What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Mean


What is triple negative breast cancer mean – The breast cancer triple negative is a subtype of breast cancer in which the cancer cells do not contain receptors for estrogen, progesterone receptors, or HER2 receptors, and along these lines the result is negative for each of the three. Cancer triple breast negative it affects approximately 15 percent of patients with breast cancer and may be in some degree more powerful than the positive breast cancer to hormone-or HER2-positive.

What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Mean

How do You Analyze the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer?

The state of breast cancer cells is decided usually through a biopsy. The test of the breast tissue is sent to a pathologist to decide if the hormonal receptors or HER2 receptors are available. In the case of all receptors are absent, at that point, the cancer is triple-negative.

Given that the cancer cells triple negative do not have the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and do not contain the HER2 protein, the hormonal treatment or HER2-focused on drugs, for example Herceptin are not viable. The research suggests that the triple-negative breast cancer might be exceptionally sensitive to chemotherapy, the reason for which chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for this subtype. There are many types of chemotherapy that appeared to be convincing against breast cancer, triple negative, especially chemotherapy of platinum. Numerous new approaches for triple-negative breast cancer are being examined at this time, and the clinical trials at the Center, Susan F. Smith to Cancer in Women are looking at new alternatives of treatment for patients with this subtype.

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While the breast cancer triple-negative can affect anyone, it is more typical in more youthful lady and ladies of the fall of african americans. The disease can also be associated with a change acquired in the quality BRCA1.

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What is the Breast Cancer Hormone Positive?

What is triple negative breast cancer – The breast cancer with hormone receptor-positive (HR +) is the subtype most well-known of the breast cancer, which affects approximately 65 to 75 percent of patients with breast cancer. It is one of the few breast cancer subtypes dictated by the proximity or non-attendance of estrogen, as well as the receptors of the hormone progesterone. In the time that patients are determined to have breast cancer HR +, recommended that their cancer cells can be fueled by the hormone estrogen.

The state of hormone-receptor breast cancer cells is decided regularly through a biopsy. The test of the breast tissue is sent to a pathologist for examination, where tests can decide whether the hormone receptors are available in the cancer cell.

While the design of the treatment is tailor-made for each patient, the majority of the methodologies incorporate hormonal treatments, also treatments called endocrine, which decrease the generation of estrogen in the body or the hormonal signals of the piece. The solutions tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors are often used to block the action of estrogen in patients with breast cancer HR +. In the case of a woman is, even during the premenopausal, the death of the ovaries can be another procedure to decrease the estrogen in the body. In the case of a cancer cell does not have hormone receptors, in that point are excluded hormonal treatments as an important aspect of the design of the treatment. Today, the specialists at the Center, Susan F. Smith of Dana-Farber Cancers of Women are seeking additional solutions for improving the adequacy of hormonal drugs.

What is the Breast Cancer HER2-Positive?

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The breast cancer is HER2-positive is a subtype of breast cancer that affects about 20 percent of patients with breast cancer. Around fifty per cent of cancers were HER2-positive also have hormone receptors for estrogen and / or the progresterona. HER2, receptor 2 of the development factor human epidermal, it is a quality in the cancer cell that directs the receptor protein HER2. It is hoped that the movement through the HER2 receptor is essential for the typical development and the dissemination of the cells of the breast. The cancers that are safe for HER2 can have an excessive number of duplicates of the quality HER2 or an excessive number of duplicates of the HER2 receptor, which causes cancer cells to develop.

The HER2 status of the breast cancer cells is solved by means of a biopsy. Pathologists use a wide range of tests to decide what number of qualities HER2 or receptors are on the cancer cells of a patient.

What is triple negative breast cancer mean: despite the fact that changes for each patient, the majority of the treatment prepares for the breast cancer HER2-positive, which included both chemotherapy and a medication coordinated against HER2. The most commonly used drug for breast cancer HER2-positive is Herceptin (trastuzumab) is an agent with anti-monoclonal antibody against the HER2 receptor. The combination of chemotherapy and Herceptin can hinder the signaling pathway HER2 to stop the growth of cancer cells and lead to the demolition of the cancer cells. In the event that a cancer is HER2-positive and also have hormone receptors, drugs that focus on the hormone receptor can also be used as a component of the treatment. Despite the fact that the breast cancer is HER2-positive can be more forceful, and treatments of reflux and flow are exceptionally successful and the specialists with the Center, Susan F. Smith Cancers of women driving and interest in a few clinical trials that seek to Improve the treatment for this subtype.

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