Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Males


Symptoms of prostate cancer in males – Prostate cancer symptoms – In most cases, prostate cancer symptoms are not clear in the early stages of the disease. Symptoms of prostate cancer may be different for each person and each one of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions. As a result, routine screening in the form of a digital rectal exam (DRE) and prostate-specific androgen (PSA) tests are important. The American Cancer Society recommends that people make decisions with their doctors about whether to be tested for prostate cancer, beginning at age 50. Men with one or more risk factors for prostate cancer should consult their doctors about whether to start regular screening earlier.

Urinary symptoms of prostate cancer: Because of the proximity of the prostate gland in relation to the bladder and urethra, prostate cancer can be accompanied by various urinary symptoms. Depending on the size and location of the tumor can compress and narrow your urethra, impeding the flow of urine. Some of the signs of prostate cancer that are associated with urination which includes: (1) Burning or pain during urination, (2) Difficulty urinating, or start and stop during urination, (3) More frequent and urge to urinate at night, (4) Loss of bladder control, (5) The decrease in the flow or urine flow rate, (6) Blood in the urine (hematuria).

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Males! Prostate cancer may spread (metastasize) to nearby tissue or bone. If the cancer spreads to the spine, it can press on the spinal cord. Other symptoms of prostate cancer include: (a) Blood in semen (b) Trouble getting an erection (erectile dysfunction) (c) Painful ejaculation (d) Swelling in the legs or pelvic area (e) Numbness or pain in the hip, leg or foot (f) Painful bone failed to heal, or leads to fractures.

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Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Young Males

Prostate cancer is usually seen as a more prominent diseases among older men.And for the most part it’s mostly true. The average age of diagnosis of prostate cancer is 66, and about 60 percent of the new cases occurred in men aged 65 and older, according to the National Cancer Institute. Although the statistics but interest rates are increasing among young men. For example, the diagnosis of prostate cancer among young men still scarce: the rate of diagnosis of prostate cancer among men aged 35 29 is about 1 in 100,000 people. If you are a man in his mid-50s or younger, here are some things to consider.

This Can Be More Aggressive In Younger Men – The younger man did not routinely undergo a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and rectal exam until the recommended age of about 50. Prostate cancer in males usually have no physical symptoms in the early stages. As a result, if aggressive prostate cancer was finally diagnosed in men younger than 55 years, it has often been developed for later stage cancers and therefore more difficult to treat.

Screening – Prostate cancer is very treatable disease, especially in the initial stages. While the PSA level at or below 4.0 ng/mL has traditionally been considered normal, the American Cancer Society suggests annual PSA testing for men with 2.5 or higher in addition to having Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). If you are over 40, talk with your doctor about your personal risk factors and determine whether PSA testing is right for you.You do not have to undergo the examination until you fully understand the benefits and disadvantages of testing.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Males

The Symptoms To Take Notice: Symptoms of prostate cancer is generally the same regardless of the age of the patient. In the early stages, prostate cancer will likely produce no symptoms at all. With more advanced forms of prostate cancer, the symptoms can include: (a) More frequent and urge to urinate at night (b) A weak flow of urine or difficulty in starting and stopping the flow of urine (c) A burning sensation or pain during urination (d) Blood in the urine (hematuria) and (e) Bone pain in the hips, back, ribs and other areas also can indicate prostate cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the outside of the prostate. Talk with your health care provider if the problem arises. See also: Prostate Cancer Spread to Bones and Lymph Nodes Life Expectancy

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A family history of prostate cancer Can be a factor: If you have a family history of prostate cancer (father, brother, uncle or grandfather), talk with your primary care doctor about prostate cancer screening. Men with a family history of this disease have a risk two to three times higher than the general population.

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