How To Check For Breast Cancer at Home?


How to check for breast cancer at home? Adult women of all ages are encouraged to do breast self-examination at least once a month. Johns Hopkins Medical Center states that 40 percent of diagnosed breast cancer found women who feel a lump, so regular breast examination is very important.

Although mammography can help detect cancer before you feel a lump, breast self-examination will help you to understand how your breast looks and feels, so you can say that the medical worker, if There is a change.

You are aware of breast cancer? Through the great leaps in medicine and technology, each day nearly 50 people Australia received a diagnosis of breast cancer is life-changing. How to check for breast cancer at home – It is not surprising that breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in women, either in Australia or around the world. Increased incidence of numbers, but thanks to medical research and treatment options expanded, 89 out of every 100 women who are now diagnosed will survive five years or more after diagnosis.

But we’re not out of the woods. Unfortunately, even with the best of intentions, breast cancer is not always preventable. And because we know that early detection increases the chances of successful treatment response, to realize the breast is very important. How to check for breast cancer at home – Be proactive and provide personal security through life insurance, such as the closure of the trauma, or make the effort, which is tapered to do the breast exam at regular intervals can be a good start and a good start to the defensive line.

How To Check For Breast Cancer at Home

How To Check For Breast Cancer at Home?

Did you know that 20% of the breast cancers discovered through the examination of his own? Breast self-examination, or BSE, exactly as it is: breast exam you can do it from the comfort of your own home. BSE may be an effective way to identify the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer and works best in conjunction with a medical examination and a mammogram on a regular basis.

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Although most women are first diagnosed with breast cancer around the age of 60, it’s never too early to start taking inventory of his body. Familiarize yourself with what it looks and feels like your breasts for you, you are in a better position to determine when something is not right. How should breast self-examination do?

1. In the bathroom. Finally, go to the bathroom, as you can find it easier to do when your skin is wet and slippery, and repeat the same circular motion when standing or sitting. How to check for breast cancer at home – Note that the level of pressure that you use will vary depending on what you feel.

Using the pads of the fingers, move entire breast with a circular pattern moving from the outside to the middle, inspect the entire breast and armpit area. Check both breasts each month there is a lump, thickening, or hardened knot. Notice to any changes and to get the lump evaluated by your health care provider.

2. In front of the mirror. Here is the main emphasis on the physical appearance of your breasts. You will do this stage in two steps: first, by standing with the right shoulder and arm pressed firmly on the hips to bend the muscle of the chest. The further you stand upright with your hands raised above your head.

Visually inspect the breasts with hands beside the body. To further raise your hand high. Search for changes in contour, swelling, or dimpled skin or changes in the nipples. Next, put hands on hips and press firmly to Flex the muscle on the chest. The left and right breast will not be exactly the same just a couple of the female breast, so pay attention to the presence of dents, wrinkles, or changes, particularly on one side.

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3. Lay. Next, head to your bed or another flat surface. When you lie down the flat breast, do the same thing on the chest wall. Position with a pillow under the shoulder, put your hands behind your neck, and feel the entire breast with the pads of the pointer and middle finger on the opposite side.

When lying down the breast tissue spread evenly along the chest wall. Place a pillow under right shoulder and right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of the fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast and armpit area. Use light pressure, medium and strong. Squeeze nipple; check the MD and bumps. Repeat this step for the left breast.

How to check for breast cancer at home – The breast self-examination to ensure accurate breast cancer free? Mammography can detect tumors before perception, so screening is key to early detection. But in combination with regular medical care and mammographic recommended guidelines, breast self examination can help women know what is normal for them to be able to report any changes to your health care provider. If you find a lump, schedule an appointment with your doctor, but don’t panic-8 out of 10 lumps are not cancerous. For further peace of mind, call your doctor, whenever you have a problem.

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