serum testosterone in the castration interval for the treatment of Surgical or medical Orchiektomi. The clinical model-the resulting state can be used to classify patients. In high prostate cancer conditions (castrated and non-castrated), no detectable disease (measurable or inaccuracy) was found. Alternatively, in the case of clinical metastases that show (castrated and non-castrated), the disease must have been detected at some point in the past, regardless of whether it is currently detected.

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What is castrate resistant prostate cancer definition and non metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer?Prostate cancer resistant castration presents a spectrum of diseases ranging from elevated PSA levels without metastases or symptoms and, although ADT, to metastasis and significant weakness of cancer symptoms. Castration resistant prostate cancer definition – The forecast is associated with several factors, including performance status, presence of bone pain, disease level in bone scanning and serum levels of alkaline phosphatase. Bone metastases will take place in 90% of men with CRPC and can lead to significant morbidity, including pain, pathological fractures, compression of spinal spine and insufficient bone spinal. The effects of paraneoplastice are also common, including anemia, weight loss, fatigue, hipercoagulabilitatea and increased sensitivity to infection.

Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Treatment

Non metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer – Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), either alone or in combination with chemotherapy, is generally an early treatment for men with metastatic prostate cancer. Standard approaches to ADT include bilateral orchiectomy or medical orchiectomy using agonists of Gonadotropins that Release Hormones (GnRH), which can be either autoadministration or in combination with antiandrogens (combined androgen blocking).

Although the initial response rate is 80 to 90%, almost all men end up developing a progressive disease after ADT. This is called cervical-resistant prostate cancer. Contemporary research in men with prostate cancer compromise has led to the development of several agents that improve overall survival in phase III studies. The prospects in the mechanisms whereby androgens stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells lead to the development of new treatments with significant clinical activity in men with prostate cancer that are resistance to castration.

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CRPC Nonmetastatic is a state of heterogeneous disease. The control arm of some phase III clinical studies involving patients with CRPC nonmetastatic was useful in explaining its natural history. The 2005 publication highlights the results of 201 men with CRPC nonmetastatic randomly assigned to the placebo arm in a phase III study, assessing the effectiveness of zoledronic acid in preventing the progression of metastatic disease. Levels of castrated testosterone at the beginning of the study, three series increases in PSA and radiographic screening to exclude open patients with metastatic disease. The nuclear bone scan is obtained every 4 months. At 2 years, 33% of patients in the placebo group developed bone metastases. Both global survival and survival without median bone metastases (BMFS) have improved by adding zoledronic acid.

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