What Is Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test

What Is Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test

What is carcinoembryonic antigen test – What is the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test (CEA)? The Carcinoembryonic antigen test (CEA) is a blood test used to diagnose and administer certain types of cancer. The CEA assay is mainly used for colorectal and rectal cancers. Your doctor may also use test results to determine if cancer treatment works.

Antigens are substances produced by tumor cells. Sometimes antigens are released into the bloodstream. The CEA test measures the amount of CEA in the blood. Large amounts of CEA in your body after cancer treatment or surgery indicate that the cancer is not lost. This may also mean that the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. In response to antigens, the body produces antibodies to help combat them.

Aside from being a useful indicator in the case of colorectal cancer, CEA test can also be used to evaluate other types of cancers include: rectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer Liver, pancreatic cancer, cancer of the stomach, and ovaries. Smoking can increase the amount of CEA in your body, even without cancer. You should tell your doctor if you are smoking.

The CEA test is not useful for diagnosing or examining the general population for cancer. It is usually not used to filter or diagnose you if you are healthy or show no signs of illness. But if someone has a family genetic syndrome for colorectal cancer then it is natural to use CEA as a screening tool. These cases are rare.

Your doctor may begin monitoring the levels of CEA before starting treatment if diagnosed with cancer. This will be the basic level for your CEA. Single price CEA is not usually informative because of many value and trend of these prices over time. Your doctor will check repeatedly before, during and after treatment to check the changes.

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What Is Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test

Why do I need this test? You might need this test if you have been diagnosed with cancer and your doctor is planning a treatment. CEA can help your provider before starting treatment to know more information about your cancer. You may have this test during cancer treatment to help the operator know how well the treatment works. If you have been treated with cancer, you may need this test to see if your cancer has returned.

What other tests can I have with this test? Your health care provider can order another test to find out more about your cancer. This may include X-rays, CT scans, PET examinations, and biopsy.

What are the test results? Test results may vary depending on age, gender, history, test methods, and other things. Test results may not indicate that you have a problem. Ask your health care provider what are the test results for you.

CEA is measured in Nanogramech per milliliter (ng/ml). Normal results are 3.0 ng/ml or lower. But with normal CEA level does not preclude cancer. Some people with cancer have normal CEA. And a higher level of CEA doesn’t mean you have cancer. Many conditions other than cancer can cause the increase of CEA. See also: What Is A High CEA Level For Colon Cancer.

Does this test pose a risk? A blood Test with a needle carries several risks. This includes bleeding, infection, bruising and dizziness. When the needle propane hand or hand, you may experience weak stabbing or pain. Then the place may feel pain.

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What is carcinoembryonic antigen test? How do I prepare for this test? You do not need to prepare for this exam. Make sure that the health care provider knows about all the medicines, herbs, vitamins and supplements you drink. This includes medications that do not require a prescription and illegal drugs that you might use.

Conclusion: The instrument used is Beckman Coulter Unicel DXi 800. Antigen counter Examination carcinoembryonic (CEA) is the immune Sandwich Test 2 site that uses 2 resistance CEA mono antibodies to the single-line resistance CEA (MAB) reacts with various epitopes CEA. The pattern is added to the reaction vase, along with the combined phosphatase resistant to the CEA and anti-CEA of the magnetic particles. Incubation is followed by separating from and washing. The chemical substrate Lumi-Phos 530 is added to the vase and the light generated by the reaction is measured in the brightness gauge. Produces proportional light proportional to the CEA concentration in the form. The number of analytical substances in the form is determined by storage, a multipoint calibration curve.

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