How Do You Get Brain Cancer?

How Do You Get Brain Cancer

How to get brain cancer – The brain cancer primary originates in the parenchyma of the brain, the spinal cord or nerves. Some tumors that arise from the coverings of the brain or spinal cord (meninges) are also considered primary brain tumors. Metastatic brain tumors have spread from cancer located in other parts of the body, most commonly lung, breast, and colon. The overall risk during the life of having a brain tumor is less than 1%. There are many different types of brain tumors, according to the cells that are affected and its appearance under a microscope. Tumors can be classified into four general categories:

How to Get Brain Cancer: Gliomas

How to get brain cancer – These tumors are formed from glial cells, which help to sustain and protect critical areas of the brain. Gliomas represent the most frequent type of brain tumor in adults so that they are responsible for approximately 42% of brain tumors in them. Gliomas are subclasifican in function of cell types that are affected:

Astrocytoma: star-shaped cells that protect neurons. Tumors of these cells can spread from the primary focus to other areas of the brain but rarely spread outside the central nervous system. Astrocytomas are graded from I to IV depending on the speed of progression:

  • Grade I (pilocytic astrocytoma): slow growing, with little tendency to infiltrate surrounding brain tissue. More frequent in children and adolescents.
  • Grade II (astrocytoma diffuse): growth very slow, with some tendency to infiltrate surrounding brain tissue. Observed mostly in young adults.
  • Grade III (anaplastic astrocytoma/malignant): these tumors grow rather quickly and infiltrate surrounding brain tissue.
  • Grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme, GBM): a very aggressive and deadly brain cancer. Unfortunately, this is the most common form of brain tumor in adults, accounting for 67% of all astrocytomas.

Oligodendroglioma: these cells produce myelin, a fatty substance that forms a protective sheath around the nerve cells. How to get brain cancer – Oligodendrogliomas, which make up the 4% of brain tumors, mostly affect people over 45 years old. Some subtypes of this tumor are particularly sensitive to treatment with radio-and chemotherapy. Half of the patients with oligodendrogliomas are still alive after five years.

Ependymoma: these tumors affect the ependymocytes, that line the pathways that carry cerebrospinal fluid throughout the brain and the spinal cord. The ependymomas are rare and represent 2% of all brain tumors; however, they are brain tumors more common in children. In general, do not affect healthy brain tissue and do not spread beyond the ependyma. Although these tumors respond well to surgery, especially those of the spinal cord, they can not always be removed completely. The five-year survival of the patients over age 45 approaches 70%.
These tumors affect the meninges, the tissue that forms the outer wrap, protective of the brain and the spinal cord. A quarter of all brain tumors and spinal cord are meningiomas, of which up to 85% are benign. Meningiomas can develop at any age, but its incidence increases significantly in people over the age of 65 years. Women have two times more chance than men of developing meningioma. They usually grow very slowly and usually do not cause symptoms. In fact, many meningiomas are discovered by accident. Meningiomas can be successfully treated by surgery, although some patients, especially the elderly, are candidates for an expectant attitude to monitor the disease.
Acoustic acoustic/schwannomas
Schwann cells are found in the sheath that coats the nerve cells. Schwannomas vestibular, also known as neurinomas of the acoustic, it originates in the VIII cranial nerve, which is responsible for hearing. Specific symptoms of vestibular schwannoma include buzzing in the ears, hearing loss, unilateral, and balance problems. Schwannomas are usually benign and respond well to the surgery.
It is a brain tumor common in children, usually diagnosed before 10 years of age. Medulloblastoma appears in the cerebellum, which plays an essential role in the coordination of muscle movements. Some experts think that medulloblastomas originate from fetal cells that persist in the cerebellum after birth. These tumors grow quickly and can invade adjacent parts of the brain, as well as extend outside the central nervous system. The medulloblastoma is slightly more common in boys.
Symptoms of brain cancer and brain tumors
The symptoms experienced by a patient with a brain cancer or a brain tumor may vary depending on the location and size of the tumor. The most common symptoms are due to an increase in the intracranial pressure as the growing tumor affects surrounding structures:
  • Frequent headaches (reported by 50% of patients)
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea, vomiting, or both
  • Personality changes or cognitive
See also  Symptoms of Brain Aneurysm in Adults

How do you get brain cancer – Other symptoms of cancer and brain tumors are specific to your location, such as seizures, altered speech, weakness or numbness on one side and problems with coordination, balance, and mobility.

See alsoHow To Cure Brain Cancer Naturally

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