Breast Cancer Stages Symptoms

Breast Cancer Stages Symptoms
Breast cancer stages symptoms – First stage (starting or initial), stage 1, stage 4 (end of last, final stage), stage 3, stage 2, advanced and more information for breast cancer stages symptoms. Once the breast cancer or malignant tumor is diagnosed, the group of doctors treating the patient determines the stage of the disease, how well the disease has progressed. Research developments and reliable information on breast cancer screening and diagnosis have been instrumental in helping to treat this type of cancer more effectively today. Survival rates have increased and the number of deaths steadily decreases year after year, mainly thanks to early detection, personalized approach for each patient, and deeper understanding of the disease itself.
What types of breast cancer are diagnosed with Stage 0 and 1? The most common type of breast cancer is in situ sporogenous breast carcinoma, where cancer begins in dairy glands. What does it mean in situ? The cancers in stage 0 are called “local carcinoma”. Carcinoma is cancer and in situ terminology which in Latin means on the spot indicates that it is the starting point, that is, locally. The 3 possible types of carcinoma are: Non-Invasive Porogenous Breast Carcinoma (DCIS), Non-Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast (LCIS), and Paget’s disease in the breast tissue of the breast.
What is stage 0? The non-invasive ductal carcinoma is non-invasive cancer where abnormal cells are found on the internal surface of the mammary gland. In step 0 the atypical cells have not spread out of the glands. This is an early stage of cancer that is curable, but if not detected and treated in time, it can spread to the surrounding tissues.
The non-invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast cancer is generally not considered. Although the word cancer is included in its name, it only describes the development of abnormal and non-invasive cells formed in the lobes. Breast cancer stages symptoms – Some scientists prefer the term lobe neoplasia. The existence of this disease may increase the risk of developing breast cancer. If you are diagnosed with LCIS, your doctor may recommend breast and mammography clinical examinations. Subsequently, appropriate treatment is proposed based on the results of these examinations.
What is Stage 1? Cancer at this stage is evident, but it only exists at its initial site where abnormal cells began to grow. It is diagnosed at an early stage and can be treated effectively. Stage 1 is divided in step 1a and 1b. The difference is determined by the size of the tumor and the lymph nodes with cancer cells. In stage 1a the volume is less than the size of a fistula (2cm or less) and has not spread to the lymph nodes. In stage 1b, the lymph nodes have cancer cells with small clusters of about 1 grain of grain size (0.2mm to 2.0mm) and either there is no chest volume or the volume is less than the size of a pistachio (2cm or less). Like step 0, stage 1 is considered to be durable and with good prognosis.
Stage 0 and 1 cancer treatment: Although step 0 is considered non-invasive, it requires immediate treatment, usually surgical or radiation, or a combination of both. Chemotherapy is usually not part of the treatment of so early stages of cancer. Stage 1 has a very good prognosis, although it requires immediate treatment, usually surgery or radiation, or both. Depending on the condition and the risk factors, hormone therapy may also be applied.
What does Stage 2 cancer mean? This stage means that cancer is increased, but it is confined to the breast or its growth has only spread to adjacent lymph nodes. This step is divided into step 2a and step 2b. Their difference is determined by the size of the tumor and if cancer has progressed to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage 2a: There is no tumor associated with cancer cells and less than 4 lymph nodes have cancer cells or the tumor is less than 2 cm and less than 4 lymph nodes have cancer or the tumor is about 2 and 5 cm and not yet spread in the lymph nodes.
  • Stage 2b: The tumor is approximately 2 and 5 cm long and spread to less than 4 lymph nodes, either the tumor is larger than 5 cm but has not metastasized to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage 2 treatment: Although the treatment applied to Stage 2 cases is more demanding, the cancer at this stage responds well to treatment.
See also  Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
What is Stage 3 breast cancer? When breast cancer has progressed to Stage 3, it means that it has expanded from the original tumor site and can penetrate the lymph nodes and muscles, but has not been extended to adjacent organs. Breast cancer stages symptoms – Although this stage is considered advanced, there are many effective treatments to be applied. It is divided into 3 steps: 3a, 3b, and 3c. The difference is determined by the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has metastasized to the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues.
The stage 3a means either that there is tumor associated with the cancer cells or can be any size and the adjacent nodes have cancer or that the volume is greater than the average size of a small lemon (slightly more than 5cm) and small groups cancer cells are located in the lymph nodes either the tumor is larger than the average size of a small lemon (over 5 cm) and the cancer has spread to 1, 2 or 3 lymph nodes under the arm or near the chest.
In step 3b means that the tumor can be of any size and cancer invades the chest wall or breast skin with indications expanded inflammation or ulcers (such as inflammatory breast cancer). Cancer has also penetrated 9 adjacent lymph nodes.
In step 3c means no tumor in the breast (such as in cases of inflammatory cancer) or tumor can be any size and cancer has penetrated the chest wall or skin of the breast with indications expanded inflammation or ulcers and cancer has penetrated in 10 or more lymph nodes under the hand whether there is no tumor or tumor of any size and the lymph nodes extending in the area of the cervix have cancer either there is no volume in the chest or the tumor is ioudipote size and lymph nodes under the arm next to the breast are cancer.
The stage 3c cancer is divided into an operable and non-operable stage. However, not taking an operation does not mean that it is not curable. It only means that a simple ablation operation at that time would not be enough to get rid of the volume. For the start, another method should be used to reduce the volume as much as possible before surgery.
Stage 3 treatment: It includes many choices such as mastectomy and radiation as a topical treatment and hormone therapy and chemotherapy as a systemic therapy. Breast cancer stages symptoms – The majority of patients with the disease at this stage respond better when a combination of treatments is applied.
What is Stage 4 cancer? At this stage cancer has metastasized to other organs of the body such as the brain, the bones, the lungs and the liver. Although stage 4 is considered to be untreated, the advancement of medical technology helps many women to lengthen their lifespan by treating the disease as chronic. With proper support and medical care, but also personal effort and a willingness by the patient himself, the disease can respond to the treatments and thus extend its lifespan for several years. Breast cancer stages symptoms – Stage 4 cancer treatment: The treatment options vary and depend on the place where the patient lives, his access to physicians and his desire to test treatments that are at an experimental stage. Throughout this effort, besides the medical team that treats it, the friends and family of the patient also play an important role.

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