Metastatic Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy


Metastatic prostate cancer life expectancy without treatment – The problem of life expectancy of advanced prostate cancer is common after a man receives a diagnosis. Questions are not always so easy to answer. Prostate cancer is the cause of more than 1% of the total deaths in men. Its incidence increases by 2%-3% per annum. There are two main reasons for this growth. The first is an increase in life expectancy, and the second is that the testing of the specific prostatic antigen (PSA) allowed early and more accurate diagnosis of the disease. The general prognosis for diagnosed prostate cancer remains weak, with a survival of 70% to 10 years compared to the general population. Approximately 50% of cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage at the local level and about 30% have bone metastases at the time of diagnosis.

Systemic treatment for prostate cancer includes different types of hormone therapy. Bisfosfonații or Radionuclide such as strontium 89 or other isotopes may be used in cases where bone lesions are identified. Other treatments include external radiotherapy and surgical interventions. Chemotherapy has become an additional choice when hormonal treatment fails.

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy

In 1996, in the United States, 317,000 new cases were diagnosed and 41,000 deaths were reported. This last digit represents 13% of the total deaths caused by American cancer. In secular terms, it means that the death of prostate cancer occurs every 13 minutes. In 1990, the same number was recorded in France, with 17,600 new cases and 9,200 reported deaths. However, in 1999, the 33 annual compilation of cancer statistics showed that the incidence of prostate cancer had decreased significantly, with a death reduction of 11% of 1991. Metastatic prostate cancer life expectancy – These statistics also reported an increase of 20% in 10 years of survival, between 1988 and 1995.

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While in 2013, more than 235000 people would be diagnosed with prostate cancer and nearly 30,000 people would die of disease depending on the American Cancer Society (ACS). In general, the survival of prostate cancer is good. According to the ACS, the relative survival rates of 5, 10 and 15 years are very good at almost 100%, 98%, and 93% respectively. See also: Prostate Cancer Spread Metastatic to Bones Life Expectancy.

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy Without Treatment

However, the results vary dramatically based on the stages. For local level (i.e. cancer has not spread beyond the prostate) and regional stadiums (spread in nearby areas such as bladder and lymph nodes), the survival of 5 years is almost 100%. However, cancers that have spread to distant parts of the body, such as lymph nodes, bones or other organs, the survival of 5 years is only 28%.

Certain clinical factors can determine your life expectancy for advanced prostate cancer. These include things like tumor stage, Gleason score, PSA level and previous treatment response. In addition, a number of patient-specific factors, such as age, other medical problems and the current functional state, play a role in life expectancy in the case of advanced prostate cancer.

Metastatic prostate cancer life expectancy – An option that you can discuss with your doctor is Provenge. The best treatment for you. At this point it may not be an exact science, there are a number of choices. This treatment is a new immunotherapy specially designed for your specific cancer. Basically, some of your cells. Immune cells are removed from the bloodstream and specifically treated to develop your personal Provenge infusion. When you are given as an infusion, these cells find and attack the advanced prostate cancer cells in your body. With this treatment, the PSA level may not decrease and may take time to work, so it is not optimal for patients who need a quick response.

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Other options include chemotherapy, such as docetaxel and anti-androgen, such as Abirateron and enzalutamide. Docetaxel, unlike Provenge, is administered to patients with rapid progressive and symptomatic diseases. Abiraterone and enzalutamide can be administered orally and are generally well tolerated by patients. Patients with prostate cancer can live a long time, and new therapies have the potential to allow you to live longer and be more productive.

In addition, approximately 75% of metastatic prostate cancer is sensitive to hormones. The average response time to the androgen deficiency is about 18 months, survival after the second line treatment ranges from 6 to 10 months.

Early treatment for symptomatic patients or for those suffering from progressive disease, hormonal therapy is considered compulsory. However, for patients who are not susceptible to non-symptomatic hormones, this may not always be the case. Hormonal treatment has unwanted side effects, especially sexual ones. Metastatic prostate cancer life expectancy – The cost of such care can also be great. It is also important to note that hormone therapy remains effective in asymptomatic patients. However, the delay in treatment with only nine months presents the risk of compressing the spinal cord.

Sometimes castration is performed, castration is performed either surgically with bilateral orchiectomy, either medicativ with agonists LHRH, such as Triptorelina, Leuproreline, Busereline and Goserelina. This treatment can sometimes cause a paradoxical effect, which is usually described as  “inflammation”. Metastatic prostate cancer life expectancy – This effect is more common in cases of bone lesions and is caused by an initial, temporary increase in the levels of LH and testosterone. This can cause bone pain that lasts about a week. This phenomenon explains the necessity of taking a AA for two weeks before and after medical castration to avoid this relapse effect.

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