Lung Cancer Life Expectancy Stage 3


Lung cancer life expectancy stage 3 – What is lung cancer? Lung cancer, like all cancers, results from anomalies of the basic unit of bodily life, of cells. The body usually maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells are divided to produce new cells only when new cells are needed. The destruction of the system of controls and balances on cellular growth results in the uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells that eventually form a mass known as a tumor.

The most important task of the receiver and of oxygen for the vital functions of the body providing carbon dioxide is removed from the body as formed during the uncontrolled proliferation of tissues and cells in the lungs due to Lung cancer occurred. Uncontrolled proliferation can increase and damage the surrounding tissue with this mass. Lung cancer is divided into small cells (oat cell), lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

The tumor may be benign or malignant; When we talk about  “Cancer”, we mean malignant tumors. Benign tumors can normally be eliminated and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, grow aggressively and invade other tissues, allowing the entry of tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system and then to other sites in the body. This spreading process is called metastasis; This area of tumor growth in a faraway place is called metastasis. Since lung cancer tends to spread or metastasis very early after training, it is a life-threatening very cancer and one of the most difficult types of cancer to treat. While lung cancer can spread to any organ in the body, certain locations-especially the adrenal glands, the liver, and the brain.

What are the stages of lung cancer? There are different stages of lung cancer that show how much cancer has spread in the body (eg to lymph nodes or remote organs such as the brain). The stages for non-small cell cancers differ from small cell cancers. Non-Cell cancer (NSCLC) is any type of epithelial lung cancer other than a small cell lung cancer. As a class, non-small cell cancers are relatively insensitive to chemotherapy compared to small cell carcinoma.

Lung Cancer Life Expectancy Stage 3

Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms and Signs

What are the symptoms of lung cancer? Indications for lung cancer may vary depending on location. The mass located in the upper lungs can cause pressure on some nerves, causing pain in the shoulders and shoulders, loss of voice, and reduced eyelids. These symptoms can be ignored in many diseases. Each infection of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary infections, the painful musculoskeletal system may cause this complaint. If the duration of these symptoms, apart from a few weeks, a doctor should be consulted without delay.

Lung cancer life expectancy stage 3 – The most common symptom of lung cancer is a stubborn cough. In addition, chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever, hoarseness, swelling of the face and neck, shoulder and arm aches, back pain, such as difficulty swallowing and bloody sputum discoveries, are also common symptoms of lung cancer. Bloody sputum that comes with a cough seen at a quarter of patients with lung cancer. Headaches and bones, exhaustion and fatigue are also common symptoms of lung cancer.

What is the incidence of lung cancer in men and women? Lung cancer is the type of cancer most commonly observed in men because of smoking. Because men smoke more than women. The age factor can also be considered one of the causes of lung cancer. Lung cancer is most commonly observed in people over 55 years of age. but this; The onset age of smoking, the frequency of smoking, and exposure to a variety of cancer-causing substances. Lung cancer is rare under the age of 45 years but is usually diagnosed more than 50-70 years. Increasing the healing rate of the day due to lung cancer are considered as a type of life-threatening cancer, the newest treatment methods and opportunities for early diagnosis. About 1.3 million people die from lung cancer every year in the world. In our country, 30-40 thousand people are diagnosed with lung cancer every year. IR years B in our country, the number of patients with lung cancer clearly induced smoke that 80-90% of lung cancer cases are from smoking. Early diagnosis is very important in the case of lung cancer. Since lung cancer often has the ability to spread rapidly to bones, liver, brain and adrenal glands.

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Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous and easiest to prevent cancer. The risk of lung cancer, most often seen in the world aged between 50-70, to increase after the age of 35 years. According to women, men have much faster cancers. 25 years ago, lung cancer seen in exchange for a woman for every 11 people, today, almost a second female to male lung cancer is detected and the most important reason for it no more women smoke as well, a lot is.

Lung Cancer Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

Lung cancer life expectancy stage 3 – Is it possible to protect against the causes of cancer? Leaving smoking, which is the most important cause of lung cancer, or starts smoking, if not smoking is the most important way to protect against cancer. Smoking addiction is reduced by the anti-smoking campaign and there is a serious decline in lung cancer cases. Radon gas, among other causes of lung cancer, has no measurable method if it is or is not in place. Protection from Aspect is also impossible.

What is the diagnosis of lung cancer? When diagnosed at an early stage can be treated with lung cancer seems the biggest reason why people smoke in non-smokers like lung cancer can be seen. The Oncology prevention specialist answers curious questions about lung cancer.

First, you need to reach the audience specified in the X-ray. People spend a disease, tobacco consumption (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc.) status, asked whether exposure to the environment or workplace to substances on cancer and other family members. If the lung cancer is suspected, the sputum examination (cytology of the sputum, microscopic analysis of the material derived from the mucous membranes a cough deep into the lungs) may be requested by a doctor. This test is a simple and useful test for lung cancer detection. Your doctor may need to check your lung tissue to make sure it’s cancer. This review aims to determine the type of cancer (small cell or small cell) and spread (metastasis) or stage of cancer. Then, the way you get to the table with the help of computerized tomography is determined. The application of a biopsy or bronchoscope is best suited to reach the masses. A biopsy examination results in a diagnosis of lung cancer. If the disease has touched other organs, it can also be taken from the organ and diagnosed.

