Hormonal Breast Cancer Survival Rate

Hormonal Breast Cancer Survival Rate

Hormonal breast cancer survival rate (receptor positive and estrogen fed survival)- Common and treatable – Estrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive) breast cancer is the most common type of breast cancer were diagnosed today. According to the American Cancer Society, about two of every three cases of breast cancer hormone receptor positive. The vast majority of cases this is ER-positive, which means that there are estrogen receptors on the cell surface that bind estrogen.

If your doctor suspects cancer of the breast, you will most likely have a biopsy. The doctor will test your cells to see if they are cancerous. If there is a cancer, your doctor will also test the cells for characteristics such as what, if any, receptors are present on the surface of cancer cells. The result of this test is important when making a decision of treatment. What are the treatment options that are available depend on the results of the test.

If you have an ER-positive breast cancer, the cancer cells grown in the presence of the hormone estrogen. This naturally occurring estrogens in the body. Drugs that interfere with estrogen’s ability to promote the growth of cancer cells used to treat ER-positive breast cancer.

ER-positive breast cancer have a profitable prospects of all subtypes, according to a study in surgery, Gynaecology Obstetrics &. ER-positive cancers usually respond to hormone therapy. Even with a relapse, this type has more treatment options of ER-negative tumors. Some of the decrease in women is breast cancer with the mortality rate can be attributed to the effectiveness of hormone therapy drugs prescribed for women with ER-positive breast cancer.

What Hormone receptors? In breast cancer, hormone receptors are proteins that are within and around the cells of the breast. This receptor cell signals healthy and cancer to grow. In the case of breast cancer, hormone receptors tell cancer cells to grow uncontrollably, and tumors results.

Hormone receptors can interact with estrogen or progesterone. Estrogen receptors are the most common. This is why ER-positive is the most common form of breast cancer. Some people diagnosed with positive progesterone receptors (PR-positive)breast cancer. The main difference is whether cancer cells gain signals the growth of estrogen or progesterone.

Testing for hormone receptor is important in treating breast cancer. In some cases, no Hormone receptors are present, so it’s not a hormone therapy treatment options.This is called hormone receptor-negative breast cancer. However, according to BreastCancer.org approximately 2 out of 3 people with breast cancer have some form of hormone receptors are present. This makes them a candidate for hormone therapy.

Stage of Cancer and a Life Expectancy

Your Outlook depends on the stage of your cancer when it is found. This cancer is performed numerically. Each of these numbers reflect the different characteristics of breast cancer. These include the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has moved to lymph nodes or distant organs. But the subtypes of cancer does not play a role in the decision, only in the staging of the treatment.

Survival statistics of women with major subtypes of breast cancer such as ER-positive, HER2-positive, triple-negative grouped together. With treatment, most women with early stage breast cancer from each subtype can expect a normal lifespan.

Survival rates are based on how many people are still living so many years after they are first diagnosed. The five-year and 10-year survival is often reported. According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate is: (1) stage 0:100% (2) stage 1:100 percent (3) stage 2:93 per cent (4) stage 3:72 per cent (5) stage 4 (metastatic stage): 22%.

One thing to note is that these statistics also include women with HER2-positive more aggressively and triple-negative cancer. And it takes 5 years to get to the 5-year survival rate statistics, so new therapies are not included in these figures. The chances that a woman with breast cancer ER-positive diagnosed today may have a higher chance of survival.

The importance of treatment: All the women who have breast cancer ER-positive will be recommended a type of hormone therapy. This type of therapy is aimed at preventing estrogen to activate the growth of cancer cells. In the past, female premenopausal treated with selective estrogen receptor modulators such as tamoxifen. Women post-menopause who is in therapy with aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex. Both treatments to starve cancer cells estrogen so they can’t grow.

More recent studies have found that premenopausal women have better outcomes when they are given drugs to stop the production of ovarian estrogen, or if they have their ovaries removed. A woman enters menopause when the ovaries stop producing estrogen. Then they were treated with aromatase inhibitors such as the woman who entered menopause naturally.

Most women with early stage breast cancer will undergo surgery before beginning hormone therapy. Selection of operations will vary depending on the size of the breast, the patient’s wishes, and the size of the cancer. A lumpectomy removes the breast tissue but not an entire breast. Mastectomy removes the entire breast. Most women will tend to also have one or more lymph nodes removed from under the arm. Depending on the type of operation you have you may also need radiation.

estrogen positive breast cancer foods to avoid

Hormonal Breast Cancer Survival Rate

In the case of early-stage ER-positive cancers, you can ask your doctor if the Oncotype DX test is needed. This test will check 21 genes in cancerous tumor that can help identify whether you relapse risk is higher. This test can also indicate whether chemotherapy would be useful and reduce the risk of relapse.

