What Are The 3 Types of Skin Cancer


What are the 3 types of skin cancer – Every year, about 5 million Americans are treated for skin cancer the growth of abnormal skin, which is most often developed in places exposed to the effects of sunlight. You can see early signs of regular skin testing for changes. All people tend to skin cancer. However, people who have light skin that lightly burn, red hair, and/or blue eyes have a higher risk. Three types of skin cancer include almost all cases: basal-cellular and squamous cancer and, most dangerous, melanoma. By following the analysis method to help you know when growth must be assessed by a doctor.

Here’s what to look for when you measure your skin growth: What are the three types of skin cancer – Asymmetries: The second part of growth is not appropriate; Boundaries: Edge edges are incorrect or less clear; Color: You see different shades of brown, brown, black, or even white, red, or blue; Diameter: a mole, often the size of a pencil eraser or less; Grows: You see growth that changes its size, shape, or color.

To completely test your body, start by looking right in front of you in the mirror. Check your face and body. Next, raise your hand to see the right and left side. Then you look at your hands, including the muscle depression, the hands and the soles of your hand. Check the front and back of legs and legs and hands and toes. Use a hand mirror to check the rear of the neck. Finally, check your scalp, separate your hair, how you move it over the head. Make sure your doctor gives your skin the care he once had during your annual exam and meet with the dermatologist experts for any growth that is suspicious.

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What Are The Three Types of Skin Cancer

What Are The 3 Types of Skin Cancer

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Like all the tissues of our body, our skin consists of cells: basal cells, flat epithelial cells, and melanocytes. What are the 3 types of skin cancer – Various types of skin cancer, named after the skin cell, where cancer is developing: basal-cellular carcinoma, squamous carcinoma, and melanoma. Cancer is another word for cancer. Basal-cellular and squamous carcinoma are often grouped together and referred to as “general” skin cancer.

Like skin cancer? Skin cancer is usually allocated due to the contrast with ambient skin. If the place seems a little strange to you, take it seriously, it’s good to get it checked out. Skin cancer basically appears as a new and unusual place. This may also appear as a place that exists, which has changed by color, size, or shape. Here are some of the types of skin cancer (some of the pictures donated by the Foundation, skin, and Cancer of Victoria).

Melanoma: Melanoma can grow fast. This may be a threat to live at this time, six weeks, and if you don’t treat it, it can spread to other parts of the body. It can appear on the skin, which is usually not exposed to sunlight. In general, apartments on a large line are uneven and can be colored red, with more than one color brown, black, blue, red, or grey. Use the ABCD rule to search for melanomas where: (A : Asymmetry, find a point that is not symmetrical. B : Border, finding a location with a restriction, which is not the middle. C : Color, find a place with unusual color or uneven. D : Diameter, find a point that is greater than 7 mm).

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1. Nodular Melanoma – The form of melanoma, which is very dangerous, that looks different than the melanoma that often occurs in the initial and even the coloring (often painted in red or pink and some brown or black). Types of melanomas grow very quickly and need to be treated as soon as possible.

2. Basal – It’s the most common form, but the most dangerous skin cancer. Grows slowly, usually on the head, neck, and body of the top. It might sound like bumps or dry, scaly plots. Colors are red, light, or pearl. How it grows can swell or look like a wound that won’t heal.

3. Squamous Cancer – The types of skin cancer are not as strong as melanoma but can spread to other parts of the body if not treated. This has grown in a few months and appears on the skin most often exposed to sunlight. It can be thick, red, scaly, easily bleeding, bark, or Ulcerates. What are the 3 types of skin cancer? Signs of acne skin and risk of skin cancer. Freckles, age stains, freckles and birthmarks similar to the one in the photograph above, the signs of skin damaged by solar radiation. They’re not usually dangerous, but if you notice their changes, see your doctor.

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