Coughing up Blood Tinged Mucus


Coughing up blood tinged mucus – As a eject, doctors refer to the Secretion, which is formed by the bronchial mucous membrane, and then from the respiratory tract and be coughed up. One speaks of a productive cough, if this goes with sputum, the Sputum or expectoration is called, hand in hand. The formation of Secretion is normal, and necessary, to clean the bronchi. Overly educated sputum may also be a sign of a respiratory disease. Depending on the cause of the ejection looks tough, translucent, and slimy, yellow-green and purulent, brownish to black, watery, or crumbly.

Coughing up Blood Tinged Mucus

Some people suffer acutely, for example during a temporary cold, expectoration. Others, such as heavy smokers, have a cough chronic productive stimulus. A Patient coughs up mucus, this discharge important information relating to the underlying disease. Often the Sputum is a harmless Symptom of a cold or Allergy. Usually a more or less strong cough. Cough and sputum persists for longer, it is stained the Sputum bloody or purulent, should be the cause to the doctor to clarify to serious diseases (e.g. lung cancer).

Coughing up Blood Tinged Mucus

The doctor performs a thorough examination of the neck, throat, and torso, and listens to lungs and heart with a stethoscope. In General, he orders a blood sample. The cough productive with sputum related, is mucolytic and expectoration-promoting agents (Secretolytic, Mucolytics, and Expectorants) can be used, for example, as tablets or juice. In many cases, an Inhalation helps. The so-called cough-solver to reduce the toughness (viscosity) of the mucus, making it more fluid and the Patient can cough up the Sputum better.

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Sputum (Sputum) can have various causes. A certain amount of discharge is normal, because the formation of Secretion is necessary to clean the bronchi. An excessive or unnatural colored Sputum but can also be a sign of a disease of the respiratory tract. To this end, various types of respiratory infections include:

  • Cold
  • acute Bronchitis
  • chronic lung diseases such as bronchial Asthma and chronic Bronchitis
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory tract infections by fungi (e.g., Actinomycosis and aspergillosis), and other rare pathogens, such as tuberculosis
  • Tumors of the respiratory tract such as lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma)

The ejector looks depending on the different causes of different. As a white, slimy expectoration in chronic Bronchitis occurs, for example, of tough, glazed. The Affected cough the Sputum especially in the morning. Also in the case of bronchial Asthma or cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) may appearance of the mucus is sometimes similar. The sputum discoloured when it comes in addition to an infestation with bacteria: yellow-green, Muco-purulent discharge is typical of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. Cause a pneumonia (pneumonia) is, for example. Heavy smokers and Coal miners often suffer from brownish-blackish expectoration. Friable Sputum is observed in lung diseases such as Actinomycosis and tuberculosis. The so-called mouth full of purulent sputum is typical for bronchiectasis.

Coughing up Blood Tinged Mucus

The sputum is bloody or cough Affected pure blood, called hemoptysis. As Hemoptysis, doctors refer to ejection, which is criss-crossed with traces of blood, or blood threads. Bloody sputum can be a sign of severe infection (such as pneumonia), but also of malignant tumors (e.g., lung cancer).
A Patient coughs up mucus, can give the sputum (Sputum), important information for the diagnosis of underlying respiratory disease. Ejection can occur as a harmless Symptom in the context of a cold or Allergy. Usually a more or less strong cough. Cough and sputum persists for longer, it is stained the Sputum bloody or purulent, should be the cause to the doctor to check, because it could also be a serious disease (e.g. lung cancer) behind it.
The reason for the ejection better, and a diagnosis determined, the doctor first, some questions about the exact complaints – for example, when the ejection occurred, whether other symptoms of pain such as neck, runny nose, headaches and hoarseness are present, and much more. Then the doctor possible pre-existing conditions, allergies and intolerances, currently consumed medications, the General well-being and life habits (especially whether and how much the Affected person is a smoker) asked.
It follows a thorough examination of the neck, throat, and torso. The doctor listens to the lungs and heart with a stethoscope. In General, he orders a blood draw to test the blood to inflammation, values, or pathogens. The Sputum itself is in the laboratory on bacteria, as the causative agent of tuberculosis, is investigated. Also, the cells that are found in the Sputum to be considered carefully. Depending on the outcome of additional investigations for the diagnosis makes sense. This includes a chest x-Ray, a Reflection of the bronchi (bronchoscopy), optionally with a bronchial lavage (broncho-alveolar Lavage) and tissue examination (biopsy).
In the case of sputum (Sputum) therapy in General, according to the underlying disease. Ejection – also as a productive cough or Expectoration, referred to as a Symptom of a variety of possible diseases. (Coughing up blood) Examples include colds, bronchial Asthma, or lung tumors. Therefore, the detection and therapy of the underlying disease are discharge in the foreground. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections of the respiratory tract may be necessary. Smoking is prohibited in the case of cough and sputum. In addition, you should not stay in a dusty and smoky air. Enough to drink, keep warm and protect, recommended for respiratory tract infections associated with cough and sputum.
In the case of productive, i.e. with sputum associated with coughing can be applied to therapy, mucolytic and expectoration-promoting agents (Sekretolytika, Mucolytics, Expectorants), as tablets, juices, and inhalations. These so-called cough-solver to reduce the toughness (viscosity) of the mucus and make it liquid, so that the Patient can cough up the Sputum better.
In coughing solver active substances contained, among other things, acetylcysteine (ACC), Ambroxol, Bromhexine, and Guaifenesin as well as herbal ingredients such as fennel and anise oil. Cough are still used (Antitussives) for dry cough and more rarely in the case of cough with sputum. The mucosa to alleviate inflammation in the throat and in the bronchi, can, in certain cases, inflammation of the look-inflammatory agents (e.g. cortisone containing inhalation).

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