Testicular Cancer Age Range

Testicular Cancer Age Range
Testicular cancer age range – Cancer grows in the testicular is called testicular cancer. It can be formed in one or both of the male sex glands that produce sperm and testosterone. The scrotum is at the base of the penis, and the protection of the glands is called testitis. They are part of the center of the male reproductive system. Every test sperm produces and stores it in the Tube network. Because the testis sperm also produces male sexual hormones, testosterone, they are also considered as part of the endocrine system. Testicular cancer age range – Usually, the biggest factor is age, and about 90% of testicular cancer in males up to 54 years of age, but can also occur in children or the elderly.
Sperm germ cell produced through a cell division process called reducing the compost. Under normal circumstances, cell division regulation. However, it is unclear why sometimes germ cells begin to divide uncontrollably and instead produce sperm functional, they make copies of themselves, treated as cancer. This type of uncontrolled divide can occur in all types of cells in the testis sperm. However, nearly 95% of all cases of testicular cancer grow in germ cells.
The primary indication of testicular cancer includes: formation or nodular in the testicles, or a change in shape or structure; Btum swelling, sometimes caused by the sudden formation of fluids; Persistent pain in abdominal scrotum or lower; Pain, discomfort or sensation in scrotum; and chest enlarged or swollen breasts for breast enlargement hormone secretion.
Some kind of testicular cancer produces no symptoms whatsoever. Besides, there are many other non-cancer conditions that can create similar symptoms, such as testicular lesions and inflammations, and viral or bacterial infections.
Testicular cancer is often diagnosed after the patient changes the experience in testicular. When suspected of abnormalities, often made ultrasound. If the experiment shows evidence of cancer, then surgery to remove the testicular and microscope examine the tissues to detect cancer. As such, testicular cancer diagnosis only after the testicular is removed and examined. A biopsy, which involves taking a small sampling of tissues using a needle or other medical equipment, do not do in the testis sperm, because the intrusion of the testicular can make it more difficult to treat existing cancer.
Nearly all testicular cancer forms in germ cells (which form the sperm). The main types of refined tumors are seminomas and Phi Seminomas. U have the tendency to grow and spread faster. Seminoma is more sensitive to radiation, but both are very sensitive to chemotherapy. If you have a testicular cancer cell and Seminoma, he is considered a non-seminoma organization. The three main types of testicular cancer treatment are:
1. Surgery. This method may include eliminating the testis sperm (removal of the testis sperm) and removes the associated lymph nodes (ganglion). Orchidectomy is often made for testicular cancer and non-seminomatous chimpanzees, whereas lymph nodes are only used for non-seminomas. Surgery can also be done in certain situations to cut away tumors from the lungs or liver if they do not disappear after chemotherapy.
2. Radiation therapy. This method uses high doses of X-ray. Radiation therapy can be used after surgery in patients with the seminoma tumor to prevent the return of the tumor. Radiation is often limited to the treatment of seminoma.
3. Chemotherapy. This method uses medicines such as cisplatin, bleomycin, and etoposide to destroy cancer cells.
In the first stage, treatment is usually a complete surgical removal surgery. For the stage I Seminoma, the treatment between the opinions of supervision, chemotherapy or radiation of the carbs in the lymph nodes in the abdomen. For non-seminomatous tumors, the management work includes oversight, chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin, or surgery to remove the lymph nodes in the abdomen.

The unfavorable risk factors include high concentration tumor markers in the blood and tumors in other organs other than the lungs, liver, bone or brain. If a malignant tumor is a recurrence of testicular cancer before chemotherapy treatment is often used combining various dealers such as ifosfamide, cisplatin, etoposide, vinblastine or paclitaxel. This treatment is sometimes followed by the bone marrow transplant itself or peripheral stem cell transplantation.
Testicular cancer age range – How to prevent testicular cancer? Testicular cancer cannot be prevented, but earlier it is detected, the more likely it is to treatment effectiveness. Self-examination can be the easiest way to detect the presence of this type of cancer. Any changes in appearance or structure and the existence of a party or node are the symptoms that need medical care.
If you have certain risk factors that increase the risk of testicular cancer (such unprotected testicular, pre-tumor cell tumors in testicular or have a family history of cancer), you should consider self-examination every month and talk to your doctor. There is no sure way to prevent testicular cancer, but you can reduce the risk by applying a healthy lifestyle, performing monthly checks and analyzing and periodic health investigations.
    See also  Testicular Cancer Statistics By Age

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