Most Common Type Of Skin Cancer


Most common type of skin cancer – Skin cancer is a type of cancer that is the most common in the world. Every year more than 2 million cases of the disease are diagnosed and if they are not detected at an early stage can lead to surgery and even death. Every year between 40 and 50% of cancer diagnoses, like skin cancer. There are two main types of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, and non-melanoma. Non-melanoma cancers the most common are basal-cellular carcinoma and squamous cancer, and about 79% of cases of malignant melanoma are related to death. This cancer is only 4% of all cases of skin cancer, but the most dangerous. Most common type of skin cancer – Melanoma is more likely to occur than non-melanoma to spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body. It is estimated that more than 12,000 people with some type of skin cancer will die this year.

The leather is a body of the largest human body, approximately twenty square meters for a middle-aged adult. This can be seen as the most resilient body in the human body. Skin is divided into layers, epidermis (upper bridge), a membranes, dermis, and hypodermis/subcutaneous fat. They include internal organs and bones and protect them from injuries and microbes, and also prevent the loss of too much fluid. The skin is very important to control the body temperature and to eliminate some of the waste through the sweat. Some of the cells in the skin can communicate with the brain to give the temperature, the touch, and the feeling of pain. (Related: 8 Types of Skin Cancer Treatment)

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Skin cancer is an increase in the cells of the abnormally uncontrolled skin, so that spiral out of control spread from leather to other tissues and bodies of the body. More skin cancer cases have been diagnosed for a long time. Most common type of skin cancer – Studies have shown that the impact of ultraviolet radiation on heavy (OIA) causes skin cancer and other skin problems. The study showed that 65% to 90% of melanoma caused by ultraviolet rays (sun, tanning, and tanning of light), but also proved to work in families and could be genetic.

Most Common Type Of Skin Cancer

Most Common Type Of Skin Cancer

The second form is the most common skin cancer, the carcinoma squamous cells (SCC), and approximately 700.000 cases of approximately 2500 persons diagnosed each year. This is one form of skin cancer, which is less aggressive because, when discovered at an early stage, it is easy to manage or remove through a small operation. This cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that are uncontrollable in squamous, which forms most of the epidermis skin (the top layer).

This type of cancer, primarily caused by the effects of MSS, accumulates during life and cannot occur until a few years after the injury to the original skin, which makes it necessary to see the dermatologist initially on the sign. The most common area for this form of cancer is often exposed to sunlight, such as the ear, lower lip, face, bald head, neck, arms, and legs. Skin injuries can appear as wrinkles, changes in pigmentation, and loss of elasticity in the skin.

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The impact of MSS causes most cases of squamous cancer. This condition is evolving due to UV-rays that damage DNA in human skin cells. The more DNA damage, the more likely it is that skin cells will grow uncontrolled and develop into squamous cancer. In most cases, squamous cancer can be prevented, and there are several ways of doing so; Using sunscreen, wear protective clothing, avoid sunlight, limit time under direct sunlight, do not use a bed or lights for tanning, and regularly check the skin.

Squamous cancer is a kind of skin cancer that is easy to treat and can be prevented. Most common type of skin cancer – However, it can still be deadly, and it is necessary to identify and treat at an early stage. Squamous cancer very rarely causes additional problems in detection and treatment at an early stage. It’s not treated, it can grow large or spread to other parts of your body, causing serious complications. Sign up for an appointment with your doctor if you notice pain or stains on your skin, change: appearance, color, size, texture, or if you have a place that feels pain or inflammation, or if you start bleeding or itching.

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