Testicular Cancer Self Exam

Testicular Cancer Self Exam

Testicular cancer self exams should be continued through out life – Most types of testicular cancer are found by the man himself or his partner, very few are found by doctors. That’s why it’s very important to know what’s normal and if you see any changes, go to your doctor immediately. We recommend that you perform the self-testicular test during or immediately after a bath or a warm bath. The warmth of the scrotum relaxer makes the test easier. Don’t worry if a testicle looks slightly larger than the other, it’s normal. It is also normal for a testicle to stand lower than the other.

Men who notice lumps, swelling or pain in their legs or scrotum can worry that they have testicular cancer. Here we describe the symptoms of testicular cancer and other problems that can cause symptoms in this part of the body. We also include information about how you can perform the testicular examination for men who want to do it.

It is not designed as a complete guide to the testicle symptoms, nor is it intended to provide medical advice or replace the skills and judgments of healthcare providers. If you notice any changes to your testicles, you should see the supplier so that the cause can be found and treated if necessary.

Testicular cancer self exam – The testicles are part of the male reproductive system. In adult men, these two organs are usually slightly smaller than a golf ball. They are contained in a leather bag called scrotum, which hangs under the base of the penis. Tests have 2 main functions: They make a male hormone, like testosterone. And they make semen, male cells must fertilize the female egg to begin a pregnancy.

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The sperm cells from inside the testicles and then deposit in the epididymides, a small circular tube behind each testicle, where they are ripened. When a man ejaculates (has an orgasm), sperm cells move from epididymides through Vas deferens to seminal blisters, where they are mixed with fluid created by blisters, prostate gland, and other glands to form sperm. This fluid then flows through the urethra and through the penis.

How To Test For Testicular Cancer

You can’t be sure you only have testicular cancer from your symptoms, so it’s important to look at your health care providers about the symptoms of your testicles that concern you. Don’t wait.

  • The most common symptoms of testicular cancer are bulimic or painless testicles.
  • Sometimes testicles can become swollen or larger, without swelling. (It is normal for a testicle to be slightly larger than the other and for one that sits lower than the other.)
  • Some testicular tumors may cause pain, but most of the time they don’t. Men with testicular cancer can also have severe feelings or pain in the lower abdomen or in the scrotum.
  • Breast growth or sensitivity: rarely, testicular cancer can cause a man’s breast to grow or his illness. This is because certain types of testicular cancers can create elevated levels of hormones that affect the breast. Some men may also notice the loss of sexual desire.
  • Early signs of puberty in boys: some testicular cancers make male sex hormones. It cannot cause specific symptoms in men, but boys can produce signs of puberty, such as deepening the voice and raising facial and body hair at an early age.
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Most healthcare providers agree that checking a man’s testicles should be part of a routine physical examination. And some doctors recommend that all men check their testicles every month after puberty. Testicular cancer self-exam – Here’s how you can do this if you decide that your own exam is right for you.

The best time to do self-examination is during or after a bath or shower when the scrotum skin is relaxed. (1) hold the penis on the road and examine one testicle at a time. (2) hold the testicle between the thumb and fingers of both hands and gently rotate between the fingers. (3) See and feel the presence of a hard or smooth lump or changes in the size, shape or consistency of the testicles.

It is normal for a testicle to be slightly larger than the other and one to stand lower than the other. You should also know that each normal testicle has a small circular tube (epididymides) that can feel like a small piece outside or outside the testicles. Normal testicles also have blood vessels, support tissues and tubes carrying sperm. Some men may confuse them with abnormal swelling at first. If you have any concerns, contact your healthcare provider. If you regularly check your testicles, in time you will find out what is normal for you. And you’ll know when something is different.

What if you find something different?
If you find something unusual or something you don’t believe in, either during self-examination or at other times, consult a healthcare provider immediately. The provider will ask you if you experience symptoms (such as pain) and how long you will live. During a physical examination, the supplier will feel your testicle for swelling or sensitivity and the size and location of each piece. The supplier may also check your stomach (abdomen), groin and other parts of the body in search of possible signs of cancer spread.

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If it is found that something is abnormal, it can do an ultrasound to see the scrotum and testicles. This is an easy and painless way to see if there are any tumors or other problems. Other tests may be carried out.

Testicular cancer self exam – If you notice any form of testicles, lumps or irregularities directly to the doctor. Note that not all lumps or irregularities are cancerous, however, only doctors can determine it. Waiting to see if it will work will not help you. There are people who can have testicular cancer, but they don’t see any change in their testicles. It is therefore important to know the signs and symptoms of other types of testicular cancer and to consult your doctor if you have any of these.

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