Stomach Cancer Treatment Options

Stomach Cancer Treatment Options

Stomach cancer treatment options – Stomach cancer or also called Gastric cancer is a very dangerous disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment depends on many factors, the most important is the development of the disease at every stage. There are a number of treatments for gastric cancer that are officially used today: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, single-line antibodies, or target drugs to destroy cancer cells.

1. Surgery. Surgery is the most common treatment for stomach cancer. The surgeon cuts most or part of the stomach (partial stomach cuttings) or the entire abdomen with a piece of tissue around the abdomen.

There are three types of surgery for gastric cancer: (a) endoscopic surgery: The tumor is lifted through the endoscopic (long tube and flexible passes through the throat to the stomach, usually only for some early cancer tumors). (b) Surgical removal of a portion of the stomach: only abdominal, sometimes the same esophagus part or the head of the small intestine. The adjacent lymph nodes are also eliminated. Eating easier after the surgery only eliminates the stomach part. This can be an option if cancer lies only at the bottom of the stomach near the small intestine or only at the top of the stomach.

Stomach cancer treatment options – The surgery lifts the whole stomach along with adjacent lymph nodes, occasional spleen and part of the esophagus, small intestine, pancreas and neighboring organs. The end of the esophagus will connect directly to the immature intestine. After surgery, the patient can only eat a small amount of food each time, so it should be eaten more during the day. This method is used when cancer enters into the stomach or stomach cancer on.

2. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. This treatment is called a full body or body treatment system as it enters the blood and flows through the body. Stomach cancer treatment options – Physicians are treated by inserting the stomach of an anticancer drug (taking chemicals into the peritoneal). Chemotherapy is also being studied for cancer treatment has spread and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Chemotherapy can be money-operated, helps small tumors, making it easier to remove tumors and help patients live longer. For some stage cancer, this is a standard treatment option. Chemotherapy can be prescribed after the surgery to destroy the surviving cancer cells after surgery or too small to be detected. The goal is to prevent cancer from returning. For gastric cancer, chemotherapy is usually prescribed with radiotherapy after surgery.

3. Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells and prevent them from growing. As with surgery, it is a topical treatment, with radiation that affects only cancer cells in the therapeutic area. Sometimes, the radiotherapy method is sometimes done after surgery to destroy the cancerous cells may remain in the area. Stomach cancer treatment options – Researchers are experiencing clinical trials to find out if surgical radiation therapy is effective or not (radiotherapy in surgery).

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Before surgery, radiotherapy can be used in combination with chemotherapy to reduce the tumor making the surgery easier. After surgery, radiotherapy helps to destroy a very small area of cancer that cannot be detected and eliminated during surgery. Radiation therapy, especially when combined with chemicals may slow or prevent cancer relapse after surgery and help patients live longer. Radiotherapy can also slow down the progression of the disease, relieving cancer symptoms such as pain, bleed and hard to swallow.

4. Biological therapy. Biological therapy (also known as immunotherapy) is a form of treatment that helps to attack the immune system and kill cancer cells, and help the body heal when present. Some side effects of treatment. In clinical trials, physicians are studying biological therapies that coordinate with other treatments to prevent cancer, relapse stomach.

Stomach Cancer Treatment or Prognosis by Stage

Stomach cancer treatment options – The treatment of stomach cancer depends heavily on where cancer starts in the abdomen and how far it goes. Stomach cancer can grow and spread in many different ways. They can grow through the abdomen and penetrate neighboring organs. They can also spread to lymph vessels and nearby lymph nodes (a structural sized by pea that helps to fight infections). The stomach has a network of lymph vessels and a very rich gland. When cancer of the stomach becomes more progressive, cancer can spread through the bloodstream and spread (metastasis) to organs such as the liver, lungs, and bones, which can make the treatment become more difficult.

Stage 0: Because cancer of the stage 0 is limited to the inner lining of the stomach and does not develop into a deeper layer, they can be treated with surgery alone. Do not require chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Surgery with the extra stomach (partial removal of the stomach) or the total cut of the stomach (elimination of the stomach) is usually the primary treatment for this cancer. Neighboring lymph nodes were also eliminated.

Some small stage cancers can be treated with endoscopic surgery. In this procedure, cancer is removed through colonoscopy which is lowered to the throat. Stomach cancer treatment options – This is more common in Japan where gastric cancer is often detected early in the screening process. Very rarely detects gastric cancer in the United States, so this treatment is not widely used here. If done, it must be in a cancer center that has a lot of experience with this technique.

