Common Types of Skin Cancer


Common types of skin cancer – Whether they are freckles, sun spots, birthmarks, or cancer? Dr. Mary Frances Pilcher, a dermatologist of Lee Health Medical Staff, said it is difficult for patients to distinguish it. “It’s very hard to say in the sunspots of malignant melanoma, so it’s important to have checked out.”

Skin cancer may appear as stains, flat, white, or black. Doctors tell about places that get bigger, painful, or itchy, it’s time to see your doctor. “It’s important to keep in mind that you have heard of melanoma, spots, brown-black, but non-melanoma skin cancer is much more common and they can really look like pimples or insect bite,” said Dr. Pilcher. Common types of skin cancer – After 30 years of age, the patient preferably does not develop birthmarks or spots new not lost. “What is that it’s new, which does not disappear after about a month should be investigated,” said Dr. Pilcher.

Skin cancer is a type of tumor that comes from the skin and there are many types. “Basal cell skin cancer is usually not spread. They can be locally aggressive.” Skin cancer, which is a type of skin cancer the second most common, can spread to other parts of the body. Common types of skin cancer – This usually leads to the lymph nodes and lungs, and other places Also. Melanoma can go anywhere and can be fatal, “said Dr. Pilcher.

But if they are caught and diagnosed early, doctors say cancer can be cured. “The risk is that if you let it go for a long time, most of the skin cancers that are a type of non-melanoma can be cured only by cutting it. Melanoma if caught early can be cured with how to play it. That’s when they have sat and they had time to spread, “said Dr. Pilcher. About one in five people in the USA will develop some type of skin cancer in their lives. That is why doctors call on all who are at what age screened for skin cancer.

See also  3 Types of Skin Cancer

Common Types of Skin Cancer

Common Types of Skin Cancer

Related: 8 Types of Skin Cancer Treatment

The Canadian Cancer Fund estimates that about 75 000 Canadians are diagnosed with skin cancer as last year, and an estimated 270 people died because of this disease. Skin cancer of non-melanoma is a type of cancer most common diagnosis and one of the most easily prevented.

Two types of the most common skin cancers are skin cancer of non-melanoma: squamous cell carcinoma and basal cancer. Common types of skin cancer – Although there is no cause for this type of cancer, the Canadian Cancer Society says that the sun and light skin are the most common risk factors. In the same way, people who work, play or train in the sun for a long time are at greater risk of getting skin cancer.

The first sign of skin cancer is a change on your skin. The problem is that it can occur anywhere on the body (although it usually starts in areas that are exposed to the sun such as head, face, neck, hands, arms, and legs) and not all skin cancers look the same. Basal cell carcinoma often looks like a bump or a small crater with a shiny surface or a bead, while squamous cancer is usually red and scaly.

How can you tell if a mole that makes your face look the more sweet, open sores or bumps is skin cancer? Try to find the following symptoms: (Bulges or craters are smooth, shiny, pale or waxy), (Burning, red bumps, solid), (Pain that does not heal), (Sore or lump that bleeds or as a result of the crust or scab slabs, pieces of red or brown coarse and scaly and can become itchy or tender), (Changes in the skin that begin instead of burns, ulcers or scars), (Changes in the skin that look yellow-white when stretched), and (The changes are similar scars on the skin that may be white or yellow).

See also  Treatment For Melanoma Skin Cancer

In addition, note any birthmarks on the skin that become asymmetrical or change color. If you suspect there is a possibility of skin cancer, be sure to see a doctor immediately. (See Also: Squamous Cell Skin Carcinoma Treatments)

Common types of skin cancer – Do you want to protect your skin and avoid skin cancer? Try the simple tips below: Watch the clock: Plan your public activities before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m. when the sun is not at that point strongest, or any time of day when the UV Index is three or fewer. Cover up: Choose clothes that are loosely seated, tightly woven and light. Fight: Most skin cancer occurs on the face and neck. Wear a hat with a large brim covering the head, face, ears, and neck, and remember, hats like baseball caps won’t give you enough protection.

Common types of skin cancer – You have to bear color: sunglasses can help prevent damage to your eyes by blocking a large number of UV rays. Select sunglasses with lens shading, medium to dark and UVA and UVB protection. Turn it on: Use sunscreen with SPF 15 or above, and if you work outside the home or plan to be out most of the day, use SPF 30. Also look for “wide spectrum” on the label this means that sunscreen protects against ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB. Check it out: You won’t ever really safe from the sun’s rays, so check your skin regularly and report any changes to your doctor.

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