If you have a low recurrence score you will be most likely do not need chemotherapy. If you have a high recurrence score you might be needing chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. The Oncotype DX test, which can be paid for by Medicare and most insurance plans, it is recommended for women who: have an early stage ER-positive node positive or node negative breast cancer and features 2-negative breast cancer.

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The advanced stage cancer, or cancer stage 4, meaning that the tumor has spread and begin to grow in other organs. In the case of breast cancer usually occur in the bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

Stage 4 is the most advanced stage of breast cancer. But it rarely has stage 4 breast cancer ER-positive at the time of initial diagnosis. Although at this time the cancer is not curable, women with stage 4 breast cancer ER-positive may respond well to hormone therapy that can extend life for years.

Know the odds – ER-positive breast cancer have a high chance of successfully treated, especially when it is found early. Diagnosis at a later stage will have a positive outlook, but who are diagnosed at a later stage is less common. And still there are many treatment options for cancer final stages. The Outlook for women with ER-positive breast cancer is generally good and there is no effective treatment. Chances for a long life.

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a malignancy that begins in the cells of the breast. The most common type of invasive ductal carcinoma,, begins in the breast milk ducts and then spread elsewhere in the breast, as well as potentially reaching other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system. The American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that eight out of every 10 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast cancer and estimates that breast cancer cases 226.870 will be diagnosed in the United States in 2012 plus 63.300 new cases of carcinoma in situ (noninvasive breast cancer). The survival rate has increased – if detected at an early stage, the five-year relative survival rate for localized breast cancer has increased from 72% to 96% for the past 60 years. Even so, the ACS projects that in 2012 the breast cancer will claim the lives of more than 39,000 woman in the United States.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer? The classic sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast or armpit. While most lumps are not turned into breast cancer, if you find one, make sure to see your doctor immediately. The following can also be signs of breast cancer: (1) Thickening or swelling on the part of the breast. (2) Irritation or mortar from the skin of the breast. (3) Reddish or scaly skin on the nipple area or elsewhere on the breast. (4) Interesting in (inversions) of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. (5) Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.

    What is the cause? Apart from mutations in certain genes, we don’t know for sure what causes breast cancer. However, we do not know much about lifestyle factors that can increase the risk. The greatest risk for breast cancer are being female and growing older (men can develop breast cancer, too, but only one percent of breast cancer cases occur in men.) The following are the main risk factors for women:

    • Personal history of breast cancerA family history of breast cancer. Some (but not all) of these cases originated from a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are second. Typically, this gene acts as a tumor suppressor that protects against breast cancer, but a woman can inherit copies of genes containing mutations that promote the development of the disease; If they do, the risk for breast cancer may be as high as 80 percent. It is estimated that between 5 and 10 percent of all breast cancer cases stemmed from inherited mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2. Rare mutations in another gene that can affect the risk of breast cancer, but not to BRCA1 and BRCA2.
    • Giving birth after the age of 30: increased risk of breast cancer in women who have never had children or who first gave birth after the age of 30.
    • Exposure to Estrogen: Throughout a woman’s life, the less he has to be exposure to estrogen (a hormone that stimulates the growth and Division of cells of breast cancer), the lower the risk of disease. For this reason, women who start menstruating late and reach menopause early are at risk because of lower estrogen levels are highest during a woman’s reproductive years.

    How is breast cancer diagnosed? Annual mammograms for women over 40 have been the key to success is early detection of breast cancer. However, many cases are discovered because of a woman or her doctor feels a lump in the breast that turn into cancer. Although monthly breast self-examination is no longer recommended, all women should be familiar with how their breasts normally feel that they can recognize any changes that occur.

    Evaluation of breast masses begin with a physical examination of the breasts, armpits, neck and chest area by the doctor. If breast cancer is suspected, one or more of the following tests will be recommended: (a) Mammogram for breast lump in evaluating; (b) Breast ultrasound to determine whether the lump is solid or fluid; (c) MRI to help better define the breast lump or an abnormal finding on a mammogram evaluate, and (d) A biopsy to remove cells from the lump for microscopic analysis and laboratory.

    Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer Foods to Avoid

    When the biopsy shows that cancer is present, it is important to test the cells were removed during the procedure to receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are often fed the growth of breast cancer cells. When cells that have receptors for estrogen, this disease is portrayed as ER (estrogen receptor) positive. When progesterone receptors are present, the disease is considered “PR-positive.” As a general rule, estrogen receptor positive tumors that grow more slowly than those without the receptors and are also more likely to respond to hormone therapy (see treatment section

    When cancer is found, the following additional tests may be required: (1) CT and/or bone scans to ensure the cancer did not spread. (2) PET scan (positron emission tomography), an imaging test that uses radioactive substances (called tracer) to identify areas of cancer that may have been missed by other studies. (3) Biopsy of the Sentinel Lymph nodes, a test that involves the surgical removal of regional lymph nodes to determine whether the cancer has spread outside the breast.

