Thyroid Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Thyroid Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – The type of treatment that your doctor will be recommended depending on the type and stage of cancer and your overall health. This section discusses the typical treatment options for each type and stage of cancer of the thyroid, but your doctor may have reason to suggest other treatment plans. Feel free to ask them about Your treatment options.

Most cancers are treated by removing the thyroid gland, although small tumors do not spread outside the thyroid can be treated by removing the lateral portion of the thyroid containing the tumor. the tumor). Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – If enlarged lymph nodes or there are signs of cancer spread, they will also be deleted. In addition, recent studies have shown that patients with papiler Carcinoma (cancer of the thyroid is very small) can be selected in a safe with a closer observation on ongoing rather than ultrasound surgery soon. Immediately.

Even if the lymph nodes do not evolve, some doctors recommend a central operation (surgical removal of the lymph nodes along the thyroid gland) along with the appointment of the thyroid gland. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – Although this activity has not yet been proven to improve survival of cancer, this may reduce the risk of cancer recurring in the neck. Because the removal of lymph nodes enables them to filter for cancer under the microscope, this operation also makes it easier to improve the cancer. If cancer has spread to the lymph nodes to other ancient, radical surgical removal (appointment of the lymph nodes in the neck) is usually done.

In addition, you can perform post-operative treatment depends on the stage of cancer. Radioactive iodine treatment (RAI) is sometimes used after the appointment of the thyroid gland for cancer early (T1 or T2, N0, M0), but the level of surgical treatment alone is very good. If the cancer does not return, radioiodine therapy can still be provided. RAI therapy is often used for more advanced cancer tumors such as T3 or T4, or cancer that has spread to lymph nodes or to distant places. The aim is to destroy any remaining thyroid tissue and trying to treat cancer that remains in the body. The resistant area does not respond RAI may need to be treated with external beam or radiotherapy, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy.

Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – People who already have thyroid needs to be taking thyroid hormone medications (levothyroxine) every day. If the RAI treatment planned, thyroid hormone therapy onset may be delayed until the end of treatment (usually around 6 weeks after surgery).

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Cancer recurrences after cancer treatment: primary care greatly depends on where cancer, although other factors are important. Recurrence can be found with blood tests or Imaging tests such as ultrasound or radioiodine scanning.

If the cancer is back in the neck, guide the biopsy ultrasound done first to make sure that it was indeed cancer. Then, if the tumor seems to be lifted (stripped), surgery is often used. If cancer is present in radioiodine scanning (i.e. the cells iodine based), therapy radioactive iodine (RAI) can be used, alone or through surgery. If cancer does not appear on the scan but radioiodine imaging test discovered by others such as MRI or PET, external radiation can be used.

argeting drug sorafenib (Nexavar) and lenvatinib (Lenvima) can be tried if cancer has spread to many places and RAI and other treatments do not help but doctors still try. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects. Find an effective cure for this disease. Because this cancer can be difficult to treat, another option is to participate in clinical trials of treatment later.

Thyroid Cancer Treatment Options

Your thyroid gland absorbs almost all iodine in your body. When radioactive iodine (RAI), also known as the I-131, inserted into the body in the form of liquid or capsule, he concentrated in thyroid cells. Radiation can destroy the thyroid gland and thyroid cells (including cancer) containing iodine, with little effect on other body parts. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – The radiation dose used here is much more powerful than a dose of radioiodine scanning, used in the test described in thyroid cancer.

This treatment can be used to remove (destroy) any thyroid tissue that is not operated on or treated for certain types of thyroid cancer that have spread to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. the body.

Radiotherapy improves the survival rate of patients with cancer of the thyroid follicle or papiler (thyroid cancer differentiable functions) that has spread to the neck or other parts of the body, and this treatment is now becoming the norm. The standard in such cases. But the benefits are less tangible RAI therapy for patients with thyroid cancer is small, does not seem to spread, which often can be completely removed by surgery. Discuss the risk and benefits of Your therapy RAI with your doctor. Radioactive iodine therapy cannot be used to treat thyroid cancer that does not differentiate and myeloma because of cancer of non-iodine.

