Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in Females


Multiple sclerosis symptoms in femalesWomen and MS: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is generally considered as a condition of autoimmune diseases that affect the brain and the spinal cord of the central nervous system. This disease strikes women more often than men. According to the society multiple sclerosis the National, women can three times more than men to get MS. the Disease can also cause the symptoms characteristic of women. But men and women equally have the symptoms of MS are the same.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in Females

MS Symptoms that affect both Momen and men
In General, multiple sclerosis symptoms are the same for women and men. But the symptoms are different for each of the hanging location and severity of the nerve damage caused by inflammation.

Listed below are some of the most common MS symptoms.

Symptoms Muscles
In the MS the body’s immune cells attack the nervous system. This can occur in the brain, spinal cord, or optic nerves. As a result, MS patients may experience muscle symptoms, which include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness
  • Problems of balance and lack of coordination
  • Difficulty to move the arms and legs
  • Maneuvers and unstable walking problems
  • Weakness or tremor in one or both hands or feet

Eye Symptoms
Vision problems can occur in men and women with MS May include:

  • Loss of vision, partial or complete, which is often found in one eye
  • Pain when moving the eyes
  • double vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Involuntary eye movements
  • Discomfort the most common eye and visual problems

All these eye symptoms are related to MS lesions in the parts of the brain that are responsible for the supervision and coordination of the vision.

See also  What is Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

Changes in the bowel and the bladder
The dysfunction of the symptoms of the bladder and the bowel often occurs in the MS. These problems cause dysfunction in the nervous system pathways that control your muscles the bladder and intestines.

Possible symptoms of bladder and bowel:

  • The problem with the urination
  • Urgent, frequent, or the need to urinate
  • Bladder infection
  • Leakage of urine or stool
  • constipation
  • Diarrhea

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in Females: Numbness or Pain

Feelings of numbness, tingling and pain are common for many people with MS. People often experience this symptom throughout the body or in certain limbs. You may notice a numbness that feels like “pins and needles” or burning. According to studies, more than half of all people with MS will have some type of pain during the disease. Although some types of pain associated with MS, other forms of pain may be byproducts of how MS affects the body. For example, the imbalance caused by the problems of walking, can cause pain because of the stress on the joints.
Problems with Speech and Swallowing
People with MS may experience problems with the conversations. The common problems of the speech include:
  • Speech vague or poorly expressed
  • Loss of volume control
  • The deceleration of the rate
  • Changes in the quality of speech, as a sharp sound or a voice awesome
Damage MS can also affect swallowing, causing problems when you chew and move food to the back of the mouth. The lesions may also affect the ability of your body to move food through the esophagus and into the stomach.
Effect on the brain and nerves
Other symptoms of the brain and nerves can occur when MS May include:
  • Less attention
  • loss of memory
  • Lack of criteria
  • Solution of problems or resolution problems
  • Depression, or of damage to the brain areas involved in emotional control or as a result of illness due to stress
  • Mood changes
  • Dizziness, balance problems, or vertigo (a spinning sensation)
See also  What is Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms?

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in Females: Sexual Problems

Both men and women can experience sexual dysfunction as a symptom of DCS. The problems can include:
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • A decrease in sexual sensitivity
  • Orgasms are smaller and less intense
  • In addition, women may notice a vaginal lubrication, reduced or pain during sex.
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis affecting primarily women, apparently, are the levels of hormones. Some researchers argue that low testosterone levels may be playing. Others believe that the fluctuation of female hormones may be playing. It is necessary to do research addition to find out the true cause of these symptoms.
The main symptoms that affect women more than men, are the menstrual problems pregnancy-related problems and problems of the menopause.
Menstrual problems
Studies have shown that some women have during their period of development were observed with MS symptoms. This may be due to decreased levels of estrogen during this time.
The symptoms worsened for the participants of the study included weakness, imbalance, depression and fatigue.
The symptoms associated with pregnancy
Some good news for women with MS: studies have shown that MS does not affect fertility. This means that the EM does not require it to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.
In the news even better for most women the symptoms of MS are actually estabiliziruemost or improve during pregnancy, especially during the second and third quarter. However, relapse often occurs after childbirth.
Some studies have shown that in some women the symptoms of MS get worse after menopause. In terms of menstrual symptoms, may be due to the reduction in estrogen caused by menopause.
Some studies have shown that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps relieve these symptoms in post-menopausal women. However, HRT is also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke. If you have questions about whether HRT may or may not help you deal with the symptoms of MS after menopause, see your doctor.
The control of the Symptoms of MS
Although women have a higher risk of developing MS than men most of the symptoms of MS, which both sexes experience the same thing. The main differences in the symptoms of MS seem to depend on the level of hormones.
However, regardless of their MS symptoms, you can take steps to help deal with your symptoms and feel better. These include proper diet, exercise, avoidance of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and the use of long-term drug for the treatment of EM.
Work with your doctor to get advice about changes in lifestyle and treatments that will help you cope with the symptoms of MS and feel better.

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