Testicular Cancer Check Your Balls

Testicular Cancer Check Your Balls

Testicular cancer check your balls – Testicular cancer is a rare disease, which represents about 1% of cancer in men. However, this is cancer with the highest rate for men aged 25-35 years. It is not only a serious disease, but it also affects the lives of men. The proportion of men with this type of cancer is 1/450. The main cause of testicular cancer is the invisible scrotum. 80-85% of people with testicles have testicular cancer and 15%-20% spoke on the side of the testicles. Other factors causing the disease are the history of thyroid enlargement, testicular seepage, inguular hernia.

To prevent this disease, you can test your testicles every day. Testicular cancer check – For young children, parents must also check their children. After detecting abnormal markings such as invisible testicles, testicular swelling must be sent immediately to specialists for inspection facilities and interventions in a timely manner.

How to detect the disease? The disease can be diagnosed easily by the scrotum of the testicular tumor. In the past, joint autopsies on hospitals have enabled the hospital to detect testicular cancer among teenagers. In cases where it is difficult to diagnose the disease, ultrasonic ultrasound helps with the ultrasound in diagnosis or through specific blood tests. Testicular cancer check – But there are other things you can try in your room, the self-examination method of detecting distortions is as follows: (1) In front of the mirror to check for signs of swelling in the testicles. (2) Test the testicles with the hands, the middle finger at the bottom and the thumb on the testicle. (3) Bite gently on the side of the testicles, but don’t worry too much if the testicles are not as standard as they are normal. (4) A Perspray test, a soft tube located behind a testicle containing sperm. (5) The most common site of the testicular tumor is the lateral side, also on the front.

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You can check when you feel comfortable, and the simplest is checked every time the shower. If you find something unusual, you should go to a private hospital for early detection of cancer and avoid delays. This is very important because it is cancer that can be treated at an early stage.

If diagnosed earlier, UTTH can heal. But if left untreated, cancerous cells may spread in the local lymph nodes or move to the lungs, liver, bone, and brain. Some of the factors favorable to UTTH are the unspecified testicles, genital dysplasia including testicular atrophy and infertility disorders. Testicular cancer check – Some environmental factors, especially hormones, derived from endocrine loss during fetal safety can also be a useful condition.

If you see the marks below when you do the tests, go immediately to the Medical Center to perform the examination because it is likely to be a symptom of testicular cancer.

1. Change the size of the testicles. When you realize that the testicles are suddenly changing, it shows that he has a problem and is likely to be a symptom of cancer. You can check the format of testis by measuring its size today, and then check again later. If your balls are bigger (or smaller), it’s proof that your hormone levels are problematic and need to be checked.

2. Chest grows and feels pain. The signs of testicular cancer also have chest pain and under the waist. In some cases, cancer cells can cause abnormal growth or pain. The reason is due to a hormonal defect created in the body. It also causes the loss of sexual desire in some cases.

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3. Lower back pain. The signs of testicular cancer also have symptoms of lower back, thigh pain. This is also due to hormonal imbalances. This is a sign that testicular cancer spreads to the lymph nodes in this area.

4. Difficulty breathing and coughing. If you have problems with your lungs such as difficulty breathing, cough, it is likely that this is a sign of testicular cancer effect. I know most of the signs associated with cancer are associated with the lungs. Cancer is not just a sign of testicles, because when it is severe, cancer cells spread to the lymph glands and cause your lungs to have symptoms of shortness of breath, cough and chest pain.

5. Abdominal pain. If you feel uncomfortable, the lower abdominal pain is likely to be associated with testicular cancer. This means that testicular cancer may be presented beyond the testicles and lymph glands that lead to other organs including the stomach.

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