Brain Tumor Symptoms In Children


Brain tumor symptoms in children – Children’s brain tumors are a pile or growth of abnormal cells that occur in the brain or tissue of the child and structures that are nearby. There are many types of pediatric brain tumors, some are non-cancerous and some are malignant. Childhood brain tumors (commonly known as  “tumors”) are relatively rare. But about 500 children and young people in the UK every year diagnose brain cancer. This means that most of the symptoms your child will show won’t be caused by a brain tumor.

Treatment options and recovery (prognosis) depend on the type of tumor, its location in the brain, whether it spreads, and the age of the child and general health. Since new therapies and technologies are still being developed, several options may be available at various points of care.

Treatment of brain tumors in children is usually very different from the treatment of adult brain tumors, so it is very important to ask for professional knowledge and experience of pediatric specialists in the field of neurology and cancer. It is important to note the symptoms of brain tumor so that you can go with your doctor if you are worried.

Brain Tumor Symptoms In Children

Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor In Child

Brain tumor symptoms in children – The signs and symptoms of brain tumors in children are very variable and depends on the type of brain tumor, size, growth rate, and symptoms can also depend on where exactly in brain volume and can often They mimic other illnesses, which are relatively small in childhood. Some signs and symptoms may not be detected easily because they are similar to the symptoms of other situations.

Some of the most common symptoms of brain tumors in children include: a headache, which can become more frequent and more severe; Feeling of increased pressure on the head. uncontrollable nausea or vomiting. The sudden occurrence of vision problems, such as double vision.

Other signs and symptoms are possible, depending on the location of the tumor, including: The Complete software (skull) skull in infants; Seizures, especially when there is no history of seizure. Abnormal eye movements. Secret Speech. Difficulty swallowing. Loss of appetite or difficulty in breastfeeding in infants. Difficulty in balance. Difficulty walking. Weakness or loss of sensation in the hands or feet. Weakness or relaxation on one side of the face. Confusion, irritability. Memory problems? Changes in personality or behavior and hearing impairment. See also: Brain Cancer in Dogs Symptoms.

When to see a doctor? If your child has one or more of the above, you need to transfer them to a general practitioner, explain your concerns about brain tumors are present. If they have two or more, ask for urgent referrals. An emergency referral means that your child will be given an appointment with a specialist who can further investigate the cause of their symptoms.

What Causes a Brain Tumor In a Child

Brain tumor causes in child – DIn most cases, the exact cause of the brain tumor of the child is not known. Brain tumors of children are usually primary brain tumors, tumors that start in the brain or in tissues that are close to them. Primary brain tumors begin when they have normal cell errors (mutations) in the DNA. These mutations allow cell growth and divide with increasing SA speed and continue in life when healthy cells die. The result is the amount of abnormal cells that make up tumors. Different types of brain tumors that may or may not be cancerous can occur in children.

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What are the risk factors for childhood brain tumors? In most children with primary brain tumors, the cause of the tumor is unclear. Some types of brain tumors, such as medulloblastoma or ependymoma, are more common in children. Although rare, a family history of brain tumors or a family history of genetic syndromes may increase the risk of brain tumors in some children.

How To Brain Tumor Diagnosis Child?

Brain tumor diagnosis child – If there is a suspicion that your child has a brain tumor, the doctor may recommend several tests and procedures to help diagnose and help identify treatment options.

  • Biopsy. The removal of tissue samples for testing (biopsy) can be done as part of surgery to remove brain tumors. Or if it is difficult to reach a brain tumor or in sensitive areas that can be damaged by extensive surgery, a stereotactic needle biopsy can be performed. Pediatrician neurosurgeons they throw A small hole in the skull, insert a thin needle into the hole and lift the tissue using a needle. Biopsy samples were analyzed in the laboratory to determine the type of cells and their levels of aggression.
  • Check to see if cancer has spread, for example, as a diagnosis of blood tests on the brain. If it is suspected that a child’s brain tumor can be caused by cancer that has spread from other areas of the body, doctors may recommend tests and procedures to determine where the cancer starts.
  • Imaging test. Imaging tests help determine the location and size of brain tumors. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often performed. This can be used in conjunction with special MRI, such as a functional MRI or magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Other imaging tests include Computed Tomography (CT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
  • Neurological examination. These tests may include, inter alia, the examination of vision, hearing, balance, coordination, strength, and reflection of your child. Difficulties in some areas may provide traces of the parts of the brain that can be affected by brain tumors.
  • Diagnose exact drugs. In addition to the traditional analysis of biopsy, the tumor tissue can also be tested for genetic mutations and molecular base tumors. Targeted drug therapy can then be adapted to individual needs.

