Lung Cancer Symptoms in Women


Lung cancer symptoms in women – Mayo Clinic, maybe you know it. But that’s not what we will discuss, but the symptoms of lung cancer for women. Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women, behind breast cancer. It is, however, the most common cause of cancer deaths every year in women. Signs and symptoms of lung cancer can often be difficult to notice or there is not at all in the early stages of the disease. About a quarter of all people with lung cancer experience have no symptoms at all, and for the first time knowledge of their diagnosis as a result of routine CT or chest X-ray.

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men and women, with more than 200,000 Americans are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 monotherapy. Although women smoke much less than men, they represent almost half of all new cases. And although deaths caused by cancer in men have declined since 1990, deaths caused by lung cancer among women continue to rise.

Smoking or exposure to passive smoke is still the largest and most important risk factor associated with lung cancer. However, among non-smokers, women can present a higher risk than men. A study published in Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery seminars found that: Lung cancer symptoms in women – “In the United States and Europe, about 20 percent of women with lung cancer have never smoked compared to 2-6 percent of men who do not smoke.”

Men and women also experience symptoms of lung cancer are very similar, which may include the following: a persistent cough and worsening, chest pain that is underway, coughing with blood, difficulty breathing, breathing Wheezing, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, decreased weight, fatigue and recurring pulmonary infections, such as pneumonia or bronșita.

Lung Cancer Symptoms in Women

Lung Cancer Symptoms in Women

What Are Early Symptoms Of Lung Cancer? The survival rate for this type of cancer increases if the condition is discovered from the incipient stages. Unfortunately, in almost half of the patients, cancer is already at an advanced stage at diagnosis. This can be avoided if people know the early symptoms of lung cancer.

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Understanding and discovering early lung cancer manifestations are important for smokers as well as for non smokers. Lung cancer symptoms in women – Currently, 85% of people who develop cancer are smokers or have smoked more than 10 years in their lifetime, only 15% are getting sick without having ever smoked.

1. A persistent cough. Many people attribute a chronic cough to other ailments than lung cancer. A cough lasting more than a few weeks may be one of the early signs of lung cancer. This manifestation is even more difficult to associate with lung cancer in people with asthma, allergies or gastroesophageal reflux disease. A cough accompanied by blood (hemoptysis) is a symptom of lung cancer, even if blood is not present in large amounts in the phlegm expectorated during a cough. If you are experiencing a persistent cough, talk to your doctor about tests and analyzes.

2. Shortness of breath during physical activity. Another early symptom, commonly found in the early stages of lung cancer, is the difficulty of breathing that occurs during physical activity. This aspect can be overlooked and associated with aging, lack of shape or accumulated weight. If you notice that you have trouble breathing while exercising or having sexual intercourse, do not rush to blame on age, weight or humidity. Make a doctor appointment to discover the cause of breathing difficulties.

3. Shoulder, back, chest or arm pain. Lung cancer can affect the nerves, resulting in pain in the shoulder, chest, back or arm – even before other early symptoms (coughing or shortness of breath) are present. If you experience such constant pain that you do not know the exact cause, consult your doctor. Up to 50% of people diagnosed with this type of cancer experienced such pain at the time of diagnosis.

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4. Repeated infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Lung cancer symptoms in women – It is not unusual for someone to discover that he has lung cancer after being treated for repeated episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia. If a tumor is located near the airway, it can cause an obstruction that may predispose these infections. If you have repeatedly suffered from respiratory tract infections, talk to your doctor. Repeated infections could be due to smoking or other conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but also early symptoms of colon cancer.

5. Any abnormal manifestations or a general decline in health. If you notice unusual symptoms, it is important to ask your doctor, especially if you are a smoker or a smoker in your life. Symptoms apparently without cause, such as joint pains (especially knees), fatigue, decreased appetite, unexplained weight loss or even depression may be signs of lung cancer.

Treatment: Lung cancer treatment depends on the stage of cancer when diagnosed. Small tumors, which do not spread too much or at all, can be surgically removed. In some cases, doctors may recommend chemotherapy or radiotherapy for joint surgery to ensure the elimination of all cancer cells. If lung cancer has spread significantly, surgery is usually not an option, and cancer can be considered incurable. A doctor may still recommend radiotherapy to help control complications or treat pain.

Traditionally, there is no difference in the way men and women are treated for lung cancer. However, research to explore the hormonal and genetic differences in lung cancer between the sexes has led to new therapies that could be more effective and adequate in females than in men. Medicines aimed at certain proteins or receptors appear to be more effective in lung cancer in women who do not smoke.

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Lung cancer symptoms in women – Further research is needed in terms of important differences occurring between women and men who develop lung cancer, as well as medicines that can target the disease. Lung cancer has a serious prognosis with the survival rate at 5 years is only about 15 percent of cancer cases 3. However, this figure is about 50 percent of the people admitted early in the disease process before cancer has a chance to spread. There is no screening test that will detect early lung cancer, making it important to be careful of avoiding passive smoking and smoke. Living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding exposure to smoke is the best way for women to reduce their risk of developing lung cancer.

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