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(Phase I) The IA stage: People with gastric cancer stage IA often get rid of cancer by a whole or gross surgical cut. Neighboring lymph nodes were also eliminated. Endoscopic cuttings can barely be an option for some small T1a cancers. No further treatment is needed after the surgery.

The IB phase: the primary treatment for gastric cancer phase is surgery (cut off the whole or total filler). Chemotherapy (chemo) or chemoradiation (chemotherapy plus radiotherapy) can be taken before surgery to try to shrink cancer and make it easier to remove.

After surgery, patients with lymph nodes (eliminated during surgery) have no sign of cancer spread sometimes observed without further treatment, but doctors often recommend treatment by chemoradiation or chemo only after surgery (especially n If the patient does not receive this before it works. Patients treated with chemotherapy before surgery may receive similar chemotherapy (without radiotherapy) after surgery. If cancer is found in the lymph nodes, treatment by chemoradiation, chemotherapy alone, or a combination of both are often encouraged. If a person is too sick (from another disease) must undergo surgery, they can be treated with chemotherapy if they can accept. Other options include radiotherapy or chemotherapy only.

Phase II: The primary treatment for gastric cancer Phase II is the entire surgical removal or partial stomach, omentum and nearby lymph nodes. Many patients are treated with chemotherapy or chemoradiation before surgery to attempt to shrink cancer and make it easier to remove. Post-surgical treatment may include chemotherapy or radiotherapy. If a person is too sick (from another disease) must undergo surgery, they can be treated with chemotherapy if they can accept. Other options include radiotherapy or chemotherapy only.

Stage III: Surgery is the primary treatment for patients with this stage of disease (unless they have other medical conditions that cause them to suffer from severe illness). Some patients may be treated with surgery (along with other treatments), while other surgery may help control cancer or help relieve symptoms.

Some people may be chemotherapy or chemoradiation before surgery to try to shrink cancer and make it easier to remove. The patient receives chemotherapy before surgery can also be chemotherapy. For those patients who do not receive chemotherapy before surgery and for those who undergo surgery but have some remaining cancer, postoperative treatments are often chemoradiation. Stomach cancer treatment options – If a person is too sick (from another disease) must undergo surgery, they can be treated with chemotherapy if they can accept. Other options include radiotherapy or chemotherapy only.

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Stage IV: Because stomach cancer stage IV has spread to distant organs, it is often impossible to heal. But the treatment can often help control cancer and help relieve the symptoms. This can include surgery, such as ignoring the stomach or even the extra stomach cut in some cases, to keep the stomach and/or bowel clogged (blocked) or to control bleeding.

In some cases, the laser direct direction through the endoscopic duct (the long and flexible tubes passing through the throat) can destroy most tumors and reduce congestion without surgery. If necessary, a stent (an empty metal tube) can be put where the esophagus and stomach come together to help keep it open and allow the food to go through. This can also be done at the intersection of the stomach and the small intestine.

Chemo and/or radiotherapy can often help shrink cancer and reduce some symptoms and help patients live longer, but it is often not expected to cure cancer. Stomach cancer treatment options – The most common combination chemo drugs are used, but any combination is best is unclear.

Targeting therapy can also help treat stomach cancer to evolve. Trastuzumab (Herceptin) can be added to chemotherapy for patients with HER2 positive tumors. Ramucirumab (Cyramza) can also be an option at some point. It can be given by itself or in addition to chemotherapy. The immune therapy of the pembrolizumab drug (Keytruda) can also be an option at some point. Because this cancer may be difficult to treat, new treatments tested in clinical trials can benefit some patients.

Even if the treatment does not destroy or shrink cancer, there are many ways to relieve pain and the symptoms of the disease. Patients should tell their cancer treatment group about any symptoms or pain they have in the right way so they can be effectively managed. Nutrition is another concern for many patients with gastric cancer. Help is available from nutritional advice to place tubes on the small intestine to help provide nutrition for the hard to eat, if necessary.

Recurrent cancer: cancer is back after initial treatment is called recurrent cancer. Stomach cancer treatment options – The treatment options for recurrent diseases are usually similar to stage IV cancer. But they also depend on where cancer relapse, the treatments have and a person’s general health. Clinical trials or newer treatments can be an option and always be considered.

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