Treatment Of Brain Tumor In Child

Brain tumor treatments – Brain tumors can instantly destroy brain cells. They can also indirectly damage the cells by pushing other parts of the brain. This causes swelling and increased pressure inside the skull, this must be overcome quickly. The treatment for a child’s brain tumor depends on the type, size, and location of the tumor and the age and health of your child. The treatment for brain cancer in children has the following options:
1. Targeted pharmaceutical therapy. Targeted drug treatment focuses on specific anomalies in cancer cells. By inhibiting this disorder, targeted drug treatment can cause the extermination of cancer cells
For example, a targeted treatment with drugs to treat a type of brain cancer called low-grade gliomas is bevacizumab (Avastin). These drugs, given through a vein (intravenously), stop the formation of new blood vessels, cutting off the blood supply to the tumor and killing tumor cells.
Drugs like dabrafenib, vemurafenib, trametinib, everolimus, and various other drugs are currently used to treat brain tumors if the molecular targets are identified in the tumor. With a better understanding of the molecular base for tumor formation, various clinical trials are conducted using targeted pharmaceutical therapy.
2. Brain tumor surgery. If the brain tumor is placed where it is accessible to the surgical procedure, your child’s neurosurgeon will work on it to remove as many brain tumors as it is only possible to make the most secure. In some cases, tumors are small and easily separated from the surrounding brain tissue, allowing surgical removal. In other cases, tumors cannot be separated from the surrounding tissue or located near sensitive areas of the brain, so surgery is risky. In this situation, the pediatric neurosurgeon will remove as many tumors as possible.
Even removing some brain tumors can help reduce symptoms and symptoms. Surgery to remove the child’s brain tumor brings risks such as infection and bleeding. Other risks may depend on the part of your child’s brain where the tumor is located. For example, surgery on a tumor near the nerve that is attached to the eye may cause vision loss.
3. Radiosurgery. Stereotactic radiosurgery uses a lot of radiation to provide a highly focused form of radiation therapy that kills cancer cells in very small areas. Each radiation beam is not very strong, but a place where all the girders meet in brain tumors receive a very large dose of radiation to kill cancer cells.
There are various types of technologies used in radiosurgery that provide radiation for treating brain tumors, such as Gamma Knife or Linear accelerator (LINAC). Radiurgie is usually done in one treatment and in many cases, your child may return home on the same day.
4. Traditional radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays, such as x-rays or protons, to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy can come from machines outside the body (external beam radiation) or in very rare cases the radiation can be placed in the body near the brain tumors (brachytherapy).
External beam radiation can focus only on the brain area of the child where the tumor is located, or it can be applied to the whole brain (whole brain radiation). The entire brain radiation is most commonly used to treat cancer that has spread to the brain from several other parts of the body.
The side effects of radiotherapy depend on the type and dose of radiation that your child will receive. Common side effects during or immediately after radiation include fatigue, scalp irritation and hair loss, and headache. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur, but anti-nausea medications can help these symptoms to cope.
5. Treatment of a tone beam. Available only in a limited number of large medical devices in the United States, a tone-beam therapy provides higher targeted radiation doses for brain tumors and minimizes radiation exposure in close-to-healthy tissues. It seems to reduce the short and long term side effects and reduce the possibility of developing new cancers. Treatment with proton beam is very beneficial for children with certain types of brain tumors, because the brain of the child is still evolving and is very sensitive to the effects of radiation with low and moderate dosage.
6. What newest brain tumor treatments? Clinical trials. Clinical trials are studies on new treatments. These studies can give your child the opportunity to try out the latest treatment options, but the risk of side effects may be unknown. Depending on the type and aggression of the tumor and the recovery opportunities (prognosis) for your child, we recommend that you ask your doctor if your child May be eligible to participate in clinical trials.
7. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill tumor cells. Although medicines can be administered orally in the form of pills, in children with brain tumors for children, medicines are usually injected into the blood vessels (intravenous chemotherapy). Many chemotherapy medications are available and the choice depends on the type of cancer. The side effects of chemotherapy depend on the type and dosage of the medicinal product. Frequent adverse reactions to chemotherapy include nausea, vomiting, temporary hair loss and decreased blood cell production (myelosuppression).
8. Rehabilitation after treatment. Because brain tumors can develop in parts of the brain that control motor skills, speech, vision, and thinking, rehabilitation can be an important part of the recovery. Your doctor may contact you for services that may help your child, for example:
Physical therapy that helps your child regain the loss of motor skills or muscle strength; Work therapies to help your child return to their daily activities. Speech therapy If your child has difficulty speaking, and a guide if your child in school-age needs helps in overcoming the changes in memory and thinking after a brain tumor.
Brain tumor symptoms in children – Small studies have been conducted on the treatment of complementary and alternative brain tumors. There are no alternative treatments that could cure brain tumors and some may be dangerous. However, some complementary approaches such as game therapy, music therapy, or relaxation exercises can help your child deal with brain tumors and their treatments. Porozprávajte with your child’s team about the health benefits of this type of activity. Maybe it’s all we can say, thank you for reading the article on treating, diagnosing, causes and symptoms of brain tumors in children and hopefully they are helpful.

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