Brain Tumor Symptoms in Men


Brain tumor symptoms in men – No one knows what causes brain tumors; There are only a few known risk factors that have been identified are studying. In children receiving radiation to the head, there is a higher risk of brain tumor among adults and in people who have certain unusual genetic conditions, for example, the disorder neurofibromatosis or Li-Fraumeni. However, these cases are talking about a small amount of about 28 000 new primary brain tumors, which are analyzed each year in the United States. Age is also a factor of danger. People aged 65 to 79 years make up the population on the way to the definition of a brain tumor.

Brain Tumor Symptoms in Men

A significant brain tumor is one that starts in the brain, and not all main brain tumors are carcinogenic; favorable tumors do not constitute power and do not usually spread to surrounding tissue, despite the fact that they can’t be humiliating and even dangerous. Symptoms a healthy (not harmful) brain tumor depend on its size and what is in the brain. Some moderately developing tumor may not initially cause any symptoms. At the time of occurrence of symptoms of this happens on the grounds that a tumor causes on the brain weight and holds a specific area of the brain from legitimate work.

Brain Tumor Symptoms in Men

Increased Weight on The Brain – Regular symptoms of the extended weight within the skull include:

  • New, hardworking brain pain – which is often more awful in the mornings or when a steep or breaking into
  • Relentless nausea and vomiting
  • laziness
  • vision problems – for example, hidden vision, double vision, loss of part of the visual field (hemianopia) and irregular vision of misery
  • Seizures (convulsions) – that can affect the whole body or you can just call for a breakthrough in one area

See also: Brain Tumor Symptoms in Women

The area of the tumor – Distinctive areas of the brain control various abilities so the symptoms of brain tumors will be based on where she was found.

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For example, a tumor affecting:

  • The frontal flap can lead to changes of identity, the shortcomings on one side of the body and loss of smell
  • Fleeting flap can cause distraction, dialectal problems (aphasia) and seizures
  • Parietal flap – may cause aphasia, the deadness or shortcoming on one side of the body, as well as concomitant problems (there is, for example, unpleasant ligation
  • The occipital projection could cause a loss of vision on one side of the field of view (hemianopia)
  • The cerebellum can cause problems with the control (ataxia), problems Cialis of the eyes (nystagmus), and uplifting
  • Brain stem – may cause instability and problems with passing, facial defect, double vision and trouble talking (dysarthria) and swallowing (dysphagia)

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In the Moment When You See Your GP
It is very important to see your General practitioner if you have symptoms similar to those that were shown earlier. Although it is impossible to have a tumor, these symptoms should be evaluated by a specialist so the cause can be recognized. To avoid that your doctor can’t find a more probable cause of your symptoms, they can call you a brain and nerve which is called the neurologist, to promote evaluation and tests, for example, inspection of the brain.

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