What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer In A Woman


What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – Your pancreas. It’s one of the organs that you can’t think of too much. Just six inches long and stuffed behind the stomach, whose main task is to help digest food and control the concentration of blood sugar. He usually does his job without a hitch, behind the scenes. But when something goes wrong, it can affect the whole body.

Only under 2 percent of people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer during their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Cancer (NCI). This is most commonly met in people over the age of 60, but was found in people so young as the twenty-thirty years old. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – And here’s the scariest part of pancreatic cancer: cancer has one of the highest mortality rate of any cancer of any only 8 percent of people alive five years after diagnosis, according to NCI.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer In A Woman

Why? Especially because it is very difficult to detect at an early stage that can be treated. After all, the pancreas is so deep in your body that early tumors cannot be seen or felt, and people often ignore, or even consciously, symptoms of pancreatic cancer until the cancer has spread to other organs, the American Cancer Society. Society warns. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – That is why it is important to know the symptoms of pancreatic cancer and, if you experience it, take it seriously.

“What has been observed is that women tend to wait and see a doctor until symptoms are very bad, but pancreatic cancer has a high rate of mortality, not taking risks.” If you have any of these symptoms, contact your doctor; It’s not silly, I’d rather see you and only miss cancer. Here, the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer need to know.

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer exocrine and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (Nets) are often different, so they are described separately. Having one or more of the following symptoms does not mean that you have pancreatic cancer. In fact, many of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by other conditions. However, if you have these symptoms, it is important that you talk to your doctor so that the cause can be found and treated if necessary.

What Were Your Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer?

1. Yellow eyes and skin. The Galbenirea of the whites of the eyes and skin is never good. This may be a sign of a number of medical problems that may include alcoholism, hepatic impairment, and pancreatic cancer. The reason is that many pancreatic tumors begin in the head of the pancreas, which is near the bile ducts.

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Even small tumors can suppress and block bile ducts, which should carry bile from the liver and bladder blisters through the pancreas into the small intestine. One of the burdens of bile is the elimination of bilirubin, a common residual product from red blood cells so that when it cannot do its job, excess bilirubin causes jaundice and yellow eyes. Regardless of the cause, this is one of the symptoms that you should not ignore.

2. Four pregnant months. Swelling after a large meal is normal, remaining in this way many days is not normal. When pancreatic tumors grow, they can cause stomach dilation. This is one of the first signs that women often observe, but do not call doctors, because bloating seems to be a little thing to worry about. It’s worth checking out. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – It may not be cancer, but if you don’t (ovarian cancer also records bloating as an early sign), it’s better to be safe than sorry.

3. Loss of appetite. Loss of appetite is another early indicator of pancreatic cancer. That’s because when tumors grow in the stomach, they can hit the surrounding organs, including the stomach. The result: you feel jealous or feel full, even if you haven’t eaten in a few hours. Eating can be painful.

4. Weight loss. This loss of appetite can easily lead to rapid weight loss, usually defined as losing more than 5% of body weight in the range of six months to one year. If you cannot explain the weight loss for another reason, you should be seen. “

5. Back to level. As a growing pancreatic tumor not only puts pressure on the internal organs but also the lower musculature of the spine and back, causing constant and painful pain. Due to menstrual cramps, women are accustomed to regularly treat back pain. So how do you know if your pain is? Is the back caused by PMS, too many time losses, or something more sinister? If the pain is constant (i.e. not messing with the end of the period), it is something that needs to be checked.

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6. The color of urine as tea. Dark urine is a sign of dehydration, but it is also often the first sign of jaundice that people observe. Since tumors produce less bile to be excreted and the blood levels of bilirubin increase, urine becomes brown, explains the American Cancer Society. If you increase water consumption, do not return to pee at the usual color of lemonade, it is time to check it out because jaundice is the early sign of pancreatic cancer.

7. Experience excessive itching. All skin itching are signs of early warning of jaundice and pancreatic cancer. When bilirubin accumulates in the skin, it can cause itching before it even becomes yellow. So if you can’t show hives on other causes, such as insect bites or allergic reactions, and lotions don’t suppress it, check it out.

8. Colorless stools without cooling. Gray dirt, light or oily color just as bad as you because it’s dirty. Again, the reason is returned to bilirubin. It is usually emitted through the colon, such as dust, the fecal matter gives the color of the dark brown feature. But when it is not enough because of the tumor blocking the bile, bilirubin remains in your system rather than through the feces. This can change the color and texture of bowel movements. A potential cause is a tumor of the pancreas, but other options (such as liver disease or gastrointestinal infection) is not good, so contact your doctor immediately if you constantly litter the pale or floating in the toilet.

9. Sudden stomach aches for no reason. Going to a doctor to complain about a stomach disease may seem something made only by a child, but this type of unspecified pain can be an early symptom of pancreatic cancer. Due to the location of the pancreas behind the lower abdomen, behind the stomach, the tumor can give you constant pain in your stomach, no matter what you eat.

10. Feeling uncomfortable. Here’s a scary thing about pancreatic cancer: Once the symptoms are clear and definitive, your prognosis It’s probably very bad. To catch it sooner, you should notice more vague symptoms, including unhealthy feelings that last longer than a week or two and are not associated with any obvious cause, such as influenza. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – Remember, it’s always better to check and only lose something important.

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11. Enlargement of the gallbladder or liver. If cancer blocks the bile ducts, the ball can accumulate in the gallbladder, making it larger. Sometimes a doctor can feel this (like a large piece on the right side of the ribs) during a physical examination. This can also be seen on imaging tests. Pancreatic cancer can sometimes extend the liver, especially if cancer has spread into the liver. Your doctor may feel this under the right ribs also on the exam or can be seen on the imaging test.

12. Have a blood clot. Sometimes, the first indication that a person suffering from pancreatic cancer is a blood clot in a large blood vessel, often standing. This is called deep vein thrombosis or DVT. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the affected leg. Sometimes a piece of the clot can rupture and can travel in the lungs, which can make it difficult to breathe or chest pain. A blood clot in the lungs is called pulmonary embolism or on. However, if you have a blood clot, it doesn’t mean you have cancer. Most blood clots are caused by other things.

13. Fatty tissue abnormalities. Some people with pancreatic cancer develop an uneven texture of oily tissue under the skin. This is caused by the release of pancreatic enzymes that digest fat.

14. Diabetes mellitus. Rarely, pancreatic cancer produces diabetes (hyperglycemia) because it destroys insulin-producing cells. Symptoms may include sensation and hunger and frequent urination. More often, cancer can cause small changes in blood sugar levels, which do not cause symptoms of diabetes but can still be detected by blood tests.

Important! When the neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas (NET) spreads, most often they go to the liver. It can increase the liver, which can cause pain and loss of appetite. It can also affect liver function, sometimes leading to jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and abnormal blood tests. This cancer can also spread to other organs and tissues. Symptoms depend on where cancer grows. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman – For example, cancer that spreads in the lungs may cause difficulty breathing or coughing. Spreading to the bone can cause pain in the bones.

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