For RAI therapy is most effective, the patient has thyroid stimulating hormone levels are high (TSH or thyrotropin) in the blood. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – It stimulates the thyroid tissue (and cancer cells) to absorb radioactive iodine. If the thyroid has been removed, one of the ways to increase the levels of the thyroid is to not taking thyroid hormone medication for several weeks. This causes the thyroid hormone levels are very low (a condition known as hypothyroidism), which in turn causes the pituitary gland produces more TSH. This is a temporary condition, but usually causes symptoms such as fatigue, depression, weight gain, constipation, muscle pain, and loss of concentration. Another way to increase your levels of TSH before RAI treatment is by providing a form of thyrotropin injection (Thyrogen), which can make thyroid hormone is not needed for a long time. This medication is given daily for 2 days, with RAI given on day 3.

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Most doctors also recommend patients to follow a diet low in fiber for one to two weeks prior to treatment. This means avoiding foods containing iodized salt and Red dyes, as well as dairy products, eggs, seafood, and soy.

Thyroid Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Your body will emit radiation for some time after you treated with RAI. Depending on the dose of radioiodine that is used and where you are treated, you may have to stay in hospital for several days after treatment, staying in a special isolation ward to prevent further exposure. radiation exposure. Some people may not need to be hospitalized. After you are discharged after treatment, you will be instructed how to protect a person from exposure to radiation and when you need to take precautions. This manual may be slightly different from the care center. Make sure you understand the guidelines before leaving the hospital.

Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – Short-term side effects from the treatment of the RAI include: neck pain and swelling, nausea and vomiting, swelling and pain in the saliva glands, dry mouth, change the taste. However, chew gum or suck on hard candy can help address the problem of salivary glands.

As you know more, you can work with your healthcare team to manage your quality of life during and after treatment. There is an effective remedy to address the traditional side effects of cancer treatment such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation and mouth sores. Remember that people react differently to treatments and experience different side effects. There are mechanisms and strategies addressing who can help. Common side effects of thyroid cancer include:

1. Surgeon. After the surgery, most people need medication for the rest of their lives to replace the missing thyroid hormones. If the parathyroid glands also issued, you may also need to be taking calcium supplements and vitamin D.

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2. Thyroid hormone therapy. Thyroid hormones usually do not cause any side effects but hormone levels are not uniform. Too much thyroid hormone can increase heart rate, cause weight loss, chest pain and cramping. Too little can cause weight gain, fatigue and dryness of the skin and hair. Doctors monitor the proper hormone levels through blood tests.

3. Therapy radioactive iodine. Side effects of radioactive iodine include: mild nausea in the first day, the swelling and pain in the neck in which thyroid cells fixed and dry mouth. Rarely, men who consumed high doses could lose fertility. Women are advised not to become pregnant for one year after high doses. High doses also kill normal thyroid cells so it may take thyroid hormone.

4. External Radiotherapy. Side effects depend on the overdose. Radiation to the neck can lead to dryness, sore mouth and throat, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and fatigue.

5. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy has a variety of side effects depending on the type of drug and dosage and the duration of the grant. These side effects may include canker sores, hair loss, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, increased risk of infection (low white blood cell count), bruising or bleeding (number of low blood platelets) and fatigue (due to the number of red blood cells that low).

Radioiodine treatment also reduces the formation of tears in some people, causing dry eye. If you wear contact lenses, ask the doctor how long you should keep it.

Men receiving high doses of the total because many treatments with RAI may have lower sperm count or rarely become infertile. Radioactive iodine can also affect the ovaries of women, and some women may have an abnormal period for one year after treatment. Many doctors advise women to avoid pregnancy for 6 months to a year after treatment. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects – No side effects have been reported in children born to parents who have received radioactive iodine in the past.

Both men and women who have been treated with RAI may have a slightly increased risk of developing leukemia in the future. Doctors disagree on how this risk increased, but most of the biggest research has found that this is a very rare complication. Some research even suggests that the risk of leukemia may not increase significantly. Talk to your healthcare team if you have any questions about the risks and benefits that may occur during treatment.

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