Multiple Myeloma Causes of Death


Multiple myeloma causes of death – My partner was diagnosed in November 2005 with multiple myeloma stage III (renal failure and multiple lesions), suffered from a kidney injury, has undergone two stem cell transplants and is also completely remission after the second transplant in July 2006. She continues therapy with dexamethasone and thalidomide And follow-up visits. In the case when multiple myeloma really completes my life after a while, as often happens? What usually causes death? The destruction of the kidneys or what? Candide please answer.

Multiple Myeloma Causes of Death

I’m glad to hear that his wife very well. Multiple myeloma remission – The most common cause of death due to multiple myeloma is infection, and pneumonia is the most common fatal infection. Other common causes of death are bleeding (low platelet count), complications of fractures, kidney failure and blood clots from the lungs.

Multiple Myeloma Causes of Death

Enhanced survival among patients with multiple myeloma is outstanding among the common examples of treatment to overcome adversity in recent times. 10 years ago patients alive for 3-4 years after multiple definition myeloma (MM), but the average survival time has increased and continues to improve, said an analyst in myeloma Shaji Kumar, MD Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

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It is expected that this is largely associated with the submission of new biological therapies and a more significant use of autologous immature microorganisms. Although there is still no cure from neoplastic plasma cells, these drugs are now typically called the beginning of reduction and survival.

Early Death is Normal

Consider quickly a deadly disease just 10 years ago, MM currently is mostly considered a permanent condition for some, but not all patients, said Kumar in a phone.

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Early completion is a huge and underestimated problem with a variety of myeloma, especially in patients with true concomitant diseases or those who are very old. According to Kumar, these patients do not regularly receive medications of the highest quality.

“About a quarter of patients will be held during the first 2 – 3 years for various reasons,” said Kumar, including what it takes early mortality among the many patients with myeloma, can be reduced by a third or even half if the methodology to identify And reach out to those in danger, was intentionally connected “.

Multiple Myeloma Causes of Death: “Do not do” Early Treatment

These procedures were outlined by Kumar and partners from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the current study, released ahead of print by the American journal of Hematology.

Among the Prescribed “Do’s” and “Don’ts”:
Initiate to provoke a fundamental treatment: In the research of experts in 2014 revealed that the risk of early death was higher when the new MM drugs have not been used as a component of treatment.2

While doctors can be encouraged to focus on bringing sustainable to the conditions that go with MM, for example, hypercalcemia, ulcers in the bones, kidney disappointment and fragility, analysts believe that these drugs should not displace the fundamental treatment.

“The main thing to remember is that the control of extreme side effect or inversion of inconvenience must be purchased with the help of fundamental treatment, and no strong measures over the blocks will not trigger the beginning of a fundamental treatment,” they comment.

Effectively treat hypercalcemia: Approximately 1 out of every 5 patients occurs hypercalcemia resulting from enhanced initiation of osteoclasts.3 Specialists noticed that “the promotion and immediate use of hypercalcemia is primary to avoid early mortality in recently analyzed MM”.

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They included that in the cases of tender hypercalcemia, forced rehydration with normal saline solution along with corticosteroids should be adequate if moisture is observed deliberately to stay away from congestive heart disappointment.

Multiple myeloma causes of death – Direct application for extreme cases (serum calcium> 12 mg / DL) required ECG to prevent arrhythmias. Despite hydration and corticosteroids, scientists appointed hostile treatment of bone resorption, and they noticed that the results of two separate studies in patients with hypercalcaemia associated with danger, showed that zoledronate corrosivity better than pamidronate, for normalization of calcium levels.4

Medicines which cause hypercalcemia should remain at a strategic distance from and in addition to calm, which can reduce neurological status in concurrent hypercalcemia, “to provide satisfactory assessment of the neurological status.”

Maintain a Strategic Distance and Control of Pollution
Diseases are the most prominent cause of early passage in patients with MM. One study showed that 45% of times during 2 months to determine were related to infections.5 a population-based Study from Sweden showed 7-10-the imposition of increase the likelihood of bacterial and viral diseases in patients with MM, in contrast to the General population. 6

The use of prophylactic antitoxins to prevent infection in MM remains uncertain, and analysts said that a normal prophylaxis is not caused. However, they prescribed the use of TMP-SMX for prediction of infectious pneumonia in patients receiving 20 mg / day or more of prednisone. They also suggested that prophylactic use of acyclovir or valacyclovir for patients treated with proteasome inhibitors (PI), which violate the typical immunity to T-cells.

“For all patients receiving bortezomib, and because it concerns more modern entrepreneurs, for example, carfilzomib, we propose to control antiviral prophylaxis with acyclovir 400 mg twice a day or valacyclovir 500 mg once a day”, was they.

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Stay Away from Thromboembolic Events (VTE)
This risk increases with age, and in patients with malignancies of the blood, for example, MM especially high-risk cases associated with the cluster. Experts offer to teach all the newly analyzed patients with signs notification about the promotion of VTE. They also prescribe prevention of VTE in all newly identified patients with MM receiving treatment with IMD-immunomodulators.

“Patients with MM who build thrombosis after initiation of treatment, it is reasonable to treat them and resume after they fixed anticoagulants”, – were specialists. “This level of anticoagulation may continue throughout the period of MM-co-ordinate treatment if the risk of genuine exhaustion complications is considered to be satisfactory.”

See also: Causes of Multiple Myeloma

The remaining “before” and “including” as proposed in the course of the investigation, included:

  • Match address and watch the torment.
  • Try not to postponing the fundamental treatment for treatment limited ulcers.
  • Try not to control deferred vysokorazvityh courses of corticosteroids.
  • Try not to change all the tough treatment because of problems with the visual response, if there is clinical benefit.
  • Try not to control the radiation when you can make manifestations of the fundamental treatment.
  • Try not to send secondary treatment only, given the extreme run-time.

“In recent years we have seen an explosion in the number of available treatments for multiple myeloma, but more stable patients patients are unable to obtain these drugs,” said Costa. “Since about 66% of newly analyzed patients are aged 65 years or more, it is important to solve the problem of treatment in this population.”

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