Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis Prognosis

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis Prognosis

Triple negative breast cancer metastasis prognosis – Triple negative breast cancer is considered a highly diverse group of cancer, in general, a positive disease related to poor survival. Recent gene expression Microarray research has revealed at least six sub-types. Some TNBC patients, for example, lumen-type androgen receptor or molecular apocrine cancer, have a better prognosis than the surviving majority. The choice of a single cancer gene expression subtype is challenging in clinics. An efficient approach, using the immune system chemical agents and other available clinical information, TNBC patients before the treatment. Triple negative breast cancer prognosis – CK5/6 and EGFR are biomarkers for basic breast cancer. Viale and Zhang reported that EGFR immune reactivity correlates significantly with poor prognosis of TNBC patients. In the cohort of Tike patients, the basic site keratin is reported to have a significant prognostic value. Furthermore, growth Biomarkers Ki-67 has also been reported to be significantly related to the high histological grades and viability of TNBC patients. If the expression of these biomarkers does not coincide with each other, it is difficult to determine the appropriate treatment based on the individual biomarkers. From a cohort of 192 TNBC patients, five important clinical variables/biomarkers including pathological tumor stages, nodal stages, EGFR and CK5/6 have been identified and Ki-67.

The approach shown here can be used to evaluate the prognosis of patients during diagnosis and to assist in clinical decision making with respect to the choice of appropriate therapies for individual patients. The risk analysis of TNBC patients depended mainly on the expression of the basic biomarkers. As suggested in the results of the multivariate Cox Analysis, both the high-expression patients of EGFR and CK5/6 had the worst prognosis at the event rate of 41.7%. To improve the outcomes of survival, these patients, for example, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Our results also have a good prognosis for patients who have low expression of both basic biomarkers. For further layering of these patients, three prognostic variables (Ki-67, tumor and nodular phase) were important. The risk of patients with low basal expression of Ki-67, tumor or nodal high values (2 groups) was closed against the risk of a third group of patients having any high expression of the basic biomarkers. Clinical tumors and nodules are low, EGFR and CK5/6 have a better prognosis for the Ki-67 in patients with low expression of miso. The proportion of such low-risk patients is 10.4% of the total TNBC patient population, was 40% of patients with low basic expression. These patients can be candidates to be managed with a more aggressive treatment strategy.

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Triple Negative Breast Cancer Prognosis

A total of 233 newly diagnosed patients with stage I to III TNBC at Seoul Bundang National University Hospital from March 2003 to December 2012 have been revised. To identify patients with TNBC, we analyzed the initial histopathologic parameters, including the ER, PR and HER2 status. TNBC subtype is not defined as an ER expression, PR, or according to HER2 with HER2 negative 2013. Triple negative breast cancer metastasis prognosis – Gallen consensus was defined as negative scores, or 1 + for C-ErbB-2 by immunohistochemistry or without HER2 amplification by fluorescent in situ hybridization. After the approval of our Institutional Review Board (B-1505/298-116), we reviewed the patient’s medical charts to collect data on demographic, clinical, treatment parameters, treatment, and results of survival.

All patients are organized in accordance with the Joint US Committee on the system of Cancer Parking, the seventh edition. For analysis, the initial clinical stage was used for patients treated with PST, and the pathological stage was used for patients who were not treated with PST. The initial value Ki-67 and Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) were recorded on the basis of initial immunohistochemical results. COX-2 is considered positive with 3 + coloring values, as previously described. The pathological factors, including histology, histological, Extracapsulară Extension (ECE), Limfovaskular Invasion (LVI) and multiplicity, based on the report of curative surgical evidence pathology. The node ratio (no) is defined as the ratio between positive and excised nodes. NPI is calculated as follows: Tumor size (cm) × 0.2 + node state (1, node-negative, 2, 1-3 in positive, 3, ≥ 4 in positive) + SBR grade (1, Grade I, 2, Grade II, 3, Me). The modified NPI (MNPI) is obtained by adding the MSBR class instead of the SBR class. The Breast Evaluation Index (BGI) and MBGI were also calculated by the sum of the tumor size (cm) × 0.2 and the SBR or MSBR classes respectively.

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Triple negative breast cancer prognosis – The PST file was administered to 57 patients (24.5%). The most common is doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (40.4%), followed by docetaxel and doxorubicin (31.6%). The breast surgery was performed in 150 patients (64.4%). Sindinel in the biopsy alone and the LN section were performed in 118 patients (50.6%) and 115 patients (49.4%). Adjuvant chemotherapy was given to 187 patients (80.3%), as well as a regimen of fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide are the most common Treatment (29.9%). Radiation therapy was administered to 180 patients (77.3%) in all breast or chest walls (median dose, 50.4 Gy/28 fx). When necessary, an average increase of 9 Gy is offered.

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