Stage 4 Bladder Cancer Survivors


Stage 4 bladder cancer survivors and uncovered a clear journey from the stories of a Charles Daniel – Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that starts in your bladder, a balloon-shaped organ in your pelvic area that stores urine. Bladder cancer usually starts in cells that align the bladder. Bladder cancer usually affects older adults, although it can occur at any age. The vast majority of bladder cancers are diagnosed at an early stage when bladder cancer is particularly treatable. However, even in early stages of bladder cancer, it is likely to be repeated. For this reason, survivors of bladder cancer are often subject to follow-up trials to look for recurrence of bladder cancer for many years after treatment.

Signs of bladder cancer and symptoms may include: Blood in the urine (hematuria), urine may appear dark yellow, bright red or cola. Or urine may appear normal, but blood can be detected in a microscopic urine test, Frequent urination, Painful urination, Back pain, and Pelvic Pain.

Causes: It is not always clear what causes bladder cancer. Bladder cancer has been associated with smoking, parasitic infection, radiation and exposure to chemicals. Bladder cancer develops when cells in the bladder begin to grow unusually. Stage 4 bladder cancer survivors – Instead of developing and dividing in a method fashion, these cells develop mutations that cause them to grow out of control and not die. These abnormal cells form a tumor.

Complications: Bladder cancer is often recurrent. Because of this, survivors of bladder cancer are often screened for years after successful treatment. What tests will be performed and how often it will depend on the type of bladder cancer and your treatment, among other factors.

Stage 4 Bladder Cancer Survivors

Ask your doctor to create a follow-up plan for you. Generally speaking, doctors recommend a test to examine the inside of your urethra and bladder (cystoscopy) every three to six months for the first few years after treatment of bladder cancer. They can then be cystoscopically every year. Your doctor may recommend other tests at different times as well. People with aggressive forms of cancer can be more frequently examined. Those with less aggressive forms of cancer may be subjected to detection tests less frequently.

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Prepare for your appointment: Start by seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner if you have any signs or symptoms that worry you. Your doctor may recommend that you take examinations and procedures to investigate your signs and symptoms.

If your doctor suspects that you may have bladder cancer, he may refer to a doctor who specializes in the treatment of urinary tract diseases and conditions (urologist). In some cases, it may refer to other specialists, such as doctors who treat cancer (oncologists). Because the appointment may be short, and because there is often plenty of ground to cover, it is a good idea to be well prepared. Here is some information to help you get ready, and what to expect from your doctor.

Stage 4 Bladder Cancer Survivors Stories

Stage 4 bladder cancer survivors – Daniel decided to travel to Mexico for two weeks of sono photodynamic therapy treatment followed by a home program of two months in 2008. “My doctor who is not opposed to this,” said Daniel. “They have nothing else to offer me.” Sono photodynamic therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses the agent’s sensitivity to toxic sound and light to destroy cancer cells.

“The treatment is painless and there are no side effects. When I finished the program, my CAT scans are completely clear and my blood work was normal. I continue to have testing done every few months, and I am still completely cancer-free. I live in a maintenance program. I will be watching my daughter grow up. I am married dear old me. I just hope I will find this treatment more quickly. “Four years later, Charles Daniel remains cancer-free.

Bladder cancer no longer a death sentence: At 51, Charles Daniel has a lot to live for. The construction business is growing rapidly, a daughter aged 11 years a valuable and long-term relationship that is happy. When he was diagnosed with bladder cancer, he is determined to beat the odds. According to TMD, a medical tourism company, the case of Daniel is typical-he tried conventional medicine until they had nothing left to offer but a poor prognosis, and then went abroad for cancer treatment alternative and is cancer free today.

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Just before Christmas 2007, Daniel urinating blood. He went right to the primary care physician, who did an Ultrasound and x-rays, are deduced. Suspecting an infection, the doctor gave him antibiotics. Within 24 Hours, the blood was no longer visible. But a follow-up visit showed blood microscopic art, and he was sent to a Urologist. Exam cystoscopy (where a small camera is inserted into the bladder) and intravenous pyelogram (X-ray with contrast that provides images of the entire urinary system) are found bladder cancer. “I was very surprised,” said Daniel. “I was in perfect health, I feel better, and I think I just had an infection.”

This year, it will be almost less from 71,000 Americans were diagnosed with bladder cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, the survival rate for stage III bladder cancer is 50%; Stage IV is rarely survived. Symptoms include blood in the urine and urination frequent, painful or urgent.

Risk factors are Smoking, chemical exposure to dyes, rubber and pesticides, chronic infections and parasites. Women who undergo chemotherapy and radiation for cervical cancer also have an increased risk of developing cancer of the bladder.

Daniel Oncologist recommended surgery to remove the tumor. While doctors are optimistic, further testing to confirm the invasive tumor has penetrated the muscle wall. “My doctor wanted to remove my bladder, prostate, and surrounding lymph nodes, and make the bladder new from my gut. He said with this surgery I 90% survival rate. I want to live, and 90% sounded like good numbers.”

Daniel is expected to wake up after surgery and cancer free. But the surgeon found that the tumor has grown outside of the bladder wall and surrounding lymph nodes tested positive. The survival rate will fall from 90% to 40%. Despite an aggressive program of chemotherapy, a CAT scan of his next revealed three new tumors in her heart. He is now Stage IV. At this point, the main drug offered no hope of Cure, and life expectancy dropped to around nine months. Chemotherapy left Him feeling tired and sick, and she suffered weight and hair loss. Permanent side effects including hearing loss, tingling in the extremities and ‘chemo brain’.

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Furthermore, Daniel underwent Radio Frequency Ablation (RAF), the operation of guided imagery where a needle-like probe transmits microwaves into tumors causing the destruction of cells of the tumor. RAF destroy the tumor, but he said they will come back there is no mainstream cure for cancer.

Stage 4 bladder cancer survivors stories – Daniel then started researching alternative medicine. He sent an email with the medical history to the clinic across the United States and Mexico. He interviewed doctors and talk to patients. When he asked about the level of success, the answers he received ranged from “we’ll make You more comfortable” to “complete remission”.

Finally, he learned about the treatment of cancer is quite new called therapy dynamic SonoPhoto (SPDT). Non-invasive treatments are using agent sensitivity to toxic sound and light to destroy cancer cells. Dr. Antonio Jimenez, Medical Director of the Hope4Cancer Institute South of San Diego, California in Baja, Mexico, has managed to take care of bladder and other cancers with this program. Although this is a natural treatment without side effects, SPDT considered as the treatment of major cancers in 25 European countries. SPDT has proven effective against ovarian, prostate, colon, lung cancer, pancreatic, liver, and breast, among others. It has not yet been approved in the United States.

Daniel decided to travel to Mexico for two weeks of treatment SPDT followed by a home program of two months. “My doctor who is not opposed to this,” said Daniel. “They have nothing else to offer me.”

“From I walked into this clinic I have no hope,” Daniel says the doctors are optimistic and the staff is very caring. “The treatment is painless and there are no side effects. When I finished the program, my CAT scans are completely clear and my blood work was normal. I continue to have testing done every few months, and I am still completely cancer-free. I live in a maintenance program. I will be watching my daughter grow up. I am married dear old me. I just hope I will find this treatment more quickly”.

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