Best Treatment For Lung Cancer Stage 4


The best treatment for lung cancer stage 4 – Lung cancer is a malignant tumor formed by atypical cells (uncontrolled decay and growth) from the lungs. Under these conditions, lung function is reduced. When the tumor exceeds the boundaries of the organs, metastasis mainly to nearby lymph nodes. Over time, metastases affect the brain, kidneys, liver, spleen.

Men and women over the age of 40 years are most often faced with a diagnosis of lung cancer, which cannot be considered as a suggestion. Best treatment for lung cancer stage 4 – This type of tumor refers to hardening cancers, especially in the early stages. According to statistics, 4 out of 5 smokers face lung cancer. There has been a sharp increase in the number of men who smoke. Over the next 20 years, the incidence of lung cancer has increased dramatically. In the ‘ 40. The disease begins to appear more frequently among female audiences, as well as dependence on smoking.

Basically, the three main and best methods of treatment are: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. The best results of the treatment are presented with radiosurgery using high precision linear accelerators. This produces radiation in 1400 directions. This equipment is called an electronic knife. It was successfully used to destroy tumor tumors and their metastases without healthy tissue injury.

Best Treatment For Lung Cancer Stage 4

However, oncologists in a country included in the treatment program three basic techniques: surgery for tumor removal, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. If small cell cancers are diagnosed to spread to the lungs, chemotherapy is prescribed. Best treatment for lung cancer stage 4 – The initial stages of tumor detection within the organs are treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Good results are obtained with the treatment of lung cancer as follows: first radiation of the tumor, followed by surgical removal, after taking the assigned cytostatic level (chemotherapy) to improve the therapeutic Action.

See also  Holistic Treatment For Lung Cancer

Photodynamic therapy is a revolutionary technique for fighting lung cancer, which is very effective at the local level. During treatment, the Photosensitizer is inserted into the patient’s body, which is safe for healthy tissues. The active tumor cells accumulate after which the laser effects. Under laser light, the photosensitizer begins to destroy cancer cells without affecting the healthy. The use of this mild method significantly increases the survival rates for lung cancer.

To successfully treat malignant lung tumors, Israeli oncologists use the high-tech advanced equipment. Innovative treatment methods include the use of the Novalis linear accelerator, which generates high-concentrated dose radiation. Best treatment for lung cancer stage 4 – Novalis technology has a clear advantage because of the high accuracy of irradiation of healthy tissues unharmed. The equipment is equipped with a system that performs intelligently Stereometrika controls. It immediately depicts a slight change in the position of the patient’s body and immediately corrects it with a robotic table. The Novalis provides a radiation exposure accuracy of up to 0.5 mm.

The final stage cancers are processed with chemotherapy combined with surgery and chemotherapy can act as an independent method. For treatment, the latest generation of drugs is used effectively to fight cancer. Such drugs cause minimal side effects.

What is the cost of treatment? It is difficult to mention the number of appropriate treatment without initial examination and preparation of a treatment program. The calculation takes into account a number of factors: patient, tumor stage, method, and duration of treatment, rehabilitation, etc Pre just to know the approximate cost of treatment, but we can already say that it will be less than in Clinics America and Western Europe.

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