Types Of Skin Cancer On Face


Types of skin cancer on face – You are diagnosed with skin cancer, basal cell skin cancer/Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or squamous cell carcinoma (PCC). After consulting your plastic surgeon, decide to have an operation. In most cases, this occurs under topical anesthesia.

How does facial skin cancer develop? The most important reason for the development of skin cancer is daylight exposure. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight can damage genetic material (DNA) in the skin’s nucleus. Damage to certain parts of the DNA can lead to uncontrolled growth of cells. As a result, skin cancer in the face may develop over time. Types of skin cancer on face – Ultraviolet radiation can cause DNA damage in everyone and all ages. Sunburn, especially in children, appears to be a major cause of skin cancer development. Red-haired people and blue-eyed people are sensitive to the sun’s damage. But other factors can also affect the development of skin cancer.

What’s the symptom? Skin cancer (BCC/PCC) can occur in different ways. Often red, colored or brown swelling occurs on the skin. It gradually increased. Types of skin cancer on face – Swelling may be itchy or painful. Swollen lips tend to look slippery and shiny, and can see small veins. Usually, after a period of time, in the process of swelling, there will be no healing wounds, and the skin is large. With a little touch, these spots may bleed. Skin cancer most often occurs in the face or ears because it gets the most sunlight.

How to treat? There are several ways to treat skin cancer. Surface tumors can be treated with liquid nitrogen, creams, phototherapy, electric burns or surgical excision (cutting). Can illuminate specific types of skin. Skin surgeons and/or plastic surgeons will discuss the most appropriate treatment with you. In your case, this is an operation. Before the surgery, the plastic surgeon saw the tumor at the outpatient clinic. Then he will discuss with you how best to remove the problem. Plastic surgeons sometimes produce tumor images.

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Types Of Skin Cancer On Face

Types Of Skin Cancer On Face

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Surgery? Surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia in one of the outpatient operating rooms. In most cases, plastic surgeons can close the wound by stitching the edge of the wound at the same time after cutting the tumor. Then immediately put the wound neatly affixed or affixed, and then go home immediately. The severed network was sent to the laboratory, and pathologists (tissue screening specialists) examined whether all malignant cells were completely separated. You will receive the results of the inspection at the next meeting. The average duration of the operation was 30-60 minutes. If the tumor does not disappear completely, it is sometimes necessary to arrange a new operation to remove the tissue again.

Study the frozen part? If a plastic surgeon cannot immediately close the wound by tying the edge of the wound at the same time, the wound should be sealed in different ways. Plastic surgeons have a variety of techniques for forming the so-called patches of skin tissue around the wound to make as beautiful a hole as possible. Types of skin cancer on face – If the wound is closed in this way, the plastic surgeon will check if the tumor is removed during the procedure.

This can be done by analyzing the frozen part. In the process, the expelled tissue is examined by a microscope. If the tumor is completely removed, the frost slicing analysis provides 98% reliability. Shortly thereafter, plastic surgeons may close the wounds with the help of reconstruction. The advantage of frozen site analysis is that plastic surgeon if the tumor does not disappear completely in the first stage, can immediately eliminate more tissue until the tumor disappears completely.

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Types of skin cancer on face – A procedure requiring cryotherapy is usually 1.5 hours. Although the assessment of the frozen site takes time, it must be a complete disappearance of the tumor. This reduces the likelihood of new business in the short term. If you use a blood thinner, in some cases you may need to stop using it a few days before the operation. Do this consult your doctor alone and never take the initiative to do so. Blood thinners are used after the operation. It is recommended that you give up smoking at least eight weeks before the operation. Stopping smoking will promote wound healing.

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