New Mesothelioma Treatment Options


New mesothelioma treatment options – Malignant Mesothelioma is a form of rare cancer that affects the thin layer of the organs in the body, which is known as the mesothelium. Like the word viciously implies, it is a deadly disease that often has a poor prognosis. There are three main types of mesothelioma: (Pleural Mesothelioma malignant – occur in the lining of the lungs (the pleura). Peritoneal Mesothelioma malignant – occurs in the lining of the stomach (peritoneum). Pericardial Mesothelioma malignant – occur in the lining of the heart (pericardium).

What Are The Causes Of Malignant Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a toxic mineral natural which is often used in a variety of industries until about the 1980s. Asbestos fibers are a microscopic entry into the body by inhaling or swallowing. New mesothelioma treatment options – Once inside the body, asbestos fibers can cause inflammation and scarring, which ultimately leads to cell development of mesothelioma cancer.

There is a period of latency between exposure to the asbestos beginning and the onset of mesothelioma symptoms – sometimes for 30 to 50 years. Exposure can occur directly, such as in the workplace (factories, shipyards, mines, etc.) or indirectly through exposure to secondary. Spouses and children of those exposed to asbestos have developed malignant mesothelioma due to exposure to the secondary.

How Mesotheliomas malignant treated? New mesothelioma treatment options – The Prognosis of mesothelioma is poor, as often the disease will be diagnosed in the later stages after symptoms appeared. However, there are several treatment options for the management of this type of cancer.

Operation – Surgery for malignant mesothelioma involves the removal of all or part of the pleura, peritoneum, or pericardium. Parts of the adjacent organs and lymph nodes also can be removed if cancer has spread to them.

Chemotherapy – Chemotherapy is used to kill mesothelioma cells malignant grow rapidly in the entire body. It is often used in addition to surgery so that it can destroy cancer cells that may be left after the procedure.

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Radiation – Radiation can help shrink tumors and prevent cancer cells from spreading again so that it can prevent recurrence. Radiation is often used as an adjuvant therapy after primary treatment of surgery and/or chemotherapy is given.

Therapy that is more aggressive now possible for patients with mesothelioma diagnosed in the early stages. For example, pneumonectomy extrapleural now become the choice for many pleural mesothelioma patients who are considered eligible for aggressive operations. Pneumonectomy extrapleural involves the removal of the entire lung that is affected, the pericardium, the pleura, and the diaphragm. Aggressive operations are often performed on mesothelioma patients the in early stages by Dr. David Sugarbaker.

The treatment of pleural mesothelioma continues to improve, increasing the probability of a better prognosis for many people diagnosed with this disease. In addition to the method of treatment standards, a number of treatments that appear currently in clinical trials show promising results. Although there is no cure for pleural mesothelioma, treatment options are to increase the survival rate and improve quality of life.

Researchers are currently studying a new the treatment, such as immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and gene therapy. Progress in research and scientific technology allow this treatment improves the prognosis, life expectancy and overall quality of life. Patients who qualify are recommended to apply a clinical trial studying the course of treatment is new, and innovative.

New Treatment – As researchers seek to improve the treatment of pleural mesothelioma at this time, they are also exploring new therapies to provide more options. Care new appear is still in the early stages of development. They have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration-pharmaceuticals A. S., but is currently used in clinical trials and is constantly looking for future pleural mesothelioma.

New Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Immunotherapy – Immunotherapy is a type of treatment that uses the immune system to help fight diseases such as cancer. The immune system is very complex, however, recognize how it works at a basic level can help in understanding how immunotherapy can be used to treat conditions such as mesothelioma. The immune system is a protection mechanism of the body. This is designed to defend against pathogens (microorganisms that can infect the body and cause disease) such as bacteria, viruses and toxins and to remove cells which are dead or damaged. The immune system basically keeps track of all the substances in the body and when you recognize substances that should not be there, he attacked her.

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However, it is more difficult for the immune system to detect and kill cancer cells rather than the germ or bacteria, because cancer cells and healthy cells have a difference less. The immune system may not be strong enough to destroy cancer or may not see cancer cells as something foreign, that’s where immunotherapy in.

Immunotherapy allows the body to recognize cancer as a foreigner so that e body specifically target and destroy cancer cells while leaving the cells non-cancer. This reduces side effects compared with the methods of standard treatment, like chemotherapy, which affects all cells in the body, cell cancer, and non-cancer. Immunotherapy is most successful when used in addition to standard care. Studies involving the use of immunotherapy and chemotherapy showed a slight increase in the rate of survival. Research also indicates the presence of correlation in the improvement of the immune system and the prognosis of pleural mesothelioma.

Introduce the antigen into the body stimulates a response of the immune system to kill cancer cells. The antigen is a substance that is recognized the immune system as foreign substances, such as chemicals, viruses or bacteria, which is detected by the antibody or protein is y-shaped which bind to and destroy foreign objects in the body. This can be effective in the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. The doctor injects the patient with of an antigenic substance that mimics the surface of tumor cells. These antigens travel to the lymph nodes, where dendritic cells identify them as foreign and deliver them to T cells and b cells. these Cells cause an immune response and the body attacks the tumor.

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Use a Laboratory Component: By using the components of the immune system developed in the laboratory, such as the protein man-made, allows the patient to apply immune response enhanced is developed in a test tube. The components used for treatment depends on whether the specific immunotherapy or not specific. Specific immunotherapy involves monoclonal antibodies, clones of cytotoxic T cells or lymphocytes to attack cancer tumors. Immunotherapy nonspecific using macrophages, cytokines, killer cells a lymphocyte-activated (LAK), or bacillus Calmette-Guerin to kill this disease.

Benefits: New mesothelioma treatment options – Immunotherapy has made strides in the fight against cancer. The FDA has approved the immunotherapy to treat some types of cancer and now focus on some of the clinical trials mesothelioma. The approach of immunotherapy that is targeted to help healthy cells develop, while mesothelioma cells targeted and destroyed. Standard treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, targeting all of the cells in the body, resulting in side effects such as hair loss and vomiting. Without treatment the standard aggressive, the patient can experience side effects that are less severe. Patients with the later stages of mesothelioma may also be eligible to receive treatment because the side effects a little.

Possible Side Effects: If immunotherapy is introduced with an antigen or a laboratory component, there are indeed some side effects, which is the result of the kick-start the immune system. The most common side effects of immunotherapy include: (Flu-like symptoms, Rash, Chronic fatigue, Low fever, Changes in blood pressure).

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