Signs Of Lung Cancer In Women


Signs of lung cancer in women or female smokers and non smokers – Symptoms of lung cancer in women may be different from the symptoms of lung cancer in men. At first, it may seem surprising, but as we have learned that the symptoms of heart disease in women is often different from the male, as with lung cancer.Unfortunately, such as heart disease, some of these symptoms are less recognized, and because of this, the diagnosis may be delayed.

How is lung cancer Symptoms are different in women? Symptoms of lung cancer are most of the people who are most familiar with the existence of chronic coughs and perhaps coughing blood. With women, the early symptoms of lung cancer are often more subtle or equivocal.The symptoms may be subtle, such as shortness of breath with activity. This can be easily dismissed as coming of age, or perhaps an extra 15 pounds you’ve gained.Symptoms are often also more vague, such as fatigue or just didn’t feel as good as ever. What are some common symptoms and why should they be different from the lung cancer symptoms in men? Why Might the symptoms of lung cancer in women be different from the symptoms of lung cancer in men? One of the reasons that the symptoms can differ between the sexes is the most common type of lung cancer varies between the sexes and different types of lung cancer tend to have different symptoms.

Signs Of Lung Cancer In Women or Female Non Smokers

Another reason is that many non-smokers women than men develop lung cancer. The most common type of lung cancer is found in non-smokers are often different from the type most commonly found in people who smoke. (See also: lung cancer symptoms back pain)

Symptoms related to lung cancer Types: (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer) – Non-small cell lung cancer accounts for about 80% of lung cancer. There are three main types of non-small cell lung cancer: Adenocarcinoma Of The Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Large Cell Carcinoma. In men, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the lung is more common. Squamous Cell Carcinoma usually located in or near the main part of the airways and often makes symptoms early in the disease. These symptoms may include a chronic cough, coughing up blood, and infections (such as pneumonia) or the lungs collapsing (atelectasis) due to airway obstruction by a tumor.

Signs of Lung Cancer in Females

Instead, the most common type of lung cancer in women is adenocarcinoma. Lung adenocarcinoma tends to grow in areas outside of the lungs. These tumors can grow quite large or spread before causing any symptoms. Early symptoms in women can include:

  • Shortness of breath – gradual onset of shortness of breath first will probably be dismissed as due to age or inactivity. Women may know see that they be shortness of breath when they walk up and down stairs or walking to the mailbox.
  • Back and shoulder pain – because of the pressure on the nerve caused by tumor
  • Chest pain that worsens with deep breath (chest pain pleuritic) – Tumors close to the outer area of the lung can irritate the membranes that line the lungs. This can cause pain with breathing.
  • Fatigue
  • Symptoms of lung due to cancer spread (metastasis). Common that lung cancer spread to include: (bone – brain – hearts)
See also  What Does it Mean if You Cough Up Blood

Small Cell Lung Cancer – Most small cell lung cancer related to smoking and small cell lung cancer is more common in men than in women. Small cell lung cancer usually starts near the largeAirways and spread early, often to the brain. More about the symptoms that are associated with Smoking Status: One form of non-small cell lung cancer is seen more often in women and young people who had never smoked. Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (BAC) – a form of lung cancer that has now been reclassified as subtypes of adenocarcinoma of the lung – may present with symptoms similar to lung cancer, but it also has created “the masquerade.” It is not uncommon for BAC became the first misdiagnosed as pneumonia or other lung ailments. For unknown reasons, the incidence appears to be increasing BAC. (Lung cancer in Non-smokers and Lung cancer in young adults) (See also: symptoms of lung cancer on different stages)

Common symptoms of lung cancer in both sexes – It is helpful to review the common symptoms of lung cancer that is found in both women and men. This may include: (1) a persistent cough, (2) coughing blood, (3) wheezing, (4) shortness of breath, (5) hoarseness, (6) recurrent lung infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia

    Less Common Symptoms: As mentioned above, the most common type of lung cancer in men tends to grow near the Central airways. This tumor tends to cause symptoms early in the course of the disease, with symptoms that are associated with the presence of a tumor in the airway. Such as, coughing blood, causing obstruction of the lung collapse (atelectasis), and his coughing may see early lung cancer found in men than they would in a woman.

    Another group of symptoms that look sometimes with lung cancer is something called paraneoplastic syndrome. Paraneoplastic syndrome is a group of symptoms caused by substances such as hormones that are secreted by the tumor and is seen most often with small cell lung cancer, squamous cell cancer of the lung and large cell carcinoma cancer found more often in men. Paraneoplastic symptoms may include increased levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), low sodium level, weakness in upper limbs, loss of muscle coordination and cramps among other symptoms.

