Wilms Tumor Staging


Wilms tumor staging ( stage 4, 3, 2 and survivors ) – The cancer stage describes the extent of its spread. Treatment and prognosis (outlook) of your children depends, in large part, on the stage of cancer. Staging is based on the results of the physical examination and imaging tests (ultrasound, CT, etc.), which is explained in the tumor Wilms tests, as well as on the results of the surgery to remove the tumor if it was done. Staging is a way of describing where the tumor is located, if or where it has spread, and whether it affects other parts of the body.

Doctors use diagnostic tests to know the stage of the tumor so staging may not be complete until all tests are completed. Wilms tumor staging – Knowing the stage helps doctors decide the best treatment and can help predict the prognosis of the child, which is a chance for recovery. There is a description of the different stages for different types of tumors.

A working system is a standard way for the cancer treatment team to summarize the level of the tumor. In the United States has a system of staging the children’s oncology group most often used to describe the degree of spread of the tumor Wilms. The system is divided into 5 stages of Wilms tumor using the Roman numerals I to V.

Wilms Tumor Staging

Staging Of Wilms Tumor

Wilms tumor staging – Wilms tumor is performed on the basis of the results of operations, analysis of cancer cells, and whether cancer has spread. See also: Chemotherapy For Breast cancer Stage 2.

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1. Stage I. that the tumors contained in the one kidney and raised completely surgically. The layer of tissue surrounding the kidney (the renal capsule) is not during the surgery damaged. Cancer has not grown into blood vessels in or next to the kidney. Tumors were a biopsy of the breast before surgery to lift.

2. Stage II. The tumor has grown outside the kidney, to the nearest or fatty tissue into the blood vessels in or in the vicinity of the kidney, but was completely abolished with the surgery with no cancer left behind. The nearby lymph nodes (Bean-sized collection of immune cells) do not contain cancer. Tumors were a biopsy of the breast before surgery.

3. Stage III. Cancer is located in the area near the kidney and cannot be completely removed surgically. The tumor may spread to nearby organs and blood vessels or throughout the stomach and to nearby lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped organs that help fight infection. Stage III cancer has not spread beyond the stomach.

Wilms tumor staging – It refers to the stage of the tumor Wilms, who most likely has not been completely removed. Remaining cancer after surgery confined to the abdomen (stomach). There may be one or more of the following features:

  • Cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the abdomen or pelvis, but not to the lymph nodes, which are farther away, such as in the chest.
  • Cancer has grown into the vital structures in the vicinity, so surgeons could not remove it completely.
  • The deposition of the tumor (tumor implants) is found in all layers of the gastric space.
  • Cancer cells are found in the sample operation was performed, a sign that some of cancer still remained after the surgery. In addition, the cancer cells “spilled” into the abdominal space before or during the operation.
  • The tumor was eliminated in more than one part, for example, the tumor is in the kidney and the adrenal gland near the, which removed separately and biopsy of the tumor is usually performed before the removal of the surgically.
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4. Stage IV and V. At stage IV, cancer has spread by the blood to the kidney organs, like the lungs, liver, brain, or bone, or to lymph nodes far away from the kidney. Wilms tumor staging – While in the fifth stage, the cancer cells are in both kidneys at the same time. Tumors of the kidney are carried out in every particular. Usually, a tumor found at the time of diagnosis.

5. In addition to the stage I-V is also known as refractory and recurrent. The refractory tumor is a tumor that does not diminish during or after treatment. And a recurrent tumor is a tumor that has returned after treatment. The tumor can be back in the area where he first started, or in other parts of the body. Wilms tumor staging – If the tumor is indeed back, there will be another round of tests to determine the level of recurrence. Tests and a scan is often similar to that at the time of initial diagnosis.

In general, cancer staging low-more likely to be successfully treated than cancers in the stadium. This is especially true for Wilms tumor with histological anaplastic. The stages the same for tumors, regardless of histology.

Other important factors in determining the prognosis and treatment of Wilms tumor is the histological tumor, based on how the tumor cells look under a microscope. Histology can be profitable or anaplastic. This is how the tumor cells look under a microscope. Favorable histology is usually associated with a better prognosis. Wilms tumor staging – Histology of a tumour anaplastic usually not treated by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy and requires more aggressive treatment. About 10% of Wilms tumor histology is anaplastic. Tumors in people aged 12 to 16 years more likely anaplastic.

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