Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Life Expectancy


Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – Cervical cancer is diagnosed with stage IV disease is usually detected by abnormal pelvic tests or symptoms that are produced by the patient with cancer. After evaluating the degree of cervical cancer, the cancer stadium IV is said to exist if cancer has surpassed the cervix into the surrounding organs, such as the rectum or bladder (phase IVa), or cancer has spread to distant Places in the body. This may include bone, lungs or liver (grade IVB). Cervical cancer diagnosed at this stage is often difficult to treat and a small proportion of patients will recover from this disease.

Various factors ultimately affect the patient’s decision to treat cancer. Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – The goal of treating cancer receiving may be to improve symptoms by using local cancer control, which increases the chances of the patient being enforced or prolong the survival of patients. The potential benefits of cancer treatment must be carefully balanced with the potential risks of cancer treatment.

The following is a general description of the treatment of cervical cancer in stage IV. The circumstances that are unique to your situation and the prognosis of your oncological disease may affect the general principles of treatment of your situation. The information on this website is intended to help educate you about treatment options and to facilitate the decision making process together or together with your treating doctor of cancer. See also: stage 3 cervical cancer life expectancy.

Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Life Expectancy

Most new medicines are developed in clinical trials. Clinical studies are studies that evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs or treatment strategies. Developing more effective forms of cancer treatment requires that new and innovative therapies be evaluated with cancer patients. Participation in clinical studies can offer access to better care and shift existing knowledge of cancer treatment. Clinical trials are available for most stages of cancer. Patients interested in participating in clinical studies should discuss the risks and benefits of clinical trials with their physicians. Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – To ensure that you get optimal cancer treatment, it is important that you are informed according to the cancer reports to learn about new therapies and the results of clinical trials.

Patients diagnosed with cervical cancer may be divided into two groups. In patients with reduced disease locally, but involves surrounding organs in the pelvis, such as the anus and bladder, it has to localize the degree of IVA cancer of the cervix. Other patients have a disease that has spread to distant organs, most commonly the bone, lungs, and liver, and had a stage of IVB cervical cancer. Treatment of patients with metastatic IVB disease is intended to control symptoms and pain. After treating cervical cancer, the doctor will continue the treatment to see if cancer has returned or has not developed. See also: symptoms of cervical cancer after menopause.

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Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Treatment

Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – The IVA stage of cervical cancer is currently managed by a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is a high energy X-ray therapy that has the ability to kill cancer cells. Radiotherapy can be given by machines that target X-rays in the body (external beam radiation) or by placing small capsules of radioactive material directly near the cervix (internal radiation or implants). Most patients will receive both types of radiotherapy during their treatment. External radiation radiotherapy for cervical cancer is administered in external patients for about 4 to 6 weeks.

During or immediately following the external radiotherapy beam, the patient may also undergo implant irradiation procedures. The placement of radiation inside the cervix allows the sending of high doses of radiation to cancer while reducing the radiation in the surrounding tissues and organs. During the surgery procedure, a small device is placed in the cervix and vagina and then  “loaded ” with radioactive material. The radioactive material remains in place, while the patient remains in hospital for 1-3 days. This procedure can be done once or twice during treatment.

Before the decade of 1990, the typical treatment of advanced cervical cancer has used external beam and internal radiotherapy and no significant progress in the treatment of cervical cancer, which occurred during Over the years. Recently, however, the addition of chemotherapy (anticancer drugs) has increased long-term results in patients with this disease.

Chemotherapy, such as Platinol ®, 5-fluorouracil, and other medications, has the ability to kill cancer cells and make radiotherapy more effective in killing cancerous cells. The strategy of administering chemotherapy together with attractive radiotherapy, because chemotherapy and radiotherapy can act together to increase the killing of cancer cells. Chemotherapy can also destroy cells regardless of radiation therapy. Several clinical studies conducted in patients with advanced cervical cancer using chemotherapy and radiotherapy have jointly shown that this strategy can increase recession rates and prolong survival. To determine with certainty if radiotherapy administered along with chemotherapy is superior to radiation therapy alone.

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A recent clinically important study conducted by different oncology groups in the United States showed that radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy for advanced cervical cancer is superior to radiation treatment. In this study, 403 patients were treated only with radiotherapy or radiotherapy plus 5-fluorouracil and Platinol ® together. Chemotherapy. Patients with cervical cancer in stage III or IVA have a survival rate of 63 years for 5 years compared to 57% for patients treated only with radiotherapy. The possibility of recurrence of cancer is 42% for patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, compared to 62% for those treated only with radiotherapy. Concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy are well tolerated, with the exception of gastrointestinal side effects and mild hematology, which is reversible.

In short, the combination of Platinol ® chemotherapy administered together with radiation results in a higher overall survival and a low risk of recurrence of cancer compared to radiation therapy alone. Further research is underway to determine whether additional chemotherapy medications or radiation doses can improve the result of patients with advanced cervical cancer. At least four other clinical studies have confirmed that cervical cancer treatment locally with Platinol ® chemotherapy and radiation therapy is superior to radiation treatment.

Even with a combination of chemotherapy and radiological treatment, approximately 20-40% of patients with cervical cancer in stage IV experience the recurrence of cancer. In some patients, cancer cells can survive near cancer, despite radiotherapy. Other patients with stage IV disease already have a small number of cancers that have spread outside the cervix and are not treated with chemotherapy. These cancerous cells cannot be detected by the tests currently available. Areas of cancer that are not detected outside the cervical gland are called micrometastases. The presence of microscopic areas of cancer or cancer cells that are still alive can cause relapses following treatment.

Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Treatment Options

Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – Progress has been made in the treatment of cervical cancer is the result of the development of better treatment of patients with advanced stages of cancer and participation in clinical trials. While some progress has been made in the treatment of metastatic cervical cancer, most patients still succumb to cancer and better therapeutic strategies are absolutely necessary. Future advances in the treatment of cervical cancer will result from continued participation in relevant clinical trials. There are currently several active areas of exploration aimed at improving the treatment of cervical cancer.

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1. Supportive care: Supportive care concerns treatment aimed at the prevention and control of cancer side effects and treatments. Side effects not only cause patients discomfort but also can prevent optimal therapy in the dose and schedule. To achieve optimal results in treating and improving the quality of life, it is essential that the side effects resulting from cancer and its treatments are managed accordingly.

2. New chemotherapy: Some newer chemotherapy medications have shown the ability to kill cancerous cervical cells in patients with advanced cancer. One area of active investigation is the development and exploration of a monotherapy regimen with one or more substances, as the treatment approach for patients with cervical cancer is widespread. In particular, drugs such as paclitaxel, Ifosfamide, Taxotere ®, Navelbin ®, and Camptosar ® seem to have promising efficacy against cervical cancer cells and is tested alone or in combination with radiotherapy and other anticancer agents in clinical trials.

3. More recent radiotherapy techniques: external radiation therapy can be given to more precisely the cervix using a special CT scan and computer orientation. This ability is known as three-dimensional therapy consistent with radiation, or 3d-CRT. The use of 3d-CRT seems to reduce the possibility of injury to nearby body structures, such as the bladder or rectum.

4. Biological therapy: Biological therapy is a substance that is naturally formed or synthesized that directs, facilitates or improves the normal immune defense. Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy – The purpose of biological therapy is for the patient’s immune defense to attack and destroy cancer cells. Biological therapies include interferon, interleukin, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines. In an effort to improve the survival rate, these agents and other agents are tested alone or in combination with chemotherapy in clinical trials.

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