      Results of the tests described above allows the doctor to “stage” cancer that is, to determine what they face in terms of the size of the tumor, and whether or not it has spread to lymph nodes or to other sites in the body. The most common cancer classification system is based on what is known as the T, N, and M phase. The following description of this system from the American Cancer Society:

      • The letter T followed by a number from 0 to 4 describe the tumor size and extent of the spread to the skin or chest wall under the breast. High T means the figures larger tumor and/or a wider spread to tissues around the breast.
      • The letter N followed by a number from 0 to 3 indicates whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes near the breast and, if so, how many lymph nodes are affected.
      • The letter M followed by 0 or 1 indicates whether the cancer has spread to distant organs – for example, lungs or bones.
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      In addition to information collected through medical tests, recent studies have identified four types of genetic breast cancer. This new information that can help drive and enhance treatment:
      1. Luminal A and B: two types of breast cancer that originated luminal cells that line the milk ducts of the breast. Here, a protein on the surface of the cells reach out and seize the estrogen, which promotes tumor growth. Studies indicate that patients with breast cancer are described as luminal which has good prospects, while those with luminal B generally have bad results. This can be interpreted as findings that patients with cancer luminal might do well after early breast cancer treatment with hormone therapy to block estrogen from attaching to the remaining cancer cells, while those with luminal B will most likely require additional form of treatment.
      2. Basal-like breast tumors: Tumor is sometimes referred to as “triple-negative” because cancer cells have receptors for the hormones progestin and estrogen, HER2 proteins, each of which often promotes the growth of breast cancer. The new study found that these tumors are genetically more similar to ovarian cancer and forms of lung cancer than other types of breast cancer. They account for about 10 percent of all breast cancer, tend to be aggressive and difficult to treat, and are most common among young women, African-American women, and women with mutations in the genes BRCA1 and breast cancer BRCA2. (Most triple-negative breast cancers are basal in nature, but not all of the basal-type triple negative breast cancer). Here, the cancer cells that resembles the basal cell of the skin and sweat glands are visible in the deepest layers of the skin. Because of their new-found genetic similarities to ovarian tumors, researchers have suggested that basal-like breast cancer may be treated with the same medications used to fight ovarian cancer.
      3. Enriched HER2 breast cancer: some cancers have cells that express a protein called HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2) as a result of a genetic mutation. Today, women with this type of disease is usually treated with the drug Herceptin, amonoclonal antibody that can kill HER2 positive cancer cells and has greatly enhanced the prospects for the majority of these patients. The new study found that not all HER2 tumors that are the same. They were the researchers described as “HER2 enriched” respond well when treated with Herceptin. But the study found that the drug might not work so well for women with other types of HER2 tumors. This clinical trial is planned to explore the difference between ER2 tumors.

      What is the conventional treatment? In General, treatment for breast cancer depends on some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. After that, women may be advised to take additional medication to reduce the risk of recurrence. Here is the rundown:

      • This operation may refer lumpectomy for early stage breast cancer to remove a malignant lump and some surrounding tissue in order to eliminate cancer cells that may have spread locally outside the bump itself. Lumpectomy maintain the breasts and the same with mastectomy (appointment of the whole breast) in terms of long-term survival for most patients with early-stage breast cancer. The wider operation may be needed with advanced disease.
      • Chemotherapy: usually a follow-up operation (therapeutic adjuvants), chemotherapy involves only drugs to destroy cancer cells that may have spread outside the breast. In some cases, chemotherapy can be recommended as first-line approach, known as neoadjuvant therapy, in an effort to shrink a tumor that might be inoperable so that there is a better chance that surgery will be successful; neoadjuvant therapy may also be recommended to shrink the tumor could be removed by mastectomy for a measure that would permit the operation of breast conservation (lumpectomy).
      • Radiation: this is the use of high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells that may beleft in the region a lump after surgery.
      • Hormonal therapy: because most breast cancer growth and spread driven by estrogen, doctors often prescribe hormonal therapy to following surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. The idea here is to prevent estrogen enters the rest of breast cancer cells and promote their survival and spread. Anti-estrogen drug tamoxifen has been used for this purpose for more than 30 years. Prevents estrogen from binding to cells of breast cancer by blocking receptors on these cells. Two other drugs that can be used for this purpose is raloxifene (Evista) and toremifene (Fareston ®). A class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors (Aromasin) prevents estrogen production of other hormones and works as good as or better than tamoxifen to prevent recurrence.
      • Target therapy: also called biological therapy, this approach uses anticancer drugs to block changes in cells that may lead to cancer. One of this drug is trastuzumab(Herceptin) for women with HER2-positive breast cancer.