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Generally, however, because in this group of patients diagnosed with cancer, when the disease has spread to other organs of the lungs, which is close to this report decreases below 15%. Early diagnosis of lung cancer occurs in routine tests or in tests for other health problems. Lung cancer Imaging methods are as follows:

1. Chest X-ray: After a detailed analysis and physical examination of the patient as a first step towards the recognition of the chest X-rays both ways. In some cases, pulmonary lesions due to tumors with this imaging method can be detected with this film. However, chest lung tomography of the lungs should be determined by small changes that will always be seen in the film so as not to give a clear answer.

2. Computed tomography (CT): This provides information about the size, shape, and location of the tumor. This shows extensive lymph nodes due to diffuse lung cancer. With the diagnosis of liver, early stages of lung cancer, adrenal glands, brain, and other internal organs may present the State of the spread of lung cancer.

3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with magnetic and radio waves, allowing the computer to view the lungs by separating it into several parts. Since X-rays are not used in MRI examinations, there is no danger of radiation.

4. Positron emission tomography (PET): The procedure is performed using a small dose of a radioactive substance that is linked to a sugar molecule collected in cancer tissue. It is applied in planning treatment staging lung cancer by determining whether the tumor spread in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer of more than one diagnosis of cancer.

5. Bones of scintigraphy: cancer vascular and bone cells by radioactive substances that are given to patients to determine whether they present a rolling. Bone metastases in patients with low-cell lung cancer, especially in small cell lung cancer, is an applied method in suspected cases.

The general health condition of the disease as a treatment for lung cancer in all other cancers, such as cancer and disease stage, varies according to several factors. In several stages, a combination of different treatments and individual treatments applies. Therefore, the choice of complete hospitals and specialists is very important in the treatment of lung cancer.

Small amounts of cancerous cells that can be left behind after surgery of lung cancer are not seen destroyed by adjuvant treatment. This method of treatment is planned according to the patient’s diagnosis report, age and general health. Patients after lung cancer surgery can only receive adjuvant chemotherapy or just radiotherapy or both chemotherapy and radiotherapies treatments. Sometimes early-stage patients may not need adjuvant treatment after surgical intervention.

How To Protect From Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer life expectancy stage 3 – The formation of lung cancer cannot be attributed to a single cause. There are many reasons for the end result of lung cancer. Several factors can play a role in the formation of lung cancer. Most are related to tobacco use. Lung cancer is not contagious. Some people may have a higher risk of lung cancer than others. Increase the risk of cancer in the following situations.

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Smoking and lung cancer; Smoking causes lung cancer. Harmful substances in the lungs (carcinogenic) endanger the cells in the lungs. Over time, this effect can cause cancer in the cells. Smoking lung cancer; When he started smoking, how much he smoked, how many cigarettes he had up every day and how deep he smoked cigarettes. Smoking waiver greatly reduces the risk of a person suffering from lung cancer.

Cigarettes and tubes and lung cancer; Those who use cigars and pipes have a higher risk of lung cancer than those who do not use them. How many years have you smoked cigars or pipes, how much drinks you have been drinking in a day and how deep you have entered into factors that influence the risk of cancer? Smoking cigarettes and smoking are also at risk for other types of lung and mouth cancer. The risk of passive smoking (those exposed to tobacco smoke) to lung cancer also increases in cases of passive smoking.

Asbestos and lung cancer; As insulating material, it is a group of minerals used in some industries and natural fibers. Asbestos fibers tend to burst into particles and move in the air and remain in clothing. When these particles are inhaled, they’re found in the lungs. There, lung cells are affected, and cancer increases the risk of development. Research shows that workers exposed to asbestos are 3-4 times more likely to develop lung cancer than those who do not. This growth is higher in sectors such as naval construction, asbestos mining, insulation work, and brake repair. The risk of lung cancer is higher if asbestos workers smoke. Workers working with asbestos must use protective material provided by employers and comply with work recommendations and safety warnings.

Air pollution and lung cancer; There is a relationship between lung cancer and exposure to air pollution. But this relationship has not been clearly defined and further research is needed.

Pulmonary disease; Some pulmonary diseases, such as tuberculosis, increase the risk of developing cancer. Lung cancer tends to develop more in areas affected by tuberculosis.

The story of the hospital; Once someone with lung cancer is exposed to the risk of developing the second lung cancer again, it is more likely than people who have never had cancer. Leaving cigarettes after diagnosing lung cancer may prevent the development of the second lung cancer.

Lung cancer life expectancy stage 3 – In the treatment of lung cancer, particularly in the last 5 years, serious developments may be mentioned. One of the most important of these developments, which mostly focuses on patients with lung cancer in the fourth stage, is immunotherapy, also called vaccination against lung cancer. Immunotherapy means that patients use their own immune system to fight cancer cells. For this reason, fewer side effects than other chemotherapy medications. Up to several years of patients with lung cancer in the fourth stage, the attempt for other chemotherapy medications cannot be successful and the results are used as a vaccine for lung cancer. Currently, stage four patients with lung cancer in America and Europe can be treated with this vaccine against cancer from the first time.

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