Advanced Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy


Advanced prostate cancer life expectancy – Prostate cancer is the cause of more than 1% of male deaths. The incidence increases by 2%-3% per annum. There are two main reasons for this growth. The first is an increase in life expectancy, and the second is that the testing of the specific prostatic antigen (PSA) allowed early and more accurate diagnosis of the disease. The general prognosis for diagnosed prostate cancer remains weak, with a survival rate of 70% to 10 years compared to the general population. Approximately 50% of cases are diagnosed at a locally advanced stage, and approximately 30% have bone metastases in diagnosis.

In 1996, in the United States, 317 000 new cases were diagnosed and 41 000 deaths were reported. Advanced prostate cancer life expectancy – This last digit represents 13% of the total deaths caused by cancer in the US. In secular terms, it means that a death of prostate cancer occurs every 13 minutes. In 1990, the same figure was recorded in France, with 17,600 new cases and 9,200 deaths were reported (11% of the total cancer deaths). However, in 1999, the annual 33rd development of Cancer statistics shows that the incidence of prostate cancer has decreased significantly, with a decrease in the mortality rate of 11% since 1991. These statistics have also reported an increase of 20% in 10 years of survival between 1988 and 1995. Systemic treatment for prostate cancer includes different types of hormone therapy. BifosfonaČ›ii or radionuclides such as strontium 89 or other isotopes may be used in cases where bone lesions are identified. Other treatments include radiation therapy and external surgery. Chemotherapy has become an additional option when hormonal treatment fails.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy

Approximately 75% of metastatic prostate cancer cases are susceptible to hormones. The average reaction time to the androgen deficiency is about 18 months; Survival after second-line treatment ranges from 6 to 10 months. (See Also Prostate Cancer Spread to Bones Life Expectancy)

See also  Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Males

Advanced Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy

Early treatment: For symptomatic patients or with progressive disease, hormonal treatment is considered mandatory. However, for patients who are not symptomatic of hormones, this may not always be the case. Hormonal treatment has unwanted side effects, especially sexual nature. The cost of such treatment can also be considerable. It is also important to note that hormonal care remains effective in unusual patients. However, the delay in treatment with only nine months has presented the risk of compressing the spinal cord. In their study, Crawford and collaborators showed that 45% of patients with a prostate cancer considered the quality of life as more important than 29% who expressed their long-term preference. An experiment carried out by the Cancer research group in the Study of Cancer Cancer investigation group that compared early treatment to recent delays has been published. For the first time, the benefits of early treatment have been clearly demonstrated in terms of metastatic development, complications and cancer-related deaths.

In recent years, significant changes have been made in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. TAB seems to be beneficial if castration is medically done and androgens are nesteroidiene, but should the TAB be permanent or intermittent to improve the quality of life without altering a vital prognosis? There is an ongoing clinical trial that will try to answer that question. Advanced prostate cancer life expectancy – The criteria for assessing the responses in case of hormone resistance eventually become better understood. This will allow for an objective and reliable comparison between the various treatments.

See also  Prostate Cancer Survival Rate By Age

It is clear that the nature and duration of first-line treatment, such as use and then withdrawal of AA, may interfere with second-line hormone therapy. The use of chemotherapy as monotherapy or in combination with hormone therapy has caused a new interest due to the review criteria for the evaluation of the treatment. At this point, data is not enough to choose a second treatment or even a third line with another. Advanced prostate cancer life expectancy – Multicentric comparative studies are underway to investigate all elements of prostate cancer treatment. The purpose of this large-scale study is to provide the best care for patients who are often elderly and weak and for whom the quality of life, as defined by the patient itself.

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