      Foods to Avoid with Estrogen Dominance

      Dr. Weil recommends that all women who are diagnosed with breast cancer who are treated with a qualified and experienced Breast Surgeons, radiation oncologists and specialists. However, he stressed the need for the lifestyle of the following measures to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in the first place and to help prevent recurrence after treatment:

      • Maintain a healthy weight. Weight gain after age 18 to between the ages of 50 and 60, were consistently associated with breast cancer risk after menopause. When the ovaries stop producing the hormones after menopause, fat cells produce most estrogen in a woman’s body. The more fatty tissue in a woman’s body, a higher estrogen levels tend to be, and the higher his risk of getting cancer of the breast.
      • The exercise. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk, perhaps because it can cause weight loss and reduce the amount of body fat, thereby reducing exposure to circulating estrogen produced by fat that could encourage the development of the disease.
      • Reducing exposure to xenoestrogens. A large number of synthetic chemical compounds that we all face such activity of estrogen. Among them: common pesticides, industrial pollutants and hormone residues in meat, poultry and dairy products. While the evidence to associate the hormones for breast cancer are at odds, Dr. Weil recommends limiting exposure as much as possible. Choose hormone-free milk and animal products and organic products is a good start.
      • Avoid alcohol. A study reported in the January 2011 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the more a woman drank, the higher the risk of breast cancer. Data from the study included 108.986 nurses who were followed from 1980 to 2008 shows that drinking two or more alcoholic drinks daily increases the risk of breast cancer than a woman reaches 1.5 times compared to women who never drink alcohol; for women who have one alcoholic drink per day, the risk is approximately 1.2 times higher than normal. Alcohol is believed to increase the risk of a woman due to increasing levels of estrogen and other hormones related to the hormone receptor positive breast cancer.
      • Avoid long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Data from the women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study of hormone replacement therapy that was halted ahead of schedule in 2004 showed an increased risk of breast cancer among women who took HRT, a combination of estrogen and progestin to slow post-menopausal bone loss and reduce the symptoms of menopause. Follow-up studies have shown that this risk increases steadily for about 11 years after women stop hormone consume. However, when the study of the WHI was halted, women who consume estrogen alonehad a 23 percent reduced risk of breast cancer compared with those who took a placebo. Since then, studies have shown that lower risk lasted for at least five years.(Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) alone should only be prescribed to women who have undergone hysterectomy – presents the risk of endometrial cancer for women who still have a uterus. Adding progestin decreases this risk.) Until there is a definite data shows otherwise, Dr. Weil recommends continuing to restrict the use of HRT.
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      Nutrition and supplements? Choose fats wisely. Research has shown that women with a high intake of olive oil have less breast cancer. Omega-3 fats, which are found in cold water fish (especially salmon and sardines), milled flaxseed and walnuts also has been associated with inhibiting the growth of breast tumors. Consider taking a good 2 grams of fish oil supplements on a daily basis. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. They contain a cancer-protective phytochemicals,especially vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale and watercress. Dr. Weil recommends eating 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

      Eat less meat. Women who eat meat the most high risk of breast cancer than those who ate little or no. If you eat meat, choose organic varieties to reduce exposure to residues of hormones used as growth promoters in beef, and cook more rather than less a preference for well-done meat is correlated with an increased risk due to carcinogenic compounds form as animal tissues that are cooked at high temperatures. Use freshly ground flax seed or other sources of fiber daily. High fiber diet seems to help reduce estrogen levels and promote proper weight loss, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer. Additionally, lignan in flax may have a protective effect against breast cancer.

      Eat more soy. Although the isoflavones in soy have a mild estrogenic effects (they are able to bind to estrogen receptors in human tissues), soy foods contain a lot of cancer-protective substances and also seems to have the effect of anti-oestrogenic. For this reason, and also because it populations studies have failed to show a connection between soy consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer, Dr. Weil recommends eating a serving of soy foods intact. If you have daughters, he suggested starting them in whole soy foods early. Regular, moderate consumption of whole soy foods early in life affect the development of breast tissue in ways that appear to reduce the risk. Drink green tea. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a lower incidence of various types of cancer. Take a multivitamin. Choose one that contains vitamin A and antioxidants, all of which have been associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. Although your diet must be the primary source of most of the nutrients you, either to supplement daily can help ensure that an adequate intake.

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