Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis


Multiple myeloma diagnosis – The tests used for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma – The diagnosis of multiple myeloma is determined by a number of different diagnostic tests because multiple myeloma is difficult to diagnose on the basis of a single test results in the laboratory. The accurate diagnosis, usually taking into account several factors, including the physical assessment, the patient’s clinical history, symptoms, diagnosis, and test results. An initial evaluation to help confirm the diagnosis of myeloma includes blood tests and urine tests and a bone marrow biopsy. Other tests include x-rays. MRI, CT and PET.

Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis

Multiple standards of diagnosis myeloma define the diagnostic criteria for myeloma. Now it is confirmed as a major and one minor criterion or three minor criteria in patients who show symptoms of myeloma. The diagnostic criteria to help determine the classification of multiple myeloma, if it is a myeloma smoldering (asymptomatic), myeloma symptomatic and / or MGUS.

See also: Multiple Myeloma Differential Diagnosis

Have all of the relevant analysis carried out numerous myeloma, it is very important, since the results of the tests help the doctor to better define treatment options and prognosis. Many of these tests are used to evaluate the extent of the disease and to plan and monitor the treatment.

Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis: Get a Second Opinion

Once your doctor has diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is important that you consult an expert experienced in treating myeloma to further evaluate your disease and help develop a treatment plan. Many health insurance companies will authorize a second opinion-check with you.

The MMRF can help you find the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center-Locations or myeloma specialist in your area. People with myeloma often devote themselves to a Haematology / Oncology.

Genomic Test

Researchers are constantly working to better understand the biology of multiple myeloma, as the expense of genomics (study of DNA of tumor cells) research, we have learned that there are many variations in the DNA of myeloma cells. The ultimate goal of the genomic research and develop an individual treatment on the basis of DNA in the myeloma cells of individual patients.

See also: Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis Criteria

Tests with the analysis of the genomic DNA of myeloma cells taken from a small amount of bone marrow. The tests were carried out in the primary diagnosis and may be repeated periodically. The most common tests are the karyotype and the fish. Other tests more sensitive, are used in research, and begin to use them, as well, in some cancer centers.

See also  Multiple Myeloma Survival Rate After Stem Cell Transplant

To date there is no evidence that the myeloma is inherited, and the changes in the DNA, most probably due to mutations in the cells that occur in patients with the time. While certain modifications of the DNA indicate how the myeloma is aggressive, patients with changes in the DNA do not necessarily have a worse prognosis.

Although there is limited information on the genomic analysis to make treatment decisions, with several notable exceptions, such as the change of the t-DNA (4; 14) chromosomal abnormalities. Studies have shown that patients with t (4; 14) have better outcomes when treated with a proteasome inhibitor such as VelcadeĀ®. Given that researchers still have not found any reason to believe that multiple myeloma is a hereditary, genetic testing is not recommended for members of the family.

See also: Multiple Myeloma Stages Life Expectancy

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