    Signs of Lung Cancer in Female Smokers

    Lung cancer is one of the most common tytypesf cancer in men and women worldwide. According to the US National Cancer Institute, approximately one out of every 14 men and women in the United States will be diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lives. In the U.S., lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer-related death in women. But be aware of the risk factors and heed the warning signs and symptoms that can save lives.

    See also  Lung Cancer Symptoms Back Pain

    The risk factors: Smoke – there is a strong link between Lung cancer and smoking, and about 90% of lung cancer cases are the result of tobacco use. Lung cancer risk increased the more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you are free. It is believed that among smokers two or more packs of cigarettes per day, one of the seven will die of lung cancer.

    Passive smoking – You don’t have to be a smoker yourself to put your health at risk. Tobacco smoke contains many chemicals that have been shown are carcinogenic. The risk increases the more you are exposed to smoking the smoked by others.

    Air pollution – it is believed that the very air pollution exposure can increase the risk of developing lung cancer similar to that of passive smoking.

    Asbestos fibers and other chemicals – the use of asbestos is restricted or prohibited in many countries, but it has been widely used in the past. It also includes exposure to certain chemicals and substances used in some of the occupations and industries such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, coal, silica, and nickel.

    Radon gas is a natural radioactive gas that is a product of uranium. It is invisible and odorless and can come through the ground and into the House.

    The offspring – Individual genetic susceptibility may play a role in getting lung cancer. Also people with a family member with lung cancer have an increased risk of this disease.

    Pulmonary disease – Certain lung diseases that are associated with an increased risk for developing lung cancer such as COPD and scarring in the lungs.

    Over the age of 65 years, nearly 70% of people who are diagnosed with lung cancer are over the age of 65 years, while less than 3% of the lung cancers occur in people under the age of 45 years.

    Signs and symptoms of lung cancer: Warning signs of lung cancer is not always present or is easy to identify. In many cases of lung cancer may not show visible symptoms in the early stages. But if you suspect that some of the risk factors apply to you, then early detection can help people who are at high risk for this disease. Someone with lung cancer may have the following symptoms:

    1. A persistent cough or a change in cough – If you have the flu, your cough will disappear after a week or two, but if it continues for a long time, you should see your doctor. If you are a smoker or are suffering from a chronic cough, notice if there are any changes in cough, for example: chronic cough more frequently, more coughs with deeper or hoarseness, coughing up blood or have more mucus than usual.

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    2. Shortness of breath – If you experience shortness of breath while doing tasks that can be done easily in the past, it may be a symptom of lung cancer. These symptoms can occur if the tumor of the lung block or narrow the airway, or if the fluid from it accumulates in the chest.

    3. Chest and bone pain – One of the symptoms of lung cancer may be a pain in the chest, shoulders, or back area. Lung cancer that has spread to the bone can cause pain in the affected bone. If it has spread to the brain can cause a number of neurological symptoms and headaches. So listen to your body and if the pain persists and doesn’t go, go to see your doctor.

    4. Wheezing – While the sound of whistling when you breathe can be the result of asthma or allergy, it can also be associated with lung cancer. If wheezing persists, visit your doctor to find the cause of it.

    5. Sound change – Your voice becomes deeper and hoarser or you notice any significant changes in your voice. Temporary hoarseness can result from a simple cold, if it continues then went to see your doctor.

    6. Persistent Chest infection – Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that does not go away or keep coming back.

    7. Weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness – This is a non-specific symptoms that can be seen with many types of cancer or other diseases, but if a change that can’t be explained and survive, then go to a doctor to find the cause.

    How to Reduce The Risk for Developing Lung Cancer? (1) Stop smoking if you haven’t done so yet. You can read my previous article about the 5 natural ways to quit smoking that’s been scientifically proven. If you are passive smokers, eliminating exposure to tobacco smoke. (2) Test your home for radon – if you suspect you have a radon gas in your home, buying a home radon test kit that can identify increased levels of radon in the home. (3) Avoid carcinogens at work – take precautions to protect yourself from exposure to toxic chemicals at work. (4) Other lifestyle changes – there is strong evidence to suggest that regular exercise can lower the risk of developing lung cancer and other types of cancer. Also eat foods high in fiber diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. There is also evidence that these vegetables can reduce the risk of lung cancer. You can also read my article about top 14 foods that protect against cancer development. (5) Initial Chest x-ray scanning is not effective in detecting early stage lung cancer. However, the low-dose CT scans have been shown to reduce the mortality rate of lung cancer